Copyright © The National Magazine Company Limited and Collins & Brown 2013
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The expression Good Housekeeping as used in the title of the book is the trademark of The National Magazine Company and The Hearst Corporation, registered in the United Kingdom and USA, and other principal countries of the world, and is the absolute property of The National Magazine Company and The Hearst Corporation. The use of this trademark other than with the express permission of The National Magazine Company or The Hearst Corporation is strictly prohibited.
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ISBN: 978-1-90939-746-0
Also available in paperback
ISBN: 978-1-908449-96-2
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Both metric and imperial measures are given for the recipes. Follow either set of measures, not a mixture of both, as they are not interchangeable.
All spoon measures are level.
1 tsp = 5ml spoon; 1 tbsp = 15ml spoon.
Ovens and grills must be preheated to the specified temperature.
Medium eggs should be used except where otherwise specified. Free-range eggs are recommended.
Note that some recipes contain raw or lightly cooked eggs. The young, elderly, pregnant women and anyone with an immune-deficiency disease should avoid these because of the slight risk of salmonella.