Chapter Sixteen
A couple of days later, Melanie was measuring her apartment for better furniture when a loud thud from above made her jerk about. Whoever moved upstairs above her was making a lot of noise now and Mel had thought about going up there to tell them to keep it down a little. But they probably were just moving in, and moving furniture and stuff, so it would be rude to complain so quickly. Still, it was all hours of the night and day and every day. She'd never heard her next-door neighbors, never a sound, but whoever was up there wasn't considering neighbors.
Mel told Dex about it. Not that she wanted to complain, but she had a habit of telling him almost everything now. She trusted him.
"I thought about going up and introducing myself just to get a glimpse of what was going on up there, but I backed out of that idea. It would be downright noisy of me." Mel told him with a chuckle.
"Want me to?"
"No, at least give them a couple of weeks to get moved in, then if it continues, maybe…"
"Alright, but they should think about their neighbors a bit. Earl really discourages people from making so much noise. I'm surprised he hasn't been up there to tell them to be quieter."
"He may have for all we know." Mel smiled.
Later that same day, Julia called her in her office and was complimenting her on her progress. "You'll take the test soon and start working on the floor as a regular RN.
Julia was quiet for a long while. She glanced around the room, then outside, then shot her pointed glance.
"I can't help but notice you've been a bit jumpy lately. Is there any cause for it?"
"No, I'm just nervous about the test, that's all." She wasn't ready to tell Julia. She hoped Neely hadn't said anything to her about it.
"No, need to be nervous. It's not that difficult, and you will know all the answers. A smart girl like you. Is anything else bothering you?"
"No, not really."
"Well, I'm sure you'll do fine. Are you anxious to work on the floor?"
"Yeah, I think it will be great." Melanie tried to train herself to concentrate on the conversation. She just didn't feel comfortable confiding such a thing to her boss. She wasn't even tested yet and already there were problems. Besides, Dex said she didn't like drama. She needed to keep this to herself.
Feeling a bit more secure, Mel went back to work and kept her mind busy so she wouldn't dwell on it.
But three nights later Dex had dropped her off at work that mid-day and he had to work late, so she had to either wait for him or walk home.
She texted him telling him she would wait in the lounge.
But two hours later he texted her and told he was about to go into emergency surgery with the doctor he worked with and would be another two to three hours.
Since it was almost dawn, she texted him she would walk home.
"I'd rather you wait," he texted her.
"It's almost dawn now, honey. I'll be fine." She texted back.
He didn't answer.
She got her belongings and headed out.
But she wasn't on the street more than five minutes and she got that feeling.
She hurried her pace.
She was only about three blocks from home when a black car, with very dark windows rolled up just behind her. It was obvious whoever was in there was following her.
The car was a big black Cadillac, an older model. She hurried her step. Sweat peppered her forehead. Fear made her heart pound. She wanted to turn around and face it, but she was afraid what she might find. Then when the car got closer, she decided it was time to run.
She ran like crazy and she heard the car burn rubber and speed off on an off street.
Whoever it was, wanted her to know they were stalking her now.
As soon as she got home she lay across her bed and cried. Who would want to hurt her?
She had no idea.
She knew no one that drove an older Cadillac. She was sure of that.
She went to sleep.
When she woke up her stomach hurt. She grabbed it.
She realized moments later there was someone at her door. She shook herself awake and went to answer it. It was Dex. He was still in his scrubs. When he saw her expression, he reached to pull her in his arms.
"Baby, what's wrong?" He asked kissing her cheek.
"A car followed me home. It was a big, black Cadillac, an older one. It had black windows so I couldn't see inside. It followed right behind me while I walked. It got so close, I finally broke into a run. That's when it burned rubber and drove off on a side street." She cried, her lips going to his neck.
"My God, in broad daylight?" Dex moved so he could see her face.
"No one was around, that was for sure."
"Did you ever see the car before?"
"No…never. Couldn't see inside it either. I don't know if it was a man or a woman."
"No. We have to report this to the police."
"But why? They can't do anything."
"Did you get the license?"
"No, but as they sped off, I turned and saw it was a dealer's license on it."
"From a used car lot, no doubt."
"Dex, before I only felt things. Now I'm seeing and hearing things. What am I going to do?"
"We're going to look for a couple of guns, today." He told her in no uncertain terms.
She nodded and hugged him to her.
Then he kissed her again and she was lost to the sensations rocking her body, to the awakening he created in her. Could she stave him off this time. She needed him. The kiss was heated and she sealed her lips to his, giving her heart to him in the kiss. They were so close, and she felt the bulge at her abdomen. She sighed. She so wanted to be with him.
When they came up for air, she kissed his neck, "I'm sorry about the other day. I wanted it as much as you did."
He shook with his needs now.
"Oh Dex…"
He carried her to her bed, and kissed her all the way. When he pulled away, he started unbuttoning her shirt. "We've got to get you on the pill, baby…"
That brought sanity back. Like throwing a bucket of ice-water on her.
She sat up, pushed him away and walked back into the living room.
"I thought you wanted me…" He said following her, his hands on her arms.
She was panting, hot, full of lust for him, but she pushed him away. "Not without protection. I at least have to have that, Dex."
He stood there staring at her, "After we get a gun, I want you to see a doctor about some pills. Because I want you baby. Your mine. You've admitted it, so have I."
She nodded slowly, "Okay…" she murmured. "I guess."
He smiled.
After he went home to shower, he came over and waited for her to finish getting ready. He went in the kitchen, and opened a couple of bottles for them.
"I've got a couple of places for us to check out a gun, so we don't have to hunt for a pawn shop or anything." He told her.
She came into the living room where he was sitting having a cold drink from her refrigerator. "I never thought I'd be going to buy a gun."
He handed her a cold drink. She took a swig.
He stood up, kissed her on the jaw and smiled, "I don't want you to tell anyone you have one."
"I won't. Neely wanted me to tell Julia about all of this, but I didn't feel right. After all, you told me she doesn't like drama."
"That's okay. Probably best you don't say anything. Less gossip." He smiled. "Julia's cool, but there's no need."
Just for a second, Melanie wondered just how close he and Julia were. But that was nonsense and a bit of jealousy sneaking up on her. She forgot about it.
"Eventually, you think this is going to continue?"
"Well honey, I don't know why they are following you, but sooner or later they are going to come out and face you and I want you to be ready. If they do."
"I guess you are right. You know Julia pretty well, don't you?" She couldn't get the idea out of her mind.
"We're friends." He seemed to hesitate. "Yeah, we've been good friends. When she started to leave the hospital a while back, I talked her out of it, she's thanked me a million times for that. She came to this hospital three years before me, she worked in San Antonio for ten years. Then moved here."
For someone that was only a friend he knew a lot about her, and Julia was a very beautiful woman, anyone could see thatl.
"Did you ever date her?" Mel asked curiously.
"Julia? No, we went to dinner once, that's all. And I think she might be gay. I haven't seen anything to lead me to that conclusion, but I've never seen her with a man."
"Wow, I'd have never guessed."
"She's very discreet about it."
"So why did she want to leave the hospital?"
"Norma Wells, in a nutshell."
"Norma Wells, the woman who tried to steal the baby?"
"Yeah, the same. You see Julia was head of the department and they came down hard on her. As though it were her fault. She felt they accused her of the whole plot. But I convinced her it would blow over. I told her to hurry up and find a replacement and get on with her life. That's why I suspicion she's gay, there was a rumor to that effect when this all came down at the hospital. Of course, it might just be a rumor."
"Poor Julia. But I thought you said she was interested in some doctor."
"Hospital gossip."
"I feel sorry for her."
"She doesn't seem to have much home life. And I would never suspicion her as gay. She's a beautiful woman. She also seems well liked by the staff."
He stared at her a minute and leaned to kiss her nose, "You are a bit naïve. I wouldn't worry about her."
They went to the gun shop and looked over several handguns. He let her hold them and get a feel for each one. She found one that was a revolver and decided on it. It was simple to shoot. The salesmen went over some specifics about each one, but he recommended the revolver to her as it was easy to use.
Dex preferred the semi-automatic and picked one out too. After making their purchases they headed for a gun range to practice.
He got behind her and helped her hold the gun the first few times she shot it. It had a kick to it. The gun jerked her arm the first few tries and she rubbed her shoulder. But eventually she got the feel of how it shot and got better. She didn't hit the target until the last shot. Then she nearly jumped him she was so excited. She went to the restroom to clean her hands as she had powder on them from the gun.
"That was something." She said when she returned. "I never realized the power you feel behind a gun. I think it might help improve my fears."
"You're not a bad shot, if the person were close enough you could probably hit them." Dex told her.
"Oh God," She stopped and looked at him seriously. "I'm not sure I could shoot anyone. I mean, let's face it, Dex. I'm really not sure I could pull the trigger. It's one thing to shoot at a target, but when it's a human being, it's isn't that easy. I think I might weigh my decision as to whether I should use it or not. But don't you think just the threat of the gun would be enough to stave off an attacker?"
"No, I don't."
"I'm just not sure I could shoot anyone, Dex."
"Even if they threatened you?"
"I just don't know. I guess I'll never know the answer to that until I'm faced with it. God help me."
"That's something you'll have to learn to do. If someone attacks you, you've got to be ready. I'll show you how to wear it when you are alone, but don't wear it to work."
"Yeah, I wasn't planning on taking it to work. I mean, I don't think anyone there wants to harm me."
He looked at her strangely. "Good. You did good. We'll come practice once a week until you are really good with it." He promised.
He had purchased the gun for her and put the safety on for her, laid it in its case, after taking the remaining bullets out of it.
"I'll pay you back." She promised.
He nodded.
"I'll show you how to clean it, and take care of it too, but not too much in one day."
Then they took off for home.
She lingered at her door.
"Want to come in for a bite to eat?"
"What do you have?" He asked.
"I've got Tuna salad, if you're interested? Made it yesterday should be doubly good today."
"Sounds good."
She invited him in, and he flipped the television on and got comfortable on the couch.
"So how do you like Pediatrics now that you are getting close to your last days as a newbie?" He asked her when she brought them sandwiches.
"I love it, just wish I could get a bit more involved in it. But that too will come." She smiled.
"I'm glad."
They ate, and he put his arm around her. She cuddled into him after she finished eating and they kissed for a long time. He came up for air once, "Never knew a woman could kiss so good or taste so much like a tuna."
She giggled. Suddenly a thud from upstairs made him jerk up straight. "Wow, they are loud, aren't they?"
"Yes, it happens a lot." She told him.
The noise continued for a few minutes then stopped.
"I didn't realize it was so loud honey. You really should tell Earl. Let him handle it."
"Maybe I should, they've really had enough time to move in."
He kissed her again and she was lost. She was totally out of character now, wanting him, but he'd admitted he had feelings for her, and she certainly felt the same. It was different than her and Brad. Much different.
She surely wanted to forget all her high morals and go into the bedroom with him, but deep down, she knew it was wrong. It wasn't just the amount of time they'd been together, but the fact that she wasn't on the pill too And not being on the pill made her do a double take. Maybe if he bought her an engagement ring, she might change her mind, but for now, it wasn't the right thing to do. And it looked like she might have to be the strong one.
"I want you Mel," he whispered between kisses.
"I know, I want you too…" she breathed the words.
He stopped and pulled up, "You mean that?"
She bowed her head, and slowly nodded, "Yes, but…"
He rolled his eyes. "But what, babe. We love each other. You know that. If I got you pregnant, I'd damn sure marry you."
"Would you. It's just too soon, Dex. And I don't want a marriage based on a pregnancy."
He seemed to be angry, but he didn't express it, he just folded his lips, got up and nodded. "You're right."
"I'm sorry."
"Don't be, you are right. I gotta go though."
She nodded, "Okay…" She didn't understand his hurry to leave, but she didn't want him to think she was growing possessive of him.
He walked to the door. "I know you are right about this," he glanced over his shoulder at her. "But…I don't know. I've never wanted a woman this much before. And you are the very first lady to turn me down."
"You're kidding." She teased him.
"No," His face became quite serious. "I'm not."
"You do understand though, right?" She asked with a plea.
"Yeah, I understand. I want you to see a doctor. Goodnight Mel."
"Thank you…for the gun."
"Yeah, sure."
And he was gone, just like that.
She didn't fully understand why he was so upset, they had talked about it. She'd known him barely four weeks now and didn't know how he handled his other girlfriends before her, but she wasn't the type to go to bed just because a man said he loved her. He'd get over it. She might have hurt his male ego, but he was intelligent enough to figure it out. And the funniest part was he said he'd marry her if he got her pregnant. Why couldn't a man say he'd just marry her?
It didn't bide well.
And she wasn't getting on the pill just yet either. It would be too easy to give in to Dex, and maybe, just maybe he needed a bit of rejection.