Chapter 22
The Power to Overcome
This chapter is addressed to you who want to do right— who have had those stirrings in your heart to live worthily no matter what others may say— and to you who want to have such feelings. I have a strong desire to share truths which, if understood and lived, can fundamentally change your life if needed. I ask you to help me. As you read, will you prayerfully consider these things in your mind and your heart, so that my prayer that you will be helped can be answered?
For a piece of wood to catch fire, it must first be heated to a temperature at which it ignites; then it can burn by itself. The initial heating requires energy from outside. When the wood is ignited and the conditions are right, it becomes self- sustaining and gives beneficial light and heat. In the same way, the early years of life are often spent in absorbing help from parents and others as one prepares to be more self- sufficient. I want to help you catch fire spiritually, that you may enjoy the marvelous experience of radiating strength to others while you continue to grow and develop yourself.
There is a more intense fire than that of burning wood. It is produced from a mixture of aluminum powder and metal oxide. By itself, this mixture is cold and lifeless, but when it is heated to the ignition temperature, it becomes a self- sustaining source of brilliant light and intense heat. Once it ignites it cannot be put out by ordinary means. It will burn under water or in other environments that extinguish an ordinary flame. When it burns, it does not depend on its surroundings for support. It is self- sustaining. The spiritual flame in some is easily quenched by the world around them. Yet others live so as to be strengthened and nurtured by the Lord. They not only overcome the temptations of the world, but their unquenchable spirit enriches the lives of others around them. They burn brightly in all circumstances. You can be that way if you are not already.
Two missionaries who were aflame spiritually had spent an active day establishing a branch of the Church in the remote village of Chacopampa, Bolivia. The tiny village had no electricity, no running water, no streets, and not even rustic sanitary facilities. The reputation of trusted, devoted missionaries in the adjacent village of Quiriza had preceded them. They had been in this humble place but a few days.
At 5:30 that morning, they had taught a family before the husband left for the fields. Later they had struggled to plaster their adobe walls to keep out blood- sucking insects. During the week they had laid a small cement floor and had hung a five- gallon can with a shower head to keep clean. They had begun a sanitation facility and put new gravel and sand in their water filter. For part of the day they had worked beside men in the fields to later teach them. They were exhausted and ready for welcome rest.
Then they heard an anxious knock at their crude wooden door. A small girl was crying. She had been running and was gasping for air. They struggled to piece together her message, delivered amid sobs in a torrent of words. Her father had suffered a severe head injury while riding his donkey in the darkness. She knew he would die unless the elders saved his life. Men of the village were at that moment carrying him to the missionaries. She pleaded for her father's life, then ran to help him.
The seriousness of their desperate situation began to engulf these missionaries. They were in a village with no doctors or medical facili ties. There were no telephones. The only means of communication was over a rough road up a riverbed, and they had no vehicle. The people of the valley trusted them. The missionaries were not trained in medicine but they were two elders with the priesthood of God. They did not know how to care for a serious head wound, but they knew Someone who did. They knelt in prayer and explained their problem to an understanding Father in Heaven. They pleaded for guidance, realizing that they could not save a life without His help. They felt impressed that the wound should be cleansed, closed with needle and thread, and the man given a blessing. One companion asked,“ How will he stand the pain? How can we cleanse the wound and bless him while he is in so much suffering?" They knelt again and explained to their Father,“We have no medicine. We have no anesthetic. Please help us to know what to do. Please bless him, Father."
As they arose, friends arrived with the injured man. Even in the subdued candlelight, they could see he had been severely hurt. He was suffering greatly. As they began to cleanse the wound, an unusual thing occurred. He fell asleep. Carefully, anxiously, they finished the cleansing, closed the wound, and provided a makeshift bandage. When they laid their hands on his head to bless him, he awoke peacefully. Their prayer had been answered and the danger to his life resolved. He recovered completely. The trust of the people increased, and a branch of the Church was strengthened.
The missionaries were able to help in an emergency because they trusted in the power of the Lord. They knew how to pray with faith for help with a problem they could not resolve themselves. Because they were obedient to the Lord, He trusted them and answered their prayer. They had learned how to recognize the answer when it came as a quiet prompting of the Spirit. You have that same help available to you as you continue to live for it. For the Savior has taught,“ Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, which is right, believing that ye shall receive, behold it shall be given unto you.” 1
Two young missionaries were walking down a dusty road. In their hands they carried the scriptures, and in each heart burned a desire to share truth. They saw on the ridge of a hill a group of horsemen laughing and pointing toward them. They sensed they were in severe danger. Each prayed for help as a huge man on a powerful horse galloped down the hill toward them. His menacing whip slashed the air and cracked threateningly. He thundered closer. The sneer on his face communicated his cruel intent to harm them. Suddenly, he reined in his horse, paused, whirled, and disappeared down the valley. These elders had prayed urgently in their minds and hearts for help. They were living worthily. The Lord therefore could protect them against the danger they were helpless to avoid. Your determination to live righteously will make it possible for you to be protected from the dangers that surround you. It will also provide great peace.
God can protect whom He wills to protect. If someone is hurt or killed, that does not necessarily mean that the person is living unworthily. What I have shared in the above examples is to illustrate that your obedience and your faith give you the greatest assurance of protection in times of need.
You may be facing overwhelming challenges. Sometimes they are so concentrated, so unrelenting, that you may feel they are beyond your capacity to control. Don't face the world alone.“ Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.” 2 Trust is one of the principal foundation stones to a life of peace with happiness and joy.
In many ways, the world is like a jungle, with dangers that can harm or mutilate your body, enslave or destroy your mind, or decimate your morality. It was intended that life be a challenge, not so that you would fail, but that you might succeed through over-coming. Throughout life you face difficult but vitally important decisions. There surrounds you a potent array of temptations, destructive influences, and camouflaged dangers. I am persuaded that today, no one, no matter how gifted, strong, or intelligent, will avoid serious problems without seeking the help of the Lord. I repeat: Don't face the world alone. Trust in the Lord.
I repeat an admonition expressed in other chapters: if you or one you love has seriously sinned, it is essential to repent— now. It is not good to violate the commandments of the Lord. It is tragic to do nothing about it. Sin is like cancer in the body. It will never heal itself. It will become progressively worse unless cured through the medicine of repentance. Where there is a need you can be made completely whole, new, purified, and clean every whit through the miracle of repentance. Trust in the Lord. He knows what He is doing. He already knows of your problems. And He is waiting for you to ask for help.
Have you ever had the feeling you are walking alone down a dark tunnel that gets ever more depressing? That no one seems to care? That life gets more and more complicated and discouraging? You may have been following a path many others have trod. It often begins with self- pity, then develops into self- indulgence, and, if not checked, leads to gross selfishness. Unless overcome by serving others, selfishness leads to serious sin, with its depressing feelings and binding chains. It is the crowbar Satan uses to open a heart to temptation in order to destroy agency. He would bind mind and body through crippling habits and separate us from our Father in Heaven and His Son by cultivating selfishness.
If you have had such feelings of depression, turn around— literally, turn your life around. The other end of the tunnel is filled with light. No matter where you have been or what you have done, that light is always available to you. Satan will try to convince you that you have gone too far to be saved. That is a lie. Or he will try to persuade you that there is a shortcut to relief. There is none. It must be done the way God has decreed.
You will need some help to get started. The scriptures are a good place to begin. A father, mother, brother, sister, bishop, or friend will help. As you move nearer to the light through repentance, you will feel better about yourself and more confident in your future. You will rediscover how wonderful life really is. The Savior gave His life so you and I can correct mistakes, even the most serious ones. Our Father's plan is perfect. It always works for each one who follows the rules.
Getting through the hazards of life requires understanding, skill, experience, and self- assurance like that required of a basketball player to sink a difficult basket under pressure. In the game of life, that is called righteous character. When strengthened by obedience and worthy acts, correct decisions forge strong character that will bring victory in time of great need.
Righteous character is a foundation of spiritual strength that enables you to make difficult, extremely important decisions correctly when they seem overpowering. Righteous character is what you are. It allows you to be trusted. Be honest. Righteous character is based on integrity. Never lie to yourself. A lie can give temporary advantage, but it brings with it long- term difficulties. Make no premeditated plans to do wrong, no lies to gain advantage, no falsehood to cover mistakes. When you are completely honest with yourself and measure your acts against what you know is right, you will not be dishonest with anyone. Moreover, you will make sure the Lord can bless you when you need it. When you are tempted to break a commandment and hide it from others, don't do it. It will always hurt you. Satan will see to that. He'll make it known at the worst possible time because he wants to destroy you.
You may have observed how some of your friends try to live a double standard of life. They want to appear to their family and Church leaders as though they are doing the right things, but secretly they do otherwise. They may have moments of excitement they consider pleasure, but they can never be at peace or truly happy. They fight against themselves internally and run the risk of destroying mind and body. When you are alone with your friends, talk about doing good and being good. The feelings you will have, the promptings that will come to you, will powerfully motivate you for good. Those who do wrong and scheme to get away with it will never know such feelings. If you don't feel comfortable with the thought of discussing good with your friends, they are not your friends. Find better friends.
Each of us has a natural, powerful desire to be accepted, to be liked, to be somebody. Years ago, I learned something of the price we must pay for trust and worthy recognition. During a summer break, I found a job on an oyster boat in Long Island Sound. Eight of us lived together in an area not much larger than twice the size of the cab of a big semi trailer tractor. At first, I was considered a spy for the owner, then a kid who didn't have courage to live like a man. They were very hard on me. Finally, when they understood I would not abandon my principles, we became friends. Then privately, one on one, some asked for help.
You know what is right and wrong. Be the leader in doing right. At first, you may not be understood. You may not have the friends you want right away, but in time they will respect you, then admire you. Many will come privately to receive light from your spiritual flame. You can do it. I am confident that you can do it. When your life complies with the will of the Lord and is in harmony with His teachings, the Holy Ghost will be your companion in need. You will be able to be inspired by the Lord to know what to do. When needed, your efforts will be fortified with divine power. Like the missionaries we have discussed, you can be protected and strengthened to do what alone would be impossible.
The Lord needs you for His purposes. Live His commandments. Learn to follow the promptings of the Spirit. Keep your spiritual flame burning brightly. Live to have trust in the Lord. Live to be trusted and helped by Him.
As you have read this message, you may have been prompted by the Spirit regarding private things the Lord wants you to do something about. You may have been impressed to know what to do. Those feelings are the very most important thing you can gain from this chapter. They are a personal message from the Lord to you. Remember that message. Write it down. Follow it precisely, now, for your enduring happiness.
Notes to Chapter 22: The Power to Overcome