Although gaining victory had helped Chinggis feel like he had once felt long ago, his feelings for Tsara were stronger. So long as he remained in the real world he could not be with her. He could be with a falcon that spoke like her but it wasn't the same.

‘Why did you write that riddle?’ asked Tsara. ‘It really confused Lily.’

‘You mean it confused you!’ said Chinggis. ‘Have you worked it out yet?’

‘I think so,’ replied Tsara. ‘The tiger was Tengis?’

‘That was obvious,’ replied Chinggis.

‘His bell was terrible,’ said Tsara. ‘It brought about Lily's death but also starved Tengis of power because of his blind belief in its power. The cats were the fattened, lazy rich of Baatarulaan who willingly pledged allegiance to whoever wielded the most power at a given moment while making sure they never once endangered themselves.’

‘Indeed,’ said Chinggis, ‘what about Heaven and Earth?’

‘That puzzled me for a while,’ said Tsara, ‘well, at least until I realised that I was both Lily and Tsara. I should have known sooner from all my voyages into the spirit world. Some shawoman I am! So, that was your riddle? Why did you write it?’

‘I needed to remind you of me,’ said Chinggis. ‘I needed to help you remember that I still existed.’

After a brief discussion Tsara and Chinggis joined their friends and announced that they would be returning to the spirit world. Sukh, Bolorerdene, Danyal, Millie, Elder Chuluun and Baatar were dismayed.

‘What about Tengis?’ asked Sukh. ‘What do you want us to do about him?’

‘I'm not a vengeful man,’ replied Chinggis, ‘but I think there is a little bit of Khad in Tengis. It would only be fair that he faced the same fate as I suffered. Here take this.’ He tossed his great- (times ten) grandson a parchment. ‘Follow this map. You will find two caves there. One of them is an icy grotto that well befits the heart of Tengis. Encase him there in a coffin of ice. If Odval insists, which I am sure she will, place her in a similar sarcophagus alongside. Then block the grotto. There can be no escape. Let them both enjoy watching one another perish without being able to comfort the other.’ His friends looked on in silence. Although this was a horrific fate to befall anybody each of them knew that it was deserved. ‘To his Council, show mercy but keep them close.’

‘What about the other cave?’ asked Sukh.

‘I'll leave that as a surprise,’ answered Chinggis. ‘Consider it a parting gift.’

‘Who shall run Ongolium?’ asked Baatar. ‘What shall we do with Baatarulaan?’

‘First and foremost,’ said Chinggis, ‘it is Mongolia. This city is Ulaanbaatar. Never let anyone speak otherwise. Our hearts and instincts have brought us far. Now that I know my bloodline still flows I am confident that my empire can again be as great as it once was. No one man or woman should run a country. Accordingly, Bolorerdene, you shall be empress; Sukh, you shall be emperor. However, things change and you can't put two saddles on the same horse. From this day on Mongolia shall lead the way as a shining democracy. My descendants shall be emperors in name and title only. The real power will be formed by the people for the people. I task you, my friends, who have helped rescue our nation, to form the first coalition. Just assure me that you will allow the people to reassess your position every few years. Working together will forge a path to the future but remember, we are but one nation. I have seen what else exists; look beyond our border – there is a whole world out there. Rest assured that I will return here from time to time.’

With those final words Chinggis walked away with Tsara on his shoulder. Some distance away her form changed into that of her former self. Holding Chinggis’ hand they walked on. Nobody was sure where they were going and nobody ever found out.