Following the assassination attempt on Hitler on 20 July 1944, security at the Wolf’s Lair was increased and elements of Hitler’s personal bodyguard detachment, the Leibstandarte-SS Adolf Hitler, arrived and occupied all major points inside the compound and sealed off Security Zone I. All SS guards were added to every FBB post inside and outside the headquarters. An entire SS alert unit was employed inside Security Zone I. The bulk of the weapons and equipment used by the Leibstandarte at the Wolf’s Lair was more or less identical to that used by the FBB. The Leibstandarte arrived at the headquarters with a large variety of weaponry, everything from small arms to heavy tanks. Below is a list of weaponry stocked by the SS at the Wolf’s Lair in 1944.
Small Arms
Pistole 08 Pistol or Luger
Pisztoly 37M Hungarian Service Pistol
Frommer 7.65mm Hungarian Pistol
Model 1914 Norwegian Service Pistol
Maschinenkarabiner 42
Gewehr 41 (W) Self-Loading Rifle
Maschinenpistole (MP) 28
Maschinenpistole (MP) 43
Sturmgewehr 44 (Assault Rifle)
Maschinenpistole (MP) 38
Maschinenpistole (MP) 40
Kar 98K Bolt-Action Rifle
Infantry Support Weapons
Maschinengewehr 34 (MG)
Maschinengewehr 42 (MG)
5cm Leichte Granatwerfer (leGW) 36 Mortar
Flammenwerfer (FIW) 41
Steilhandgrenate 39
Anti-Tank and Anti-Aircraft Weapons
7.92mm Panzerbüsche 38 Anti-Tank Rifle
7.92mm Panzerbüsche 39 Anti-Tank Rifle
3.7cm Pak 35/36 Anti-Tank Gun
5cm Pak 38 Anti-Tank Gun
7.5cm Pak 40 Heavy Anti-Tank Gun
8.8cm Pak 43 Heavy Anti-Tank Gun
Faustpatrone 30 Anti-Tank Rocket
Raketenpanzerbüsche (RPzB) 54 Anti-Tank Rocket Launcher
2cm Flugabwehrkanone (Flak) 30
2cm Flugabwehrkanone (Flak) 38
8.8cm Flugabwehrkanone (Flak) 18
10.5cm leFH 18 Light Field Howitzer
7.5cm Leichte Feldkanone 18 (leFK)
7.5cm Feldkanone 40 (FK 40)
Armoured Cars
Artillery Prime Mover Halftracks
Light Armoured Reconnaissance Halftracks
Sd.Kfz.250 Series
Light Ammunition Carrier Halftrack
Medium Armoured Personnel Carrier Halftrack
Assault Guns and Tank Destroyers
Panzerjäger Marder.III
Panzerjäger Wespe