Felix Biederman is a member of the PlayStation Network, a fellow at Xbox Live, and professor emeritus at Steam. He is the author of the espionage thrillers The Husband’s Wife, Wifeocracy, The Wife Cuts Both Ways, and The Backgammon Deception, as well as the hard sci-fi novella Chronicles Of J’ariska: Origins.

Matt Christman is a humorist and raconteur with a lifelong love of broadcasting, political comedy, and exploring shipwrecks for sunken treasure. As part of Chapo Trap House, Matt has recorded hundreds of hours of podcast content, performed more than a dozen live shows, and salvaged long-lost galleons and frigates from the Spanish Main to the Barbary Coast. He lives in a crow’s nest made of melted pieces of eight.

Brendan James is a writer, musician, and producer emeritus traitor of Chapo Trap House. An early member of the show, his revisionist tendencies and collusion with cosmopolitan elements of foreign podcasts resulted in his forced expulsion in 2017. Since then, a loose network of his so-called Jacobite followers have spread lies and terror among the peace-loving Chapo fanbase on Reddit, Discord, and Friendster. From exile, James continues to disseminate toxic propaganda in his newsletter, The Masked Merovingian, where he demands the show return to the .wav format. His lies have also appeared in The Baffler, Newsweek, Deadspin, Vice, the Guardian, and Slate.

Will Menaker is a publishing industry scion who grew up on the Upper West Side of Manhattan as the product of a secret KGB/FBI breeding program to produce a star child capable of sheep-dogging gullible millennials into supporting reformistpettybougimperialismamerikkka and/or tanking the 2016 election for Donald Trump. He is the creator of the “Menaker Mindset” motivational success brand and the editor of many prize-winning and bestselling books and graphic novels such as: Booger-Eater: A Memoir, Garfield Dungeon: The Best of DeviantArt, The Cardassian Gambit: A DS9 Novelization, Generation Selfie, Invisible Battleground: A Mason Tank Novel, and The Glass Chickadee: Poems. He lives in Brooklyn.

Virgil Texas is a satirist whose yuks and sends-up have tickled readers’ funny bones everywhere from the Toast (“If Caddy Compson Were On Tinder It Would Go A Little Something Like This”) to McSweeney’s (“Carmen Sandiego Tries To Find Nambia”) to the New Yorker, where he authors the popular column “Borowitz Report.” His quips have had the public rolling in bookstore aisles from coast to coast with such recent titles as Grab ’Em By the Debussy: Classical Song Parodies for the #Resistance; Nevertheless, She Exfoliated: The Nasty Woman’s Self Care-a-Day Desk Calendar for Keeping Sane in the Age of Drumpf; and Make America Snark Again: A Covfefe Table Book (with forward by Ken Bone). He can be found three nights a week at the Allen Dulles Theatre in Washington, DC, performing with his band the Capitol Steps (tickets available through Ticketmaster).





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