In February 1945, just three weeks after the Wolf’s Lair was blown up, Russian intelligence confirmed in an official report what was found during its investigation of the site. The translated document reads:
Special File /-/.s.?92
Top Secret
Stamp: removed from secret file
The People’s Commissar of the interior of USSR
Comrade L P Beria
As it is known to you from numerous operational materials Hitler’s headquarters was in East Prussia in the neighbourhood of the town of Rastenburg [now Ketrzyn]. After the occupation of this area by our armies we have undertaken a search for a place where Hitler’s military quarters were situated.
With this purpose in view we have taken advantage of the operational materials in our possession as well as disclosures by various arrested men. The result was that on 14 February 1945 in the region of the Masurian Lakes in the triangle between Rastenburg, Lotzen and Angerburg, with the radius of some 50 kilometres a place was found where Hitler had his quarters. There was also found Himmler’s headquarters, Ribbentrop’s residence, the High Commands of the Land Forces’ quarters, and the Hotel ‘Hunters’ House’, where high ranking officers used to stop who had appointments with Hitler. When we were in the location we made a thorough survey of the area and buildings in which Hitler, Himmler and Ribbentrop were staying. We also inspected the quarters of the High Command of German Land Force. The area where Hitler’s quarters were situated, included concrete constructions, fences of barbed wired, minefields, a large number of fixed posts made of earth and wood, and an extensive array of well camouflaged emplacements for security guards. The extensive security suggests that the quarters would have been very difficult to penetrate.
1. Hitler’s quarters were situated near Rastenburg, in a forest and covered an area of about 4 square kilometres. In the neighbourhood of the quarters, within a 10-kilometre radius extends a forbidden zone. No buildings or inhabitants are there. A road and railway line are leading to the place where Hitler’s headquarters were situated. In the territory of the headquarters the ways of access, their borders and vacant ground were all mined. At the entrance to the forest where the quarters are situated, there is the first barrier. On both sides are the inscriptions: ‘Stop Military Object. No Admittance to Civilians’. Behind the barrier is an announcement: ‘It is forbidden to leave this road. Danger to life. Commanding Officer’. Similar announcements are placed all around the quarter’s area. The forest is entirely surrounded on the outside by several rows of barbed wire, among which are obstacles constructed out of twisted wire of the type ‘Spirala Bruno’. On the right-hand side of the barrier are some sheds with a large number of mines and camouflaging materials, whereas on the left-hand side are barracks for the soldiers manning the site. At the same place grenades and motor car materials were also kept. Further on, in the depth of the forest stand camouflage watch towers up to the height of 35 metres. On the left- and right-hand sides of the road are access ditches and trenches at a distance of about 1.5 metres from the first barrier. [Further on] there is a second barrier. Nearby is the following inscription: ‘The persons who enter this area must report at the Commandant’s Guard House’. Beyond the second barrier begins the second ring of wire fences. It is constructed of special iron hoops in several rows which encompass Hitler’s headquarters. Apart from the wire fences there was another fence set up with a metal net and topped with barbed wire. Presumably, the fence and the net were conductive to a high tension electric current.
Beyond gate No.1, begins an area occupied by the quarters themselves. It contains up to 12 enormous buildings which the Germans call ‘bunkers’. All bunkers have been blown up. Bunkers are concrete buildings erected above the surface and contain ceilings made of rafters. The height of the bunker reaches approximately 14 metres, thickness of its side walls 5 metres, and thickness of concrete ceilings made of rafters may be up to 8 metres. Inside the bunkers were some passages going through. Their width was up to 2 metres. In the bunkers were discovered gaps going down, but it could not be established whether there were any underground constructions since the explosions have filled the gaps with rubble. The concrete buildings – bunkers – were serving as shelters against air-raids … All bunkers and the other buildings of concrete are painted in the colour of the surrounding forest. Over the surfaces of the bunkers and other buildings are spread special camouflage nets together with artificial trees and bushes placed there. Alleys and roads around the buildings are covered with green camouflage nets. Roads and ways of access to the buildings were lit by navy blue electric lamps with shades.
Beyond the second ring of the wire fences, numerous concrete gun posts and other protective measures extended to the third ring of the wire fences as well as a metal railing surrounding the main part of the quarters in which Hitler presumably resided. Within the third ring of the wire fences a concrete bunker with an adjoining little house is situated. The house has a ground floor only and its window shutters are made of steel plates. Around this building are distributed more than 10 gun posts. Eight metres away from the bunkers is a garage for sixteen motor cars. Having got into the interior that was destroyed as the result of an explosion in the building adjoining the bunker we found a corridor with six rooms on the left side. On the right side of the corridor was one large room only in which apparently conferences were held. In the six rooms were beds and wardrobes; in one of the rooms in the wall was a safe which proved to be empty on opening. The pieces of furniture were simple, beds made of wood and metal, no soft furniture at all. At the end of the corridor were toilets and a special entrance to the bunker. When an air raid was imminent Hitler probably was using this concrete passage in his bunker. The following materials show that Hitler was situated here:
1) On one of the doors of the rooms where Hitler was supposed to stay was the inscription ‘Führer’s Aide-de-Camp of the Army’.
2) The order issued by the commandant of Hitler’s quarters dated 8 January 1945 refers to the necessity of keeping secrets as incumbent on all military personnel employed in this particularly important objective. The order conventionally calls the object ‘Wolfschanze’, which means translated, ‘Wolf’s Lair’. We have verified this name with the interpreters and German officers under arrest. The arrested men have confirmed that Hitler’s quarters was conventionally called ‘Wolf’s Lair’, and this is a well known fact to the higher ranking officers of the German Army. The term ‘Wolfschanze’ seems to be connected with a historical origin of the name Adolf, which means ‘a brave Wolf’ in old Germanic.
3) A Photograph of Hitler and Mussolini with some generals in the quarters. Moreover, we found in the area of Hitler’s quarters a list of telephone holders there. Hitler appears on the list as No.1, then follows his ADC, Chief of General Staff etc. A topographical map was also found on which locations of Hitler’s headquarters, Himmler’s headquarters, the High Command of the Land Forces’ quarters, and Ribbentrop’s residence were marked. There was also found a document from ‘Todt Organization’ dated 18th January 1945, with reference to additional building works to be made in the area of Hitler’s quarters. Not far from Hitler’s building, on the other side of the railway line is a concrete bunker, in which – according to the inscription – a command centre and anti-aircraft staff of Hitler’s quarters were stationed.
2. Himmler’s headquarters. These occupy an area of approximately four square kilometres, in a forest, at a distance of ten kilometres from the town of Angerburg. A road and railway line leads from Himmler’s headquarters to connect them with Hitler’s quarters. Around the headquarters for about three kilometres extend three lines of wire fences. The spaces between the fences are mined. Like in Hitler’s quarters there is a fence of metal net topped by barbed wire. The fence is surrounded by well camouflaged high watch towers set up on trees. Between the first and second line of the wire fences on all corners, were gun post positions and mines. Between the second and third line of the wire fences were some buildings of concrete, brick and wood, as well as some 20 underground bunkers for Himmler’s personal guards. It is known from the documents found that units of the SS were employed here. Along the road of Himmler’s quarters were placed inscriptions to the effect that deviation from the road was forbidden and dangerous to life. Within the centre ring of the fences and fence of metal net were 5 concrete bunkers of the same type as in Hitler’s quarters, and a whole series of other buildings. All bunkers and buildings were blown up with an exception of one bunker that cracked only as the result of an explosion, but did not crumble into pieces at all. Within the area of Himmler’s quarters was a small prison which burnt down, but the five concrete cells inside were still standing. The prison was guarded by a special police battalion whose commander was Major Krumme.
Aside from the bunkers and other buildings some wooden sheds were preserved intact. They were carefully swept, but no documents or notes whatever were left behind and all furniture was taken away. In some rooms straw and bottles of kerosene were found. It is believed that the sheds were intended for destruction by fire.
It is obvious from the materials in hand that during his stay, Himmler in the quarters was living and working in a special train which remained camouflaged in the quarters area. It has been confirmed that in the area of Himmler’s quarters there was in fact a branched-off railway line and under close scrutiny it has been suggested that the train could not be seen even at close distance. All access ways to the train were mined along their borders. The side line was surrounded by dense barbed wired. Near the place where the train was stationary were defensive positions.
The camouflaging of the whole of Himmler’s quarters was prepared with the same thoroughness as that of Hitler’s quarters, and the same materials were used. The transformation cabin through which the electric current was supplied to the quarters was not blown up. A dense net of telephone and telegraph cables was installed at Himmler’s quarters.
3. The quarters of the High Command of the German Land Force was situated at a distance of 15 kilometres from the town of Angerburg on the road from Angerburg to Rastenburg on the shore of Lake Mauersee. A road and railway line connected these quarters with the quarters of Hitler and Himmler. A forbidden zone barring any admittance starts at five kilometres before the railway station. At the road there is a large inscription to the effect that the road is closed to civilians between the localities Stobben – Pastdorf. The forest in which the quarters were encompassed consisted of several rows of wire fences. Access ways to those on all sides were mined and the signs around them read: ‘Mines’.
In the area of the quarters were placed the same inscriptions as at Hitler’s quarters, which warned that deviation from the road was a threat to life. Around the area of the quarters were underground shelters and trenches as well as numerous posts for anti-aircraft artillery. Inside the quarters there were some twenty concrete bunkers of the same type as in Hitler’s quarters, but smaller in size. Apart from the bunkers there was a considerable amount of wooden sheds built for habitation. They had brick foundations and they were equipped with central heating and electric lights. The majority of the bunkers were intact. No documents were found inside. In the area of the quarters were a large number of the concrete and earth shelters as well as narrow openings for anti-aircraft artillery. There were some ten watch towers. All buildings and constructions were camouflaged. They conveyed an impression of woodland. The quarters were connected with a large number of telephone and telegraph cables. In the quarters area of the High Command of the German Land Forces was found correspondence of the General of Engineer units at the General Staff, General Inspector of the Panzer troops, TODT Organization of the General Staff, General Inspector of the Commander-in-Chief of the General Staff, Commanding Headquarters of the Commander-in-Chief of the German Army, Department of Alien Force ‘East’ and the Chief of Staff of the German Land Forces. It follows from the documents that this was the place where the Commander-in-Chief of the German Land Forces had his quarters.
4. Ribbentrop’s residence was situated in the land property of Count Lehndorff at a distance of some 30 kilometres from the town of Rastenburg on the road Rastenburg – Angerburg. It is a one storey brick building with a mansard. The first half of the house was occupied by Ribbentrop with his Foreign Ministry Personnel. Count Lehndorff being a member of a military plot in Germany was shot dead in 1944. Personal guards of Ribbentrop, of which there were 60 men, were distributed in underground shelters and around neighbouring localities. A road with a good surface led from the property to the quarters of Hitler and Himmler.
5. A Hotel called ‘The Hunters’ Lodge’ is situated at a distance of 2 kilometres from the town of Angerburg on the road Angerburg – Lotzen, on the shore of Lake Schwenzeitsee. Documents show that this hotel provided a temporary accommodation for high ranking officers of the German Command who had appointments with Hitler. The hotel is comfortably equipped and has good furniture. Its whole area is surrounded by wiring. Around the fences are access ditches and narrow openings. The camouflage gave the area an impression of a massive forest. In this area were watch towers from which the countryside may be observed with a radius of a few kilometres. There are inscriptions: ‘No admittance to civilians. Stop. Motor cars are not allowed to stop longer than two minutes.’
The Hotel is connected with Hitler’s quarters by an asphalt road. An airfield is not far from the Hotel. Sentinels from the NKVD units were placed by us in the area occupied by Hitler’s quarters and Himmler’s quarters, High Command’s of the German Land Forces quarters and Ribbentrop’s residence. Our men make a further search for all documents that may be of interest. In my opinion it would be of a matter of interest for our specialists to come to the area of Hitler’s quarters to inspect all concrete buildings – bunkers.
Plenipotentiary NKVD USSR at the 3rd Byelorussian Front – Abakumov.
Sent to:
Comrade Stalin
Comrade Molotov
Comrade Malenkov
22nd February 1945
Nr 164/b
For concordance: An. Gumilev.26