1. Structured fitness classes are a good way to learn how to dislike all types of physical activity and never look forward to them. As these types of activities usually focus on performing a specific exercise and engaging a specific set of muscles instead of fun and self-mastery, it’s better to avoid them and pick something that has always appealed to you.

On the other hand, if you enjoy these classes, by all means continue them – the key is to find something you find fun, regardless what others think about it.

2. You don’t have to practice a specific sport to engage in physical activity. There are at least nine ways to move your body while not performing a particular sport. These ideas include: going to a body of water, hiking, keeping up with a kid, playing dexterity games like Twister, dancing, playing with or walking a dog, traveling, having sex, and gardening or other types of outdoor activities.

3. If you need to perform a specific type of activity but don’t look forward to it, make it more enjoyable by either discovering the little pleasant things about it (for instance, the calming feeling of stretching your muscles) or making the experience more bearable by listening to your favorite music or doing it with a friend.