Chapter Two



"Melanie, I was afraid I'd miss you." Corinne was saying, her soft smile, light banter, honest and always explicit personality, was a driving force for Melanie's sanguine characteristics. They seem to fit each other from the beginning. They'd been best friends since the start of their four-year stint in college and that would never change.

Corinne stood on her side of the dorm room, packing her stuff. She'd already moved most everything out though, she just needed to get her clothes and personal stuff.

"Where are you moving to, do you know?" Melanie asked putting her blonde hair in a short pony tail. She usually wore it around her shoulders, turned under, but she didn't want to sweat while she worked. She needed to get it out of her eyes.

"San Antonio girl, I'm starting in a new law firm. Can you believe it? I'll be a legal researcher at first. I'll have to work my way into a full partnership, but hey, it can be done." Corinne laughed.

"And you’re the one to do it." Melanie chuckled. "Always so positive, I love it for you. I know you can, you have such a great grade average. You could choose anywhere you wanted." She seemed to study her a moment, then blurted, "isn't Jared from San Antonio?"

Corinne's red lips made a wide arc. "He is; why do you think I chose a new law firm in San Antonio. I got three offers and this one was the best. This was no accident, my friend, I will get to see him during the holidays when he comes home from law school." Corinne chuckled. "That is if he still wants to. I haven't told him I'm moving down there yet. I was hoping for an engagement announcement, but he's been very quiet these last few days."

"Hang in there, it will happen. He's crazy about you. It's a smart move, on your part. I knew that relationship wasn't over."

"I'm not letting a catch like him get away." Corinne smiled at her. "You know, I'm sorry about you and Brad, it seems like such a waste of four years."

Melanie sighed, "Well, I think our breakup is very wise really. I don't regret it. I've got a new job, and I've found an apartment, so I'm set to start a brand-new life. I'm actually looking forward to it. I got the job at Mercy so I'm very happy about that."

"I can't believe you want to stay here in Houston, haven't you had enough of the place?"

"I like it here, it's familiar, you know."

"And Brad, no regrets at all?" Corinne stared in disbelief, "I mean girl, he was a catch. He was rich, good-looking, and certainly had enough charm."

"None! I guess that sounds funny doesn't it, I mean after four years and all. I don't know why I went with him as long as I did."

"Oh, that's pretty easy, besides all the attributes I just mentioned, he took you to all the school functions. And you were having a blast. I just hate to see it end for you."

"Nothing has ended but our relationship. I'll find someone that better suits me."

"Well, I hope you do find someone you want to keep around." Corinne looked at her with a sad sigh.

Corinne was dressed in sweats and had her curly hair up in a knot on her head. She was a stunning black girl with her smooth complexion and sleek black hair and eyes.

"So, when are you going to start looking for a new boyfriend?" Corinne encouraged.

"I don't know. Men are not on my list of have to haves." Melanie sighed heavily. "When Brad and I broke up, we just couldn't agree about our careers. I think I can safely say that relationship is over. But I'm not that eager for a new one, just yet. You know how you feel when you're at that point of breaking it off. You go through a phase where you just don't care if you have one. Unless I meet someone special, I'm in no hurry."

"I just wish the two of you could have made it work. Sometimes when you love someone you have to give in or give up a lot." Corinne explained.

Melanie hadn't shared some of their rougher moments with Corinne, so her friend didn't have all the facts, and she wouldn't be sharing them now. She was a bit ashamed to say she even dated Brad, knowing his hidden nature. Some things you just didn't discuss with even your best friends.

That was just it, she didn't love Brad. And Brad didn't love her either. She realized that late in the relationship, but they had fun together, for a while…

Brad was such a good catch, everyone else thought, and no one understood why she let him go. But they didn't know everything and she wouldn't be admitting it. Their relationship had been quite rocky those last two months and she saw a side of him she didn't want to see again. It proved to her that when the chips were down, he wasn't a contender.

"You're probably right, but we needed a break from each other. We dated all during college. A lot of kids break up after college because they must go their own way. Brad and I are going in two very different directions. He won't give an inch, and I don't feel like I should start a more permanent relationship with a guy who can't bend a bit too. If I start giving in all the time, then it would set a cycle I don't want to think about. Well, if it was meant to be, something will happen to bring him back. But I don't think so, and maybe that's for the best." Melanie sighed heavily. "If not, I can always start a new relationship, if I ever have the time to invest in one. I'm told work at Mercy General can be quite grueling at times."

"That's a big hospital. You were lucky to get in there. What about that guy you were dating from home, when you first came. Whatever happened to him?"

"Jesse?" Melanie hadn't given Jesse much thought in a while. She still liked Jesse a lot, they got along so well, but he didn't pursue her here and she took it that he was no longer that interested.

"Yeah, what happened to him?"

Melanie tried to remember how it was with Jesse, but she couldn't remember. Jesse wasn't like Brad in that he hadn't known what he wanted to do in life. Last time she dated him her folks were afraid she'd get serious about him, and she did like him, a lot. They were afraid he lacked ambition and that he wouldn't do well. Besides, he never came up here after her, never asked her out again either.

"Kind of the same story. We still talk every now and then but not about us, we're," she paused to find the right word to describe the non-relationship, "good friends. But when Brad asked me to marry him, Jesse quit calling, naturally, and so our relationship sort of fizzled to no relationship. You know how that is. I don't know, he probably got married or something. It just didn't work out. And I do still like him, as far as looks go, he's twice the hunk. I guess the real thing with him was that we were both so young and really didn't know what we wanted at the time. And…he never came after me."

"Oh, then you were hoping?"

"I don't know, it would have been nice if he had. Who knows what might have happened if he had. I never got along with anyone better than Jesse."

"He was a hunk, girl. You introduced him to me once, when he came up here with your parents. He took my breath away. I mean he had such abs. He was all muscle and brawn." She chuckled. "He was absolutely gorgeous."

"Yeah, he's a hard worker too, I can tell you that. Jesse was my first real date. But the same with him, he has his life back home, I have mine here." Melanie didn't feel an attachment for either man right now. In fact, men were not on her mind as of late. She was just too keyed up about her new job, and new place to live. She'd keep busy with both, she was sure. But for now, men were not required to make her happy.

Deep down, she had to admit, she'd been disappointed that Jesse hadn't come up here after her. Who know what might have happened if he had?

"They say you never get over your first love." Corrine glanced at her pensive expression.

"Was he her first love? She remembered their first kiss, it was awkward, but she was in heaven. Still, he knew her parents and he never got fresh with her once. At the time she told herself he was just being a gentleman.

"Oh, but we were so young, and I don't know, I moved here to go to college. I did have a big crush on him at one time. But, you know how it is, we weren't into long distance relationships. My parents didn't approve of a serious relationship at that time and I tried to keep it light."

"Why not?"

"I don't know. I guess it had to do with they didn't think of him as marriage material."

"My God, parents can be so blind. Maybe he's changed? Maybe they were wrong."

"I don't know, I haven't seen him in a while. I dated Brad longer than anyone. But she just didn't what it took to make it work. I mean, not like you and Jason." Melanie sighed. "Maybe I wasn't as gone on him as I thought, because I don't feel like I'm leaving anything behind in that relationship"

"And what about with Jesse?"

She stared at her friend as though in shock. "I guess he really was my first love. But he didn't take chances, he was always worried about what my folks would say. Then when he didn't come up here, I felt he didn't care as much as I did. So I turned him off and quit thinking about him."

"Woe, you were in love with him."

"I was young…"

"Maybe, and just maybe he's the reason you and Brad didn't make it."

"Oh Corinne. No, Brad was the reason. You see, after Jesse, I wouldn't let anyone in that far again. So, on the surface, Brad and I had the perfect relationship. But love, we didn't love each other. We had fun together. We knew all the same people, we went to all the functions, it was fun, until the last. But the pressure we were under if it had been love, we'd have survived like you and Jason. It didn't. Does that make any sense to you? I mean I did date him all through college. But you know how it is, you go with someone in school and its parties and social events, football games and sometimes you don't bother to notice that it's not a 'to die for' relationship. You're having fun, but it's not someone you want to settle down with and marry."

"Someone will come along when you least expect it. Well hey, Mel, I gotta get packing, please keep in touch. And we'll get together every time I'm up this way." Corinne locked her suitcase and stared at her. "And listen girl, from what I hear in your voice, maybe you should revisit Jesse, because whether you realize it or not, he's the one you had feelings for."

"He's probably happily married by now." Melanie sighed.

After a short silence, Melanie looked at her friend.

"You got everything packed already?" Melanie glanced around and realized that her stuff was gone. She hated goodbyes, especially with Corrine. They had been inseparable through college.

"Yeah, my Mom came up day before yesterday with a U-Haul, and I got it all packed and ready to take with me. So, kiddo, I guess this is goodbye for now, you take care."

"Oh Wow, I hate goodbyes." Melanie felt a tear slipping by her.

"So, do I. So, let's just say until later…After all, real friends don't say goodbye. There's always the internet you know. And you do have Skype, don't you?"

"Yes, of course, Jason installed it for me but I haven't used it much. You are so right. Let's be sure and keep in touch." Melanie nodded and hugged her tight. "I've got a million things to do before I start work next week too. Tell Jared hi for me will ya, and please keep in touch. E-mail me, or call me. Or text."

"Will do. You take care of yourself. It's been fun the past four years and I feel like I’m leaving a sister behind. But we'll stay in touch. Love you girl."

"Me too." Melanie smiled.

They hugged and Corrine left.

Strange how empty the place seemed without her, Melanie shrugged slightly and got to work.

Melanie smiled to herself. She hadn't thought about Jesse in a long while. Most everyone who met Jesse was impressed with his good looks. But there was more to Jesse than most people ever saw. He was a nice person. And because Corinne made her look back, she realized that if she'd ever had a first love, it was Jesse. But back then he had been shy and quiet. It was one of the things she liked best about him. He thought about things a lot, he was smarter than he let on, and he hadn't a vain bone in his body. She had only dated him the last year of high school. And when she realized she'd be leaving him behind, it nearly broke her heart. She thought maybe he'd propose to her, but that never happened. And it was for the best. She went to college and now she was going to be a nurse like she'd dreamed about. She had so hoped he'd ask her, but he didn't. Nor did he come up here to get her and sweep her away. It didn't take long to realize that it was a fairy tale she invented, he obviously wanted no part of it.

But he impressed Corinne with his mammoth physic. Granted he was cute, but back then he was less than confident about his future, their relationship would have taken years to develop.

For one, their social status was totally opposite. Jesse unlike Brad was a poor boy, he had to earn everything and that was part of his charm. He was no slacker, he'd do anything to help anyone.

Not that she was poor, but she wanted to learn to live on her own money, something her parents did not understand, and Jesse did. He admired her for it. Melanie wanted to earn her way in life. One of the strong points Jesse appreciated in her. He had told her she was unspoiled. When her inheritance from her grandparents came along, she told Jesse she wasn't touching it. And come to think of it, that's when their relationship started dwindling. Perhaps he thought she was in a new league of people with that money. But she kept to her promise of not touching the money. She put it in a savings and never touched it. She never felt like it was hers to begin with. Had that money driven a silent wedge between her and Jesse?

Had it made him realize that they weren't suited.

Anyway, her going to college changed things and since she became engaged to Brad, she hadn't heard from Jesse very often. She still wondered about him. She shrugged him off though. Jesse liked little towns. She knew her future lay in a bigger town. Although he was talented in that he could do about anything he set his mind to. He was good with his hands, helping his father in the plumbing business. He worked on cars a lot too. He certainly wasn't lazy. But another reality was that her parents though she could do so much better.

Maybe she hadn't met the man of her dreams yet. If there was such an animal, she laughed to herself. The dorm room looked so empty now and Melanie reflected on that. Nostalgia made her remember all the good times she and Corrine had shared here.

It was sad to be saying goodbye to college life, but it was time to start a real life now.

Real life, she contemplated. What did that entail, she wondered? Already overwhelmed at the decisions she'd have to make, she was looking forward to her new adult life.

Funny, when she thought of Brad she wasn't sad about them busting up. But when she thought of Jesse, there was always a sadness there. What was wrong with her. She couldn't seem to keep a solid relationship. She had almost married Brad, but now she wondered why she had ever considered it. She didn't feel the hurt she knew she should be feeling. Maybe she never loved him at all. But if she didn't, then why did she almost marry him? She remembered the day she gave Brad his ring back, he was mad. She didn't like him when he got mad, he had a violent temper. Well, no more men until she got her life together. She'd been wrong to accept Brad's ring in the first place, but all her friends were getting engaged, she didn't want to feel left out. Now looking back, she knew that wasn't a good attitude. She felt now as though maybe she had used him for good times in college. She had known somehow that they'd never marry.

Maybe she was too shallow. She'd work on that.

That bothered her now that she thought of it.

Perhaps she hadn't been right for Brad. Or the other way around. She shrugged the feeling of emptiness away and began to pack. She quickly realized though, that she didn’t' miss Brad, she missed the relationship, having a steady fella. She was shallow!

Melanie was just moving her stereo out of the dorm when the night manager saw her and offered to help her get it to her car.

"Let me help you. Sure, hate to see you go. You've been here all of four years. I get kind of attached to all you girls and then you leave on me. Hard to get used to." Ed Newton said as he took the boxes from her arms and carried them to her car.

"Time to move on," She didn't want his help, or his attachment. He had leered at her for most of the time she'd been here and he gave her the creeps.

"What are you going to do?" He asked curiously.

"I'm working at Mercy General here in town. I got an apartment over close to the hospital and all I need to do is get moved."

"That's great. Maybe we'll bump into each other from time to time, then." He smiled displaying a set of yellow teeth.

She did her best not to notice.

"Yeah, maybe." She tried to smile.

She didn't like Ed Newton. Although she had prided herself not to think better of herself than others, Ed was an exception. He was nosy and he was always hanging around at night. Strangely, he bothered her more than the stranger looking manager at her apartments. Why did people hire people that had such creepy persona's, she wondered?

But she had to admit, Ed looked like a maintenance man. He had to be in his mid-forties, married and smoked all the time. She never saw him without a cigarette in his hand, even while he worked. There were stain marks on his fingers where he carried a cigarette night and day. And his teeth had obviously suffered from all that smoking.

Had she been too judgmental? She wondered. She silently hoped that Ed would go back to his office.

She put the stereo in her car, and now all she had to do was get her bed broke down, and her television out to the car. She could move her clothes out tomorrow.

But the guys that used to hang out with her and Corinne had graduated too and most of them were gone. There were very few students left in the older building.

She didn't want Ed bugging her all night though, especially since Corinne was gone. She had always managed to have Corinne around when Ed lurked about.

She went back to her dorm room and when she was sure Ed went into his office, she snuck out and went across campus to the boy's dorm and knocked on a few doors.

Cal Edwards was still there and he was a big guy. He was tall and muscled and vivacious. "Oh Cal, I'm so glad you are still here. I need some help breaking my bed down and moving my television out. Can you help me?"

"Absolutely sugar, lead the way." Cal was at least six foot four, and a good two hundred and something pounds, but when it came to doing things for others, he was right there. He had a heart of pure gold and some lucky girl wouldn't know what hit her someday, Melanie thought. Why hadn't she fallen for him? Simple he was a football jock and she hated football. She tried to pretend she liked it for Brad's sake, but truth be known, she hated it. She was glad that Brad like basketball better. Brad liked all sports.

"I'm surprised I caught anyone here."

"Yeah only about four guys in my building are still here. The new students will be registering tomorrow and checking out the place."

"That soon, huh?"

"'Fraid so."

"Well then, maybe I better get all my stuff tonight." She said.

"Got much?"

"No, just the bed, and bathroom stuff, the television and the clothes."

"Tell you what, we'll get the bed broke down and the Television ready and I'll haul that in my truck. I'll tend to those while you pack up the clothes and bath stuff, how's that?"

"You are a dear for helping me." She turned to smile at him as they came down the hallway once more to her apartment.

Cal had very short blonde hair and crystal blue eyes that always shined with life. He wasn't bad looking in a brutish sort of way.

"Hey, we've had some good times here, I gotta admit, and it's kinda sad moving on, but this is the reason we were here, wasn't it? Life if full of adventures." He smiled at her.

"I love your attitude." She chuckled. "I don't know why I didn't fall in love with you, Cal." She grinned.

"Me either, honey." He winked with a full-size grin on his face.

Ed stuck his head out, but when he saw Cal, he went back inside with a decided frown.

Melanie glanced at Cal. "I'm so glad to be getting away from that Ed character. He really gives me the creeps." She said as they came inside the apartment.

Cal glanced at the office but Ed wasn't in sight now. "He been giving you some grief?"

"Just, something about him that gives me the willies."

"Where you gonna be working?" Cal asked as he saw her bed.

"Over at Mercy General, can you believe it, I got a job there, starting next week." She screeched with joy. "Everyone has told me that is one hard hospital to get a job at. But I guess they liked my resume."

"Great going. You always were a brain. I had no doubt you'd find a job right off. I mean a honor roll student, what's not to like."

"Where are you going?" She asked noting the fast way he took her bed apart and was ready to carry it to her car.

"Texas A&M." He smiled proudly. "I'm actually studying to be a vet, but I'm on the football team so I'm happy. Always wanted to be an Aggie."

"You made the team?" She gleamed her voice full of excitement for him.

"Yep, I did." He smiled proudly. "Still gonna be a vet though, so got lots more studying to do."

"Congrats Cal. I'm so happy for you." Cal had only been here a couple of years, he'd finish at A&M, she was so glad. She put a hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah, my dad was beside himself, that's where he went to play football." Cal beamed. "Carrying on the tradition."

"Really, that's great. I knew you had hopes of getting in there."

"Yeah, I'm pretty psyched. Okay, you start getting your other stuff together and I'll pull my truck around and load this?"

"OK I'm parked by the side entrance as close to the back door as possible. You know the old Ford we used to pile in to get Pizza." She grinned. "Here's my keys., would you unlock it for me?"

"Okay, I'll be right back." He grinned and hauled the piece of her bed out.

When he left, he left the door open and as she was packing the towels from the bathroom, Ed walked in again.

She didn't see or hear him.

"Can I help you anymore?" He asked looking at her from the bathroom doorway.

"Oh," A chill ran up her spine. She'd hadn't heard him come in. "I got Cal from over in the other dorm to help me. But thanks for offering. I'm sure you got work to do. I really didn't want to bother you."

"No bother…you don't have much stuff." He glanced around.

"No, not much." She tried to grin but fell short.

Cal came back in, and nodded to Ed, then went for the mattress.

Melanie wished he had stayed with her, but no one seemed quite as spooked as Melanie with Ed. It was partly the way he looked at her. As though he were undressing her. It gave her the creeps. Maybe most men were that way that were over thirty. She'd never noticed before.

He didn't leave, instead he just stood there watching her every move.

"Corinne already left?" He asked.

"Yeah, I want to get everything out of here before the new students start looking the rooms over." She explained.

He nodded, but kept staring.

He wasn't staring at the towels, or what she was doing, he was staring at her, blatantly. She had an old pair of jeans on and a t-shirt. She looked pretty rag-tag, she wondered why he bothered.

Cal came back inside for the box springs. "I think I might need you for that." He told her.

"Sure." Melanie was grateful that he needed her.

Ed walked off, "If you need my help, you know where to find me."

"Yes, thanks." Melanie nodded. "I do appreciate the offer."

"I can see why he gives you the creeps." Cal said when the tied the box springs onto the top of her car along with the mattress. "I'll follow you in my truck. Want me to set this bed up for you so you'll have a place to sleep tonight?"

"Would you mind? I mean, I know it's a lot to ask, but I'd so like to get my bed up tonight." She was smiling. "And I'll buy you some supper."

"Not at all, kiddo. I see you are a little upset with the guy. And I am hungry."

"Just glad to be getting out of here."

"Has he ever bothered you before?"

"No, not really. Staring at me mostly. It's the way he stares that has me spooked. And it's all the time. He's in his thirties or forties and someone said he's married. He shouldn't be looking at girls my age like that."

"Well, men look no matter what age, darlin'. You probably won't see him again after you are moved." Cal told her. "You gotta expect it, kiddo, you are a cute girl, and a lot of guys are going to look. No harm in looking you know. As long as they don't act on it."

"Not the way I look tonight. I look awful. But, I hope you are right." Melanie said but something in the back of her mind bothered her. She wasn't far enough away from Ed. That was it!

Why did he spook her so?

She wasn't at all sure why he bothered her. He'd never approached her or tried to touch her in any way, it was just those blatant stares he gave her.

After two trips, they were done. She'd bought Cal's supper and offered to return the favor when he moved, but Cal said he'd have plenty of help.

She'd calmed down now and realized she was probably exaggerating Ed's interest in her. She'd always spooked easy and maybe she read people wrong.

"Thanks for all your help Cal. I couldn't have done it alone." She hugged him.

They had stopped to pick up the pizza too, before she took him back to his dorm and where he left his truck.

Cal had stayed long enough to put up her bed for her and look at her new apartment, and she was so grateful. They sat down and rested a minute and ate the pizza. He assured her she had found a good location considering the hospital was only blocks away.

"Yeah, I was lucky, this was the only apartment they had."

"There you go, God takes care of his own." Cal smiled.

She agreed. "I don't know what I'd done without you, tonight though."

As he finished the pizza he glanced at his watch. "It's getting late, I better get so you can do whatever you got to do before bedtime. Listen, take care of yourself, and if I'm ever this way again, I'll be sure and look you up." Cal told her and hugged her.

She smiled. "I'd like that Cal."

But as she was pulling out of the parking lot of the dorm, a car followed her almost all the way to her apartments. It was an older car, a black Cadillac with dark shaded windows. Was she letting her imagination get to her again? She glanced in her rear-view mirror again, and saw the car turn off just before she came to her apartments. She pulled in and sighed. She had to get control of herself. She was shaking.

Probably just someone headed in the same direction, she reasoned. No use getting so spooked.

She shrugged it off, and as soon as she was back in her apartment, she double locked her doors and checked her windows. Being on the third floor, no one would climb up to her windows, but she felt safer by making sure they were locked. There was, after all, a fire escape.

She double locked her doors, and sighed. She glanced around the apartment again. She didn't hear any noises on the sides of her apartment or from above. It was late, everyone had probably gone to sleep.

She had a small lamp and a wicker table by her bed so she quickly took a shower and climbed into her pjs. It took her a while to realize that without any roommates it was going to be a lot quieter, unless her neighbors were partiers.

The only chair she had was a bean bag, so she threw it in the big middle of her living room for later. Until she bought some furniture, that would have to do.

Her head was full of stuff. She wanted to sleep but it evaded her.

Lying down on her bed, she opened a mystery she'd been reading and relaxed with a soda she'd bought while she and Cal were going back and forth from the dorm to the apartment.

She almost relaxed until…she heard a noise. Trying to master the art of living alone, it terrified her in every way. She'd been one of those kids that was afraid of the dark. And in all her twenty-three years she hadn't gotten over that. That hadn't and wouldn't change. She still expected the boogey man to pop up from under her bed.

The noise was coming from her balcony. A chill ran up her spine. But knowing she had to overcome her fears, she struggled with investigating the sound. She reached in the bottom of her closet for a baseball bat she kept for protection. Now armed, she felt more confident. She tiptoed into the living room and with caution approached the patio door. She peeked out the blinds. There was nothing there, and the wind was blowing so hard though it rattled the railing, that was more than likely what she had heard. She breathed a slight sigh of relief. Still, it bothered her.

She turned the knob of the patio door and cracked it. There was nothing but the wind which had picked up considerably since she returned.

She shrugged it off as an overactive imagination.

It was much later when she finally closed her eyes and went to sleep.