chapter seventeen

The Urinary System

The human body has a remarkable array of organs devoted to getting rid of waste. Our lungs breathe out toxic carbon dioxide; our sinuses and even our ears evacuate foreign matter; our skin releases toxins through sweat; and our digestive system eliminates unneeded foods.

Elimination of metabolic waste is the responsibility of the excretory system, a system of channels, tubes, and organs that filters toxins and spent materials from the bloodstream and then shunts them out of the orifices of the body without us having to think about them at all. We covered the colon and the liver, two primary organs of elimination (the liver especially for metabolic processes), in chapter three, Digestion. Here we’ll discuss the urinary system, its function and processes, its potential diseases, and herbal treatments.

Urinary System Function

One of the body’s primary wastes is urine, comprised mainly of the nitrogenous substance urea. Urine generally contains water, proteins, salts, spent hormones, and ammonia, which gives its characteristic odor. The expulsion of urine from the urethra and the body (peeing) is known as urination or micturition.

With its primary function of removing urea from the blood, the urinary system is a substantial filter for our body. Urea, which is produced when a person eats proteins, is sent to the kidneys. These little organs rest along the bottom of a person’s back (the adrenal glands sit on top of them), and they are comprised of filtering units called nephrons, which are comprised of blood capillaries and tiny tubes called renal tubules. Urea and other waste, in the liquid form of urine, travels through the nephrons and then through the renal tubules. From here, small amounts of urine flow through two narrow eight- to twelve-inch long tubes called ureters, constantly being pushed by muscle contractions downward into the bladder every ten to fifteen seconds. In the bladder, sphincter muscles can keep the urine from leaking through the urethra and to the outside of the body for up to five hours in most people. In men, the prostate gland is located at the base of the bladder and literally wraps around the urethra.

Problems of the Urinary System

The following issues are commonly associated with urinary malfunction or disease, all of which can be addressed using materia medica and, in some cases, additional diagnosis from a health professional.

Muscle Debility

If the muscles regulating the direction and flow of the urine become lax due to age or injury, then urine can clog or get backed up, leading to infection. Muscle laxness can also cause urinary incontinence, which leads to leaking. Herbal actions needed include nutritive, circulatory tonics, nervine tonics, astringents.


All parts of the urinary system can get infected, including the kidneys (renal infection or acute renal/kidney failure), the bladder (painful bladder syndrome or interstitial cystitis), the nephrons (nephritis), and the ureters (urinary tract infection). Herbal actions needed include antimicrobial, diuretic, hepatic, demulcent, antispasmodic.

Prostate Problems

Benign prostatic hypertrophy or prostatic enlargement can restrict fluid flow from the kidneys to the bladder, resulting in infection. Consider prostate supportive herbs such as saw palmetto, nettle root, green tea, and pygeum as well as antilithics, antispasmodic, anodyne.


Excessive protein in the urine indicates the kidneys may not be functioning at peak. Herbal actions may include diuretics, hepatics, nutritives, and cardiotonics.

Kidney Stones

Calculi are the “stones,” “crystals,” or “gravel” formed anywhere in the urinary system. The stone consists of proteins and any of a variety of crystals, including calcium, oxalates, phosphate, and carbonates found in herbs and foods, such as oxalic acid in wood sorrel and spinach. Uric acid can also form stones, and many stones pose the risk of blocking the kidney, ureter, or bladder. Indications of calculi include sudden and sharp pain upon urination, fever, sweating, and blood in the urine. Many herbs throughout history have been called “gravel root” or “stone root,” referring to their use in removing the mineral build-up of kidney stones; herbs that help reduce the formation or size of kidney stones or calculi, reduce the inflammation, or help expunge the stones from the urinary system are called antilithic and are tier 2 Specifics.

Symptoms of Urinary Diseases

The following symptoms can occur due to a variety of diseases and need to be evaluated by a health care professional to determine the cause. Herbal remedies can alleviate symptoms and in some cases address underlying causes.


Painful urination which includes burning, pain, inflammation, and/or spasm. Herbal protocols include demulcents, analgesics, anti-inflammatories, spasmolytics, and anxiolytics.


Blood in the urine can indicate serious conditions and requires proper diagnosis. Astringents can stop bleeding though may not cure the cause. Antimicrobials can address underlying causes and prevent further infection.


Swelling of any part of the body is called edema; swelling associated with congested heart conditions is called dropsy. Urinary incontinence or irregularity can be a symptom along with other more serious symptoms that require medical intervention. Diuretics or astringents can be palliative but they will not address the cause.

Specific tier 2 herbs for many of the above-mentioned issues, organized by action, may include:




In addition to mallow, plantain, and slippery elm (discussed elsewhere), consider:


Because they “deliver” herbs to the urinary tract, most diuretics are also vehicles and can be used in tier 3 or tier 4 of any urinary formula. In addition to dandelion, yarrow, nettle, stone root, Joe Pye weed, corn silk, bearberry, cleavers, juniper, and pipsissewa, consider:


Consider mallow and licorice, discussed elsewhere. Licorice can cause sodium retention, so avoid its use in formulas for people with nervous system imbalances, cardiovascular imbalances, high or low blood pressure, or who are pregnant.


For general pelvic spasms or cramps associated with urinary issues, consider wild yam, black haw, or cramp bark. For spasms of the ureter, urethra, or other urinary-specific spasm, consider corn silk.

Urinary Tract Formulas

A Formula for Urinary Tract Infection with Burning

A Formula for Urinary Tract Infection with Cramps

In addition to the above formulas, a helpful protocol will include dietary recommendations. A healthy diet is key in mitigating infection and pain in the urinary system. The guidelines are simple: reduce inflammatory foods (such as the nightshade family) and reduce calcifying foods (such as spinach, wood sorrel, and even chocolate). Greatly increase the amount of water drunk, being sure to take in a full six to eight glasses of distilled water daily.

Dietary changes, herbal formulary, and a healthy exercise schedule can support urinary health. Support your client with common sense and the herbs listed here based on their actions and effective use through many years of tradition.
