Chapter Eight


That evening Melanie picked a soft pink dress and low heels to wear. It was a modest dress but the color looked great on her.

Dex came by just a tad early and saw her in the dress and whistled. "Nice, I like it." He grinned. "It brings out such a soft color in your eyes." He leaned to kiss her lightly on the lips.

She could smell the enticing scent of his cologne, and she wanted to be near him, but she had pushed him away a bit earlier and she couldn't just run up to him and hug him. Could she? Oh, how she wanted to, but she didn't want to move too quickly. She had to dampen her enthusiasm for now. If it was truly meant to be, it would happen, without prior thoughts.

"I don't have many dresses," she grinned instead.

"Maybe you should invest in a few more. You look great." He gave her a slow approving glance.

She smiled and after locking up she turned to look at him. He was wearing black slacks and a jacket. He looked very handsome and she told him so.

From his grin, she figured he enjoyed the compliment.

His church was small and Dex seemed to know everyone. Perhaps that's why everyone was looking at her.

"Why are they staring?" She whispered.

"Small church, you are new, and very interesting. I've never brought a lady here with me, so they are surprised, and wondering where it might all lead, if you know what I mean." He winked.

She chuckled softly, "Oh my."

"Don't worry, they'll get used to you." He glanced around and saw they really were staring. "The key is whether you come back a second time with me."

She chuckled.

After the sermon and lots of singing, she was introduced to practically the entire church and everyone encouraged her to come back. One rather attractive lady came up to her, giving Dex the eye first, then looking straight into her eyes she accessed her. "Is this your girlfriend Dex?"

The accent was on the word, girlfriend, Melanie noticed.

"Not exactly. She's my neighbor, Ellen, this is Mel, Melanie." He corrected.

"Dex has never brought a woman with him. You must be special." The woman held her hand out to shake, but the insincerity in her voice had Melanie taking a closer look.

She was very attractive, perhaps a tad older than Dex and obviously, a bit miffed by Melanie's attendance.

"Dexter doesn't bring young ladies with him," One older woman told her as Ellen walked away, shooting Dexter a slight nod.

"Well, I'm sort of new to the area." Melanie explained.

"Where do you work hon?" Another lady asked.

"I'm starting at Mercy General tomorrow, as a matter of fact," She answered.

"You're a nurse then?" The woman asked.

"Will be, yes."

"How exciting for you. Well, Dex, bring her back, she's charming." Mrs. Howell insisted. "I like her."

"I'll do that." He grinned.

As they left Dex glanced at her, "You were a hit."

"Was I? All but with that one woman, Ellen?"

Dex shrugged, "I dated Ellen when I first came here, and now she mothers me when I’m around other pretty women."

"She likes you a lot."

"You think?" His comeback was somewhat arrogant and unexpected, but he was a charmer, she admitted. Maybe she should be a bit more wary of his charms.

"Very much so. How long did you date her?"

"About a month. She's too controlling for me." He grinned. "Very possessive. Not to worry, I never even kissed her."

Wanting to put her at ease he took her elbow and guided her out of the church and toward the car. "When Mrs. Howell approves, the whole church approves. Now, hungry?"

"A little…"

"Good, let's check out a seafood place I know about."

"Ever been?"

"Nope, but I've heard good things about it." He told her.

"I'm game then."

"That's what I like about you, your easy to please." He grinned.

"You know, as long as I've lived here, I haven't done much eating out, except for fast food. And I haven't been to church in a long while. I mean I went at home, and even attended a few near the college at first, but going alone isn't much fun. Your friends there are very nice. And I like the fact that it's a small church."

"And nosey." He grinned.

"And nosey," she laughed.

"Good to hear you laugh." He sighed.

She glanced at him, "I laugh a lot."

"Not so, I've gotten a couple of chuckles out of you, but not a get-down kind of laugh, until today. I'm glad. It means you are relaxing a bit."

The restaurant was nearly empty, but a few straggled in and they had an intimate table by candlelight. Melanie knew just by the menu and the surroundings that this was no cheap restaurant. When she saw the prices she nearly gasped.

"What will you have?" He asked curiously when she buried her head in the menu to study it.

"It's rather expensive here," she answered, glancing over the edge of the menu.

Again, that strange expression puzzled her.

"Don't worry, I’m paying for it."

"I can't let you do that." She protested putting the menu away.

"Of course, you can. I invited you. This is our first official date. So, I'm paying." He insisted. "Besides, you haven't even gotten a first pay-check yet. And I have a strict policy, when I take a girl to church I always buy her dinner."

"Are you loaded with money?" She chuckled.

"No just very thrifty with what I have, and I want to treat you." He smiled.

"That's very sweet…"

"I'm a sweet guy." He affirmed, again a tiny bit of arrogance.

She looked into his eyes. "You really are," she stared now.

Their eyes met over the candle light and she could see her compliment went straight to his heart.

They talked small talk, discussed the hospital, and then suddenly he reached for her hand, his hands were firm, but soft too, especially when his thumb seemed to absently stroke the top of her hand. "It's funny, I haven't known you long, but I feel as though I've known you forever. I mean from the first day, it's been nice. You are just so comfortable to be with."

"Comfortable. I seem to make most the men I date comfortable. So why don't they turn out differently?" She folded her fingers into his. Feeling the sweat between them made her relax, as Dex seemed to be feeling the same things she was.

The attraction was growing and she knew it, despite her intention to take it slowly. Candle light dinners, kisses that would make any girl swoon, it swept her away to another world.

"Maybe they weren't the right guy." He said softly.

Her glance flew up to meet his gaze. "We have kind of hit it off, haven't we?"

"If I'm going too fast, just tell me to slow down," He told her, staring into her eyes. "But please don't tell me to."

"Honestly, I hadn't planned on this." She stared into his eyes. "I seriously figured I'd work for a while before I let anyone back into my life." She admitted. "At least, that was my plan."

"Did this Brad fella hurt you that much?"

"No," She blurted eagerly, "he didn't. But being on my own I tend to be more cautious."

"So, you're letting me in?" He smiled and squeezed her hand. "And you're not sure why or if you even should, right."

"Let's see where it goes," she suggested.

"I'm not pressuring you. I want you to know that. But I'm glad we found each other." He told her. "And even if it is a rocky road, I'm willing to put some effort into our relationship. Plain and simple, I like you Mel....a lot. Much more than a friend."

He let go of her hand as the waitress brought their food.

It was so good, Melanie had never tasted such a wonderful meal and she ate everything on her plate. He glanced at the plate. "You were hungry, weren't you?" He chuckled.

She waved her hand in a gesture, "Oh, I was taught to always clean my plate, and at such an expensive restaurant I wouldn't dare leave anything behind."

He chuckled softly, his eyes sparkling into hers.

"So, you were a dutiful daughter?"

"Up until I told my folks I wanted to go into nursing school and move up this way to do so."

"They didn't like it?"

"No, they wanted me to stay there, marry some local and bring up a house full of children. But, I'd always thought of nursing as my calling since I saved my pet dog from dying once."

"Really, what happened to the dog?"

"He was run over. The vet said he'd need constant care, so I took care of him. The vet told me I'd make a great nurse. I believed it. I enjoyed watching him heal, making my pet happy."

Again, his eyes glittered into hers, "Sometime I look at you and listen to you and think, you're just too good to be true."

She blushed.

Changing the subject helped, but her thoughts were on him, not nursing just now. She knew she should slow down, but deep down she wanted to experience all of this. Even if it didn't work out, she'd have something special to remember.

Being with Dex was like some thrilling roller coaster ride. He was intense and yet fun to be with. She liked Dex in every way. How could she put the brakes on a relationship that she enjoyed so much? With Brad, he controlled, with Jesse he assumed how she felt all the time, but with Dex, he was simply charming and she didn't feel any pressures with him, and she was becoming addicted to his kisses too. But she didn't want him thinking she was falling for him too fast either. He might get the wrong idea. So, she relaxed with him, and that was a feeling she'd never known as long as she had dated. She quit analyzing the kisses and enjoyed them.

And then as they went to their car, she got that feeling again, the hair on the back of her neck stood up. And she shivered even though it wasn't cold outside.

"Hey, are you cold?" He asked incredulously.

"No…." She replied glancing about.

As though he completely understood he glanced around them. "Again?"

She nodded silently as she scooted inside the car, but stayed very close to him as he did the same.

"I'm probably being silly." She told him as she snuggled against his arm.

He glanced down at her and raised her head and saw tears in her eyes, "No you aren't. You were enjoying yourself until we came out of that restaurant."

She stared into his eyes, "But nothing has happened to make me think there is anyone out there watching me. I simply feel it Dex. I can't prove anything. Maybe I’m imagining things."

"With most girls, I'd say yes, but not with you. You have a delightful personality, except for this strange unaccountable feeling that swamps you. You can't imagine something that affects you that much. It's real. I'm sure of that. Just wish we could get to the bottom of it."

He sat back, glanced around, then put his arm around her. When his lips touched, hers she didn't object. In fact, she had wanted him to kiss her all night. She didn't hesitate to kiss him back either. She'd never enjoyed kissing as much as with Dex.

Despite her resolve not to get involved with anyone too soon, she forgot that and enjoyed his kisses. The car began to steam up as they were so wrapped up in each other. His teeth nibbled her bottom lip until she opened her mouth and let him in. His tongue was like silk, stroking hers and she was lost. He was so gentle, and that gentleness swept her away.

When he came up for air, he stared at her long and hard. His eyes held a heated desire she had seldom seen. Her breath hitched as they dropped to her throbbing lips. "It's hard to put the brakes on with you."

His gaze was so intense, her cheeks bloomed a bright pink, as he pulled her closer.

Her heart pounded like a runaway train.

He smoothed her hair from her face as his hand cupped her cheeks. His thumb absently stroked her.

Currents of anticipation ran through her as their eyes locked onto each other.

"You're so damned beautiful when I kiss you. Your lips melt like butter, and taste better than hot fudge on ice cream."

She started to say something but she was mesmerized by his words.

Slowly his head bent again and took her bottom lip, massaging it with his own. She let out a little moan, and his arms tightened around her.

His mouth massaged hers into submission. She was lost, but it was a good lost. His arms pulled her closer so that they were mere imprints of each other, swallowed by an unnamed desire.

She lost need of breath, only the constant throb of his lips on hers kept her alive now. She needed him in so many ways. Instinctively she knew she'd never known such raw desire in her life. Was it possible, could she have fallen in love with Dex, in such a short time.

When he released her lips to explore her neck and ear, she felt a ripple of goosebumps when he blew softly at her ear. "My God," he whispered between gasping breaths, "I want you more than life itself…"

His words intoxicated.

His lips went down her neck, pushing her pink dress away from her shoulder. She was too absorbed in his actions to stop him now. She wanted this. Needed it.

Then he stopped and she reeled with such clarity of how close they came to making love.

She moved just a tad away from him, letting the sensations he created ebb. "I'm sorry, we are going too quickly."

"I know, and I'm sorry."

Her eyelashes raised and her eyes shone into his, "I've never been this carried away before…" she uttered breathlessly, trying to tame her runaway heart.

"I better get you home, you've got a big day tomorrow. I refuse to grope you like some sex pervert here in the street. I'm sorry, I got carried away. I find it pretty easy to do with you." He told her, not looking at her now.

"What just happened?" She barely uttered the words in a breathless whisper. "I've never been that carried away before…"

He shook his head, "Honey, when I figure it out, I'll let you know…" He started the car.

She moved away again, straightening her clothes and trying to look half dignified.

"All I know is, I lost control of the situation. I darn near made love to you, Mel."

She took a shattering breath. But with head held high she almost smiled again, "And I almost let you."

He stared…then a grin broke over his face.

Oddly enough, Dex was wanting to slow down too, and that hurt her ego just a tad, because the way things were going, she needed his support. But she couldn't rely on him to save her from whatever it was that bothered her so much. She couldn't even identify what it was. Yet!

She wasn't sure if he was mad or just being practical. She admitted to herself she liked his kisses. She liked most everything about Dex. That scared her witless too. She never been quite so absorbed with a man. But he had made love to her lips and she knew that for sure. They throbbed, and deep down she still wanted more from him. How could she be so brazen?

Was it mere lust, or was it something deeper, more meaningful?

Moments later, he walked her to her door, gave her a quick kiss and backed away. "Goodnight, and good luck tomorrow," he said simply.

Disappointed that he didn't ravish her lips again, she felt a tad let down. But they had put the brakes on, what more could he do.

"I had a good time tonight. Can we go again?"

She was trying to feel him out about it. If they had gone too fast, would he even ask her out again?

"Sure, any time…" he smiled.

That vague answer left her wondering.

He started to walk away when she murmured. "Dex, I really like you."

He turned and stared from the distance. "I know." His expression was sobering. "I like you too. But, you are right. We need to slow down, don't we?"

She nodded, feeling a bit hurt that he didn't come back and sweep her off her feet, but knowing it wasn't wise.

The tremendous power he weaved over her shocked her, thrilled her.

"What shift are you on tomorrow?" She asked.

"Night shift."

"Oh," disappointment lingered once more. "Then I guess I won't see you for a while."

"Three nights, two days. But if you need me, call me," Seeing how that seemed to affect her, he walked back over to her, wrote down his number and stuck it in her purse. "Who am I kidding, I want that kiss as much as you want me to." He said with a tired sigh and bent his head to take her lips in a kiss that sent a heated message to her heart. His lips teased and taunted hers and he pushed gently so she'd open to him and let him in as his tongue met and mated with hers. It was rapture. The mating of their tongues was almost sexual. She could feel it. The slow, tantalizing way he touched her, made her ache for something more primitive. His taste divine and addictive, salty and sweet at the same time. She savored his taste.

When he let her go, their eyes met? Shock, desire, lust, it was all in her eyes at once. "I know you want to slow down, so do I, but you get to me Mel. I look into those sad eyes of yours and I want to make everything come right for you. I know you are terrified of something, and I wish I knew what it was. But no matter what happens between us, I want you to know I'm here for you. I care about you Mel. I care a lot."

Did he feel like she did? Did he feel like they were falling in love? She was almost sure of it at the moment.

"I know I should be pushing you away, at least that's what the logic part of me says, but I've never connected with anyone like this before. I've never felt this intense about a man before. I guess that sounds very naïve and unsophisticated, doesn't it?"

"No baby, it doesn't. I think you are right, there is definitely a connection there. And something else…"

She stared into his eyes, "What?"

"We feel things about each other, that we haven't talked about yet. Because probably it's too soon…But mark my words Mel, we'll get around to that soon. I promise."

"Yes…" she murmured. "I'd like that…"

He smiled and kissed her nose for that admission, "I think we're both a little stunned at how quickly and how much we care about each other, Mel. But it's there and we both know it, don't we?"

She nodded, as her eyes sparkled into his.

His fingers grazed hers and she gasped. He looked up and saw her mouth open and again he bent his head and kissed her for all she was worth…. She drown in his kiss, wanting it to go on and on. She fell against her door, as he took control of her. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she never wanted to let go. The kiss sang through her veins! She was swooning when his head came up to look at her. One of his hands had snaked around her waist then worked its way toward her breast. She didn't want to move, she wanted him to touch her. It shocked her. It didn't matter, right or wrong, she wanted him to touch her.

Maybe she was simply growing up and ready for a real relationship, she told herself.

Like a tiny thread his thumb was right under her breasts and she held her breath. It passed over her once and she jerked uncontrollably. He had feather touched her nipple and the bodily reaction made her move back into his arms and yield to his mastery.

"I can't seem to control this…" she whispered.

"Baby, you know I want you…. don't you."

"Yes…." She cried.

"How do you feel about it," His thumb grazed her breast once more and her breath hitched, her cheeks flamed and her body shivered in his arms.

"I want you too…" she admitted.


From somewhere came her common sense. "But I can't…. I just can't."

He smiled, "You are so beautiful when you are lost in passion."

He started to walk off and she couldn't stop herself from telling him. "Don't be a stranger…"

He turned his head to look over his shoulder and grinned, "Don't worry about that. No chance of that happening. Goodnight honey."

"Night," she called and unlocked her door.

As she closed her door, she leaned against it for a long moment unaware of the smile on her lips, or the happiness radiating from her, or the weakness of her limbs to move. Lost in thoughts and feelings, she suddenly heard a crashing sound at her patio. It brought her out of her love stupor.

She grabbed her chest, her senses on alert once more.

She rushed to look through the blinds. A piece of the railing had fallen off. Her hand at her chest, she started to breathe again. It could have hit someone. She should check, but she couldn't go out there. She just couldn't. A tremble rumbled through her. She felt silly for being afraid, she had nothing to base this fear on.

Her instinct to run into Dex's arms made her aware of just how close she had gotten with him. Perhaps too close in too little time.

Then it dawned. "I'm in love with him…" she whispered as though to herself. Then she shook her head, "No, that can't be! Logic tells me it's too soon. But, forgive me Father, I wanted him to touch me tonight." She looked upward with a guilty glance.

When her heartbeat returned to normal she put aside her fears and took a bath, locking the bathroom door securely. She ran a tub of water. She had wanted to run to Dex, but she realized she couldn't do that every time she heard a noise. No, she had to grow up and face whatever it was and get on with life. Since when had she become such a weakling?

Thinking about Dex and her feelings that were moving her toward him made her whole body come alive. She'd never felt this kind of passion before. Brad hadn't made her want to kiss all night. Brad never made her want to forget her morals and give into baser instincts like Dex. In some ways, it scared her how fast she was falling for Dex. But she did realize she was an adult now and she had adult kinds of feelings. Still, she wasn't one to just jump into a relationship. Maybe she'd never really been in one?

Was she in love with Dex? Her heart thudded at the thought. Or was she experiencing a form of lust she wasn't familiar with? That brought her wide awake.

The thought that he had somehow made her forget her morals and want and desire him made her rethink it all.

Impossible, she hadn't known him long enough to be in love, but then maybe lust. She'd never been in lust either. Never had she wanted a man so badly that she'd lay down all her baser instincts for it. Just because things seemed to fall into place was no reason to go off the deep end. No, she'd slow it down. She was too sensible to let herself get carried away. Dex was a nice guy, and if he was really as good as she thought he was, he'd be there tomorrow, without taking the advantage.

Although that thought made her blush. She wasn't at all sure she wanted to slow down. She wanted to embrace her feelings and enjoy it. After all, she was twenty-three and it was high time she had these kinds of feelings.

She slept like a baby that night, wrapped in a warm feeling of euphoria.