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Lazarus walked out toward a long platform. The Alpha Mages were moving behind him. He was not sure what wanted to say in his speech but he needed to say something. This could be the only time he could speak to the people in this base and planet Earth. Krump assured him that his broadcast would be sent to the U.N. as well as the whole world. He almost decided not to make this speech. But he shook his head and didn’t let his fear take over from him.
It only took less than 30 minutes to set everything up. Krump was ushering up a path with several hundred military personal and pilots stood. They all looked at them as they approached. The military personnel parted as they came close. Lazarus’s fear gripped him and he wanted to leave. He shook his head and kept following Krump.
At the far edge of this platform was Captain Marlena’s ship. She told him that she and her crew would be watching on their screens on their ship. She was monitoring the Vvong Queen’s ship, and it was hovering over the Stonehenge.
As the people parted, Lazarus saw a small pulpit was placed a few away from the military personnel. Drone cameras were hovering by the pulpit pointing their lenses toward it. As soon as Krump moved closer to the pulpit, the drone cameras pointed their way.
Krump walked up to their pulpit. Lazarus moved next to him and the Alpha mages stood close by staring at the assemblage of people. The voices of the military people were hushed.
Krump stood before the pulpit. It was short enough to reach almost higher than his chin.
Krump said, “Hello all and the U. N. We're here because the Alpha Mage Lazarus wanted to address us before the coming battle. Please give him your undivided attention.”
The assemblage of people clapped. Krump moved out of the way and let him move in front of the pulpit. He held up his hands and let the applause cease.
“Hello, as you know my name is Lazarus and next to me is Cindy, Grace and Royce. We're the Alpha Mages.”
The assembly clapped louder. Lazarus held his hand up again to silence them. His heart was pounding so loud he was not sure if Cindy could hear it. He looked at her and she smiled back at him. He felt better.
“I know you know us as the legendary Alpha Mages, but we’re people like you. And we're going to face a climatic battle like you will today. I wanted you to know we will do a best to save this planet against this invasion. These creatures are called the Vvong and they want to destroy our world as is and suck dry our magical resources.”
He paused for a second and looked at the assemblage of people before them.
He continued. “We will fight together as one and not let this pass. We will not go into the darkness as slaves. We shall prevail.” Lazarus looked into the sky. “We have the Elves and the Magical Races fighting for our survival up in space. And we down here will fight for our survival on Earth. We pledge our honor to never give up until we're victorious!”
The applause was thundering. Lazarus felt scared and happy at the same time. He had never given a talked like this and hoped he will never again.
Krump came up to him and said, “Great speech!”
Lazarus nodded.
“YOU WERE CORRECT,” Captain Marlena said. “The Queen’s ship stopped at a place you call Stonehenge.”
Lazarus and the Alpha Mages stood on the bridge of her ship. Cindy was quiet next to him but she felt her nervousness as well as Grace and Royce. He also sensed their magic merging and coalescing. Lazarus didn't know if this was a conscious thought but their powers started to become stronger after he gave that speech. He felt strong and the powerful.
In the front screen was the Queen ship floating above Stonehenge like a spider over its prey. Surrounding the Queen ship was hundreds of enemy vessels. Strapped to his back was Excalibur and around his neck was Merlin's Amulet. He was armed and ready for anything.
Captain Marlena said, “Lazarus, we have the fleet behind us. We will be watching. Do you need anything before you embark?”
“Nothing. Let's wait here for the moment,” Lazarus said, “I think she will be contacting us.”
He felt edgy but sure what he had to do. The sword Excalibur was emitting magic and responding to the Alpha Mages powers. It was as if the weapon was awakening to this coming battle.
Commander Giles said, “Captain Marlena we are getting a transmission from the Vvong mother ship. They're hailing us.”
Captain Marlena said, “Put it on the screen.”
An insectile creature face appeared. Lazarus saw it was not the Queen but some other underling creature.
“Greeting Alpha Mages and friends. The Vvong Queen wishes for your attendance and to talk your terms of surrender,” the Vvong creature hissed. The voice sounded high pitch with a slithering noise added to it.
Lazarus said, “We will meet her at Stonehenge.”
He heard Royce swear under his breath. The screen went blank. He turned to the Alpha Mages and said telepathically to them, “We have to be careful down there. We don't know where the whereabouts of Merlin is or if he is still alive. I need to get Morgana flesh again and then we attack her. But she is tricky. She will use everything against us.”
The others nodded.
Lazarus said in a clear tone. “Captain Marlena we're ready? Do you have a shuttle to take us down?”
Captain Marlena nodded.