chapter fifteen

The Endocrine System

The endocrine system is comprosed of glands that secrete hormones that influence a wide range of bodily functions, including physical functions such as weight loss, weight gain, digestive function, and temperature regulation, as well as emotional functions such as moods. A highly complex system of this-triggers-that, the endocrine system is a maturing branch of science that is an excellent example of how herbal remedies are not necessarily “organ” specific but, rather, are used based on their action, which can affect an organ, an entire system, or a complex interplay between systems. In other words, there is seldom one particular herb that “cures” one particular organ, especially with endocrine glands; rather, a broad range of herbs may exert many diverse actions upon a gland and its connected systems that brings about a desired response.

The endocrine system is complex and expansive, but here we will focus on some of the most common illnesses and conditions arising from an imbalance of glandular function. In particular, we will discuss the interplay between the hypothalamus, the pituitary, the thyroid, and the adrenals. These form various “axis” through which the hormones are expressed. The hypothalamus sends messages to, among other glands, the pituitary, which is in the forefront of the brain. From here, the pituitary sends signals to many organs and glands including the ovaries and gonads, and for our purposes here, especially to the adrenals and the thyroid, forming the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis and the hypothalamic pituitary thyroid (HPT) axis. A truly in-depth analysis of this system is beyond the scope of this book, but here we will cover the basic information required to make educated decisions about herbal remedies that may or may not influence dysfunctions of the thyroid and the adrenals.

First: the hypothalamus. Located just below the thalamus above the brain stem, in roughly the central part of the brain, the hypothalamus controls metabolic function and serves as a “link” between the endocrine system and the nervous system. The hypothalamus receives input from the central nervous system, sensory organs such as the nose, and the cerebral cortex; from these “directions” this tiny organ controls the pituitary gland by releasing thyrotropin and other hormones. The hypothalamus is the origin, the first stimulus, for many of the hormones and pre-hormones released by the pituitary and other glands, but it also directly releases some hormones of its own, including gonadotropin-releasing hormone, dopamine, and oxytocin (which stimulates uterine contraction and lactation for new mothers). Generally, however, herbal treatment for issues relating to metabolism or glandular function isn’t directed at the hypothalamus but rather at the gland in question.

Second: the pituitary. The hypothalamus stimulates its close neighbor the pituitary to secrete a number of hormones that will affect the thyroid and the adrenals, among others. Specifically, the combined anterior and posterior pituitary, which is a small gland that rests just below the hypothalamus and adjacent to the optic nerve, secretes nine hormones, including:

From the pituitary, two other primary glands are put to work: the thyroid and the adrenals.

Hypothalamic Pituitary Adrenal (HPA) Axis

The adrenal glands, which sit atop the kidneys, are comprised of the adrenal cortex and the adrenal medulla, each of which secretes specialized hormones that:

The adrenals are generally credited with our “stress” response (though this response originates in the hypothalamus), as these glands produce adrenaline (epinephrine) and noradrenaline (norepinephrine) that ready the brain and the body’s muscles for sudden action by boosting their supply of oxygen and sugars, increasing the heart rate, and stimulating vasodilation. The adrenal medulla even secretes dopamine that increases heart rate and blood pressure, and enkaphalin, which regulates and often mitigates the brain’s perception of pain—essential in acute stress situations.

Herbal actions usually required to assist and support the adrenals include herbs that normalize an acute response to stress, that soothe the central nervous system, and that bring normalcy back to the digestive and cardiovascular systems: adaptogens, anxiolytics, nervine tonics, amphoterics, mild-to-moderate sedatives, and bitters. Since there is no magic “adrenal herb,” herbalists employ a wide range of herbs with the required actions to generally assist and support the entire endocrine-nervous system relationship, focusing on nervine tonics that allow the body to better adapt to stress. In addition, hepatic and alterative herbs are used in many adrenal formulas because: (1) stressful situations may cause changes in the hypothalamus that adversely affect the amounts and kinds of hormones subsequently released from the pituitary and other glands on the axis, (2) excessive hormones circulating in the bloodstream can adversely affect the natural balance and feedback mechanisms to the hypothalamus, and (3) environmental toxins can also play a role in disrupting the endocrine process.

The following lists indicate the most common herbs used for the desired herbal action to influence the glands of the endocrine system.

Nervous System Herbs for Adrenal Support

Nervine Tonics (mildest)

Anxiolytics (moderate)

Adaptogens (strongest)

lemon balm



oats milky tops




St. John’s wort





Nervine Tonics (mildest)

Anxiolytics (moderate)

Adaptogens (strongest)




holy basil



Adrenal Gland Formulas

A Formula for Adrenal Support

A note about lavender: lavender is often grouped under sedative and even nervine herbs, but it can have a very intense effect, especially on children and sensitive people. To some, lavender can be not only stimulating but also be irritating and can cause headaches, muscle tension, and more. For these reasons, I do not list lavender as an adrenal tier 1 tonic.

Hypothalamus Pituitary Thyroid Axis

As with the HPA Axis, all activity begins in the hypothalamus, goes through the pituitary, but then redirects to the thyroid when the pituitary produces thyroid stimulating hormones, or TSH. This hormone, in turn, stimulates the secretion of thyroxine, a hormone involved in the regulation of the heart rate, digestive activity, body temperature (especially through sweating), and even calorie consumption: in other words, metabolism. Typical disorders include hypothyroidism (low thyroid function), hyperthyroidism (excessive thyroid function), and nodules or cancers. An enlarged thyroid is called goiter, which displays as a large swollen mass on the neck.


Hypothyroidism is low thyroid hormone, or underactivity of the thyroid. Hypothyroidism can be caused by too little stimulus from the pituitary as well as problems within the thyroid itself. Symptoms of poor thyroid function include weight gain (despite loss of appetite), fatigue, hair loss, bradycardia (insufficient heart rate that minimizes oxygen availability to organs), goiter, and inability to properly regulate body temperature, resulting in constant “cold.” Hypothyroidism can be a genetic predisposition, or it can be brought on by other illnesses (such as autoimmune disorders or thyroid cancer), or the insufficient absorption of the mineral iodine. Pregnant women with nutrient-deficient diets can give birth to infants with congenital hypothyroidism; many developing countries now routinely screen for hypothyroidism in newborns and administer levothyroxine (a synthetic form of thyroxine) to reverse this common disorder.

Traditional herbal remedies have tended to focus on bladderwrack and kelp, two seaweeds high in iodine and other trace minerals. This therapy can be useful for iodine-deficient hypothyroidism, but only minimally effective for genetically-based illnesses. Other herbal actions are needed to address corollary issues and symptoms that result from low thyroid levels. These include:

Hypothyroid Formulas

A Formula for Hypothyroidism due to Insufficient Iodine

A Formula for Genetic Hypothyroidism


Hyperthyroidism is excessive thyroid function, where the thyroid hormones over-produce. This process can cause goiter (as can hypothyroidism) as well as the physical and emotional symptoms that arise from hyperthyroid production. Graves’ disease is the most common culprit behind hyperthyroidism, and it is primarily genetic with a high proportion of sufferers being women. Many cases are diagnosed in teenagers, with some cases occurring post-partum. Symptoms of hyperthyroidism include excessive sweating, weight loss despite an increased appetite, muscle weakness, and heart palpitations; symptoms of Graves’ disease include hyperthyroid symptoms plus more extreme hypertension, excessive sweating and inability to tolerate heat, hyperactivity, opthalmopathy, irritability and depression. The body’s metabolism is in overdrive, with digestion, cardiac, and body temperature regulation amped up and uncontrolled.

Tier 2 Specifics for hyperthyroidism include:

For hypertension, cardiac tonic herbs are invaluable—really the core of the therapy, tier 2 Specifics. Consider hawthorn, bugleweed, ginkgo, linden, and motherwort.

Additional actions for hyperthyroidism are cooling, calming, tonic, and digestive:

Hyperthyroid Formulas

A Formula for Hyperthyroidism

A Formula for Hyperthyroidism with Frequent Viral Sickness

A Formula for Hyperthyroidism with Heart Palpitations

As always, work in partnership with the client’s support team and with other healing arts practitioners, and use herbs and herbal remedies as a foundation for supporting endocrine health.
