Security Zone I
RSD, SS-Begleitkommando
RSD (Rattenhuber Chief of HQ security)
FBB Guards
(Security mainly consisted of FBB guards, but later in the War more SS were used to increase security)
Security Zone II
FBB Guards
RSD, SS-Begleitkommando
Security Zone III & IV
FBB Quarters
III Platoon 2nd Company FBB
Guard Platoon 7 FFA
Search Light Section
Supply Section 1st Company FBB
Special Commando ‘W’
1st Company FBB
Signal Platoon
I Platoon 1st Company FBB
I Platoon 3rd Company
I Platoon 1st Company
FBB (2nd Lt Stumpf)
III Platoon 1st Company
FBB (Lt Seidte)
Troop Quarters
Office 1st Company
Fire Fighting Company
Enlisted men, Staff Commandant
II Platoon 3rd Company
III Platoon 3rd Company
FBB (Lt Pieper)
Officer 3rd Company
I Platoon 3rd Company (Lt Wegmann)
Guard House West
Guard House East
Guard House South
Guard Quarters
Guard House I
Sergeant Major Hildebrand
Lt Kessel Quarters
II Platoon 1st Company FBB
II Platoon 1st Company FBB
Guard House II
Major Gnass Quarters
Officers Kasino 3rd Company
Throughout the Wolf’s Lair installation, guards manned the gun emplacements, bunkers, anti-aircraft gun towers, machine-gun towers, and machine-gun emplacements around the clock. On the outer perimeter of the headquarters there were a number of security guard posts of the FBB. Inside and outside the fences throughout the HQ area there were also telephones, waters taps, foxholes and short trenches, dugouts, munitions depots and minefields. Inside Security Zone III and IV were guard houses, special commandos, quarters, barracks and supplies of the FBB.