
“Aba,” common hunt


Abyssinia, village community

Adalbert, St.

Adlerz, Prof. Gottfried, on ants

Africa, animal population of; village community; barbarian monarchies; compensation laws of various stems; customary law; village community

Agricultural co-operation in Netherlands; in Belgium. See also Syndicats, Artéls.

Agricultural implements, improved in village communities

Aids, in guilds

Aids: in Kabyle villages; in Georgia.; amongst French peasants seq.; in Caucasia.; in Germany

Aire, “friendship” of


Aleoutes seq.; in stone age still; peacefulness; periodical distributions of accumulated wealth; code of morality

Alfurus, the


Allthing, law recited at

Alpine Clubs

Altum, Dr. B., on destruction of the pine-moth; of mice


America, animal population of

America, Northern

Amiens.,.; acting as arbiter.




Amu river.

Amur river

Anabaptism seq.

“Anaya” custom

Ancher, Kofod, on old Danish guilds

Anglo-Saxon law

Annam, village community


Anthropological Society of Paris, questions answered; on cannibalism

Anticosti Island

Ants, mutual support with; feeding each other; agriculture and horticulture of; federations of their nests; their play; book of Pierre Huber on; Mr. Sutherland’s appreciation; Prof. Adlerz on; nations of


Apes, sociability of; family relations

Aquatic birds; family habits of.; on St. Lawrence river

Arabs, invasion of

Aral, lake.

Arani, the

Arbiter, city acting as

Architecture, mediæval seq.; communal inspiration; mechanical achievements

Arctic America Eskimos

Arctic archipelagoes

Ardennes, re-allotting of land

Ariège, village life in seq.; communal culture


Arnold, Dr. Wilhelm.; on German cities

Art, mediaeval and Greek, communal inspiration of

Artél and note; modern developments in Russia

Arthur, King, legends of

Aryans, early

Asara, on sociability in the Tree-creepers’ family of birds

Asia, Northern

Assemblée Constituante

Associations of animals: family, group, society; in villages

Athens, Acropolis

Audubon; on parrots; packs of Labrador wolves; Canada musk-rats; his “Journals,”; on aquatic birds on St. Lawrence river; on eagles


Augustin, St.

Aunt, maternal, sacrificing herself to follow dead child; her duties in the tribe

Australasia, Southern

Australia; droves of cattle

Australians; The Folklore, Manners, etc., of A. Aborigines.; code of morality.

Austria, destruction of village community

Autumn, societies of birds

Babeau, old village in France.; old towns; village community.

“Baby language,”

Bachofen, on late origin of family

Bacon, Francis

Bacon, Roger


Bain, Eb., on merchant and craft guilds.

Baker, S. W., hunting associations of lions; societies of elephants

Bakradze, Dm., on common culture; on common ownership of serfs

“Balai,” or “barla,”

Balkan peninsula, village community

Bancroft, on common culture


Barbarians, mutual aid among the; migrations dissociating them; village-community institutions worked out by; justice rendered by village folkmote; fred and wergeld; amount of composition payment; settling of peace; mild punishments; tribes now living under the institutions of seq.; clearing forests, colonizing



Barthold, German mediæval cities.

Basel; cathedral



Bastian, Adolf, on blood-revenge and justice; obligation to aid travellers; Oceania islands.


Bates, W., on Darwinism; “campos” of termites; on Brazil vultures.; destruction of winged ants; on swarms of butterflies; scarcity of animal population in Brazil; bird-societies

Baudrillart, A., on rural populations of France

Baudrillart, H., on rural populations of France


Bears, sociable in Kamtchatka; in Tibet

Beaumont chart

Beavers, colonies of

Becker, A., on sudden disappearance of Sousliks


“Bee,” .

Bees, mutual aid with; anti-social instincts among them

Beetles, burying: mutual aid among

Behring, his crew and polar foxes

Belgium, forced sale of communal lands; farmer’s unions





Besseler, on formation of private land-ownership

Bink, G. L., on New Guinea Papuas


Birds; breeding associations; autumn societies of; migrations

Blanchard, on insect metamorphoses

Blavignac, J. D., on labour in Fribourg.

Bleck, W., on Bushmen.

Blood covenant

Blood revenge—a conception of justice; its survival amongst ourselves.; a tribal affair; Ad. Bastian on.; “head-hunting,”; with the barbariansseq.

Boars, societies of

Bock, Carl, on “head-hunting” among Dayaks; grossly exaggerated.

Bogisic, on joint family with the Serbs and the Croates


Bohemia, cities

Boileau, “Livre des métiers,”



Bonnemère, village institutions in France.


Botta and Leo: early accumulations of wealth; Lombardian code.



Brazil, ants; falcons; natives; common culture

Brehm, A.; on fight of hamadryas against his caravan; on sociable life of monkeys.

Brehon laws


Brentano, L., on trade-unions; struggle within cities.


Breslau; bell-tower

Brighton Aquarium

Bristol miners

Brittany, common culture


Buchenberger, A., on destruction of village community in Belgium; on agricultural co-operation in Germany

Bücher, K., addenda to Laveleye’s Primitive Property; agricultural co-operation in Germany

Büchner, Dr. Louis; on animal intelligence; “Love,”; on compassion among animals

Budding of new communities

Buffon on rabbits


Buphagus. See Sea-hen.




Burghers, struggle against feudalism


Burial, private property destroyed at


Buryates: joint families; common meals; confederations; brotherly habits; common hunts


Butterflies, swarms of

Buxbaum, L.

Buzzards attacked by lapwings

Byelaeff, Prof., Russian History.

Cæsar, Julius

Cæsarism, development of seq.

Calonne, A., de, on communal purchases.


Canada, musk-rats

Cannibalism: discussion at Paris Anthropological Society; probably originated during Glacial period; religious character of, in Fiji and Mexico

Capponi, Gino, history of Florence.

Caprides, sociability of


Carnivores, sociability among


Casalis, on common law of Bassoutos

Caspian Sea, previous extension.

Cassiques, mocking eagles

Cathedrals, mediæval

Caucasian Mountaineers, common culture; growth of feudalism; joint stock feudalism; criminal law; folk tribunals; “aids” in villages.



Central America, common culture

Central Asia, herds of mammals; dessication of.

Centralization, growth of ideas of seq.

Centralization in France


Chakars, singing in concert

Chambers’ Encyclopædia.

Charitable associations



Checks, natural, to over-multiplication seq.; mice; coypù

Chernigov, village community in


Children, mutual support amongst; purchase of, for factories in England

Chinese, common hunts


Church, Christian; and kings; and Emperor in Italy; favours Cæsarism; studies of Roman law; revolt against the Catholic Church

Cibrario, L., mediæval economics in Italy; on slavery and serfdom


Clan, its organization with primitive men; opposed to other clans; dissociated by migrations; Appendix VII

Clan-marriage; with Semites, Aryans, Australians, Red Indians, Eskimos, etc.; Appendix VII

“Classes,” marriage-, among savages; age-classes and guilds

Clements, Dmitri, on Lukchun antiquities

Cliff swallows

Clode, Ch. M., on Guild of Merchant Taylors.

“Clubs” of savages

Cockroaches, one species driving another

Code Napoléon

“Çof” of Kabyles


Collins, Col..

Cologne.; neighbour guilds; guilds; cathedral, how it was built

Colonies Animales

Colonization, by village communities; by mediæval cities



Combination Laws repealed


Communal culture, modern, in Ariège; in Westphalia; in Kursk

Communal hay-mowing

Communal lands in France; and note

Communal meals

Commune of Laonnais

Communes of France


Compensation for murder; for stealing

Competition in Nature, theory of, analyzed; Darwin’s arguments to prove it; indirect argument in favour of it seq.; natural checks to it; is it an element of progressive evolution; adaptations to avoid it



Congresses, mediæval, of workingmen




Consular Reports (British)

Convention, French, edicts to destroy village community; law against coalitions of workers


Co-operation, among peasants, in Switzerland; in France seq.; in Germany; in Russia; creameries in West Siberia; in Britain; on the continent; in Russia


Cornelissen, on mutual support in Dutch villages

Cornelius, on Münster insurrection.

Cornish, C. J., on animals at play

Corporations of France.

Couës, Dr. E., on Birds of Kerguelen Island; cliff-swallows and falcon; birds of Dakota

Coulanges, Fustel de

Country life in England.

Coures, village community of

Cranes, sociability of


Crofters’ Commission

Cross, market

Cunow, Heinrich, village community in Peru

Cyclists’ Alliance


Daghestan, feudal relations in

Dahn, F., old Teutonic institutions.; early accumulation of wealth; old Teutonic law


Dall, on Aleoutes

Dalloz, on communal lands in France

Dancing among birds

Danish co-operators in Siberia

Danish guild, old; Pappenheim on.



Dargun, L., on altruism in economics.

Darwin, Charles, on struggle for life; on same subject, in Descent of Man; Bates on his ideas; Malthusian influence; his followers; hunting associations of kites; fight of hamadryas; dancing among birds; features useful in struggle for life; compassion among pelicans; struggle for life and competition, analysis of this theory; arguments of Darwin in favour of; metaphoric sense of “extermination” more probable; Malthus’ “arithmetical argument,”; over-population and natural checks to; how animals avoid competition; misuse made of his terminology; Man originated from a sociable species; on Man’s sociable qualities as a factor of evolution

Darwin, Dr. Erasmus, on moulting crabs

Darwinism and Sociology; Bates on Darwinism

Darwinists; Russian

Dasent, George, Burnt Njal saga

Dayaks, their habits; their conception of justice; exaggerations of recent writers

Death-sentence amongst moderns.

Decay of mediæval cities, causes of seq.

Deer. See Fallow deer.

Defensor of the city

“Degenerated” tribes




Denmark shell-heaps

Denton, Rev., on mediæval Scotland.

Desiccation, a cause of migrations; of post-pliocene lakes.



Destruction of animal life by natural agencies

De Stuers, on Malayan village community

Dhole dogs, packs of


Dixon, Ch., flights of birds for pleasure; bird-mountains; gatherings before migrating; destruction of bird-life by cold; on aquatic birds’ associations; on lapwings


Dock-labourers’ strike

Doniol, on village institutions in France.

D’Orbigny; on kites

Dordogne, palæolithic relics in

Doren, A., on merchant guild.


Dragon-flies, migrations

Drought, effects of

Drummond, H.



Durkheim, Prof., on human marriage

Ebrard, on ants

Eckermann, Gespräche


Edward III.

Edward VI., confiscates estates of guilds

Efimenko, Mme., on village community in Russia.

Eghiazarov, S., on Georgian guilds.



Elephants, societies of

Elizabeth, Queen, statute of, for regulating wages

Elphinstone, village community of the Afghans

Emperor and Church in Italy


Enclosure Acts

England, village community in; mediæval; destruction of village community seq.; present survivals of village community seq.

Ennen, Dr. Leonard, Cologne Cathedral; Cologne

Ennett, J. T., mediæval art in small parishes

Equality, institutions for maintaining it

Equus Przewalski

Erskine, on self-sacrifice of old relatives

Eskimos, their institutions; their nearest congeners, their habits seq.

Esnafs or esnaifs

Espinas, on animal societies

Europe, Northern

Evolution, progressive: mutual aid its main factor; is it fostered by competition

Exchange artél

Fabre, J. B., on insects

Fagniez, on mediæval industry at Paris.

Falcon, prairie

Falcon, red-throated, in bands; in South Russian Steppes

Falke, Joh., on mediæval conditions of labour; on Hansa

Falkenau, strikes

Fallow deer, migrations

Falsifications in agriculture.

“Families, The,”

Family, paternal, amidst the clan

Family, tribal origin of; Appendix VII

Farne Islands

Federalism, principles of

Federations of barbarian stems; of cities seq. Also see Leagues.


Ferdinand I.

Ferrari, on Italian cities.; on wars between them

Feudalism, growing in Caucasia; joint stock; with Malayans

Feuds amongst savages

Fiji, religious cannibalism in

Filial love with savages.

Finns, village community of

Finsch, O., on New Guinea.; on Hyperboreans.

Fishing by pelicans; co-operative in Russia

Fison, L., and A. W. Howitt, on tribal origin of family


Flemish cities

Florence, revolution of minor arts and n. ; fights against landlords.; head of a league of cities; league of villages in its contado; flourishing state of country dependent upon it.; words of its Council; its schools and hospitals.; its fifteenth-century revolution

Folkmote, its attributions in villages; judicial functions of; extent of jurisdiction; supreme in mediæval cities; jurisdiction retained in feudal times; electing the defensor; in London.; its abolition; Gomme on its functions.

Food shared in common by savages; by Hottentots.

Forbes, James, on feeling of sympathy in monkeys

Forel, Prof., on ants; on federations of ants’ nests


Four-fields’ system in village communities

Foxes, hunting packs of; polar; gregarious

France. See Village Community, Guilds, Mediæval Cities.


Franconian period

Franks.; common culture

Fred, paid to village community; origin; in later periods



Fritsch, on Bushmen.

Froebel Unions


Fuegians, part of savage belt; in recent descriptions

Fuego, Terra di, shell-heaps

Fustel de Coulanges, on village community

Galicia, towns





Geddes, Prof. P., on Malthus argument

Geelwink Bay, Papuas



Gens, gentile organization. See Clan, Savages.


German Expedition on Eskimos

Germans of Tacitus



Geszow, I. E., on joint family in Bulgaria



Giddings, Prof. F. A.

Gill, on New Hebrides savages

Giraud Teulon, on tribal origin of family

Gironnais, St., syndicate of.

Giry, on Rouen commune

Glaber, Raoul

Glacial period; time of probable origin of cannibalism

Glarus, Alpine meadows


“God’s Peace,”

Goethe, on Mutual Aid

Gomme, G. L., on folkmote in London.; modern survivals of village community.

Gorilla, a decaying species

Gothic architecture seq.

Gramich, W., on mediæval Würzburg

Grasshoppers, gregarious

Great Inquest

Greece.; antique cities of; guilds of ancient Greece

Greek art

Greeks of Homer

Green, J. R., early accumulation of wealth; on frith guilds. ; early London.; cities and country

Green, Mrs., on mediæval cities in England; on guilds.; on communal purchases.; labour and craft guilds.

Greenland, ice age in


Grey, Adm., on Australians; savage conception of justice.

Groot, J. M. de, on religious systems in China

Gross, Carl, Play of Animals

Gross, Ch., on guild merchant; on communal purchases; struggles between guilds.


Guilbert de Nogent

Guilds, their universality; their character on board ship; for building; Danish skraa; obligations of guild brothers; of serfs, beggars, teachers, etc.; common meal; merchant.; frith guilds, id.; federation of, in the city; its sovereignty; sale of products and buying of necessaries; merchant guilds; organization of work; hours of labour; their own militia; union of, symbolized in cathedrals; donations; spoliated by State; estates confiscated by Henry . and Edward VI. and n.; State legislation instead of self-jurisdiction; wages; guilds and trade unions seq.; origin of, Appendix X seq.; in old Rome; with the Normans and the Slavonians; in old Greece; in the East; modelled upon the clan; in old France; relation to “age classes” and secret societies of early barbarians.

Guizot, on early accumulation of wealth

Gurney, G. H., on house-sparrow

Gutteridge, Joseph, on artisan life

Gymnasts’ societies


Hanoteau, on Kabyles

Hansa, ship guild.; labour congresses in Hanseatic towns and n.; league; Flemish, North German

Hares; sociable

Harvest supper

Hawk chased by sparrows

Haygarth, on cattle in Australia

Hearne, on musk-ox

Heath, Richard, on Anabaptism.

Hedin, Sven, on Lob-nor.

Hegel, Carl, history of German mediæval cities; their origin


Heinrich V.

Henry VII.

Henry VIII., enclosures; ruins the guilds

Heribert, St.


Himalaya natives

Hippopotamus, societies of


Historical documents, chiefly relating struggles

History, begins several times anew with the tribe

Hobbes; war of each against all; his followers; his main error

Hodder, Edwin, Life of Seventh Earl of Shaftesbury


Holm, Capt., on Greenland Eskimos

Horses; half wild in Asia; effects of droughts upon; wild in Tibet; origin of; after a drought


Houzeau, on animal sociability; prairie-wolves; sociability diminishes in decaying species

Howitt, A. W., Australians

Huber, Pierre, on ants; their play; Mr. Sutherland’s appreciation of

Hudson, W. H., on viscachas; on pigs; on music and dancing in Nature; want of animal population in South America; adaptation to avoid competition

Hugues, Archbishop

Humber district, birds in

Humboldt, Alexander, on tee-tees


Hunting associations: of male and female; among eagles; of kites; of pelicans; lions; in dogs’ tribe; of wolves; prairie-wolves; foxes; hyenas

Hunting in common

Hussite wars

Hutchinson, H. N., on marriage customs

Hüter, E., on foxes

Huxley, on struggle for life; origin of society; on Hobbesian war

Ice age, extension of ice cap

Iceland, Allthing

Ihering, Dr., on importance of free mutual support.

Ile de France

Inama-Sternegg, on formation of private property in land.

India; village community in; guilds in ancient India

Indians of Vancouver.

Individualism preached in modern society

Infanticide with the savages

Innes, Cosmo, on mediæval Scotland.

Innocent III.

Insectivores, associations, Appendix IV

Intellectual development due to sociability

International law

Inter-tribal relations

Inventions, mediæval seq.

Ipswich merchant guild

Ireland, village community in

Iron, cost of, in early mediæval times

Irrigation, co-operative, in France

Isolation of species

Italian art

Italian cities; struggles against nobles; slavery maintained

Italian language

Ivanisheff, Prof., on village community in Russia.

Izvestia of Russian Geographica Society

Jackals, hunting associations of

Jackdaws chasing kites

Jacobsen on Bering Strait Eskimos.



Janssen, history of Germany.

Jerdon, Dr., on ants.; jackdaws and kites

Jobbé-Duval, village community in Annam.

Joint family as a phasis of civilization; with the Ossetes; with the South Slavonians

Joint household. See Joint Family.

“Joint team” in Wales; in Caucasia.

Judge in mediæval times.

Justice, sense of, developed by sociability


Kabyles, village community with; their institutions; return to tribal law; djemmâa; work in common; rich and poor; aid in travels; feeding destitutes; anaya custom; the çof

Kada, common hunt

Kafir laws.

Kaimani Bay, Papuas.

Kallsen, Dr. Otto, on German mediæval cities.; on mortmain; cities the makers of national unity.

Kalmucks, customary law

Kamilaroi-speaking Australians

Kamchatka bears

Karl the Great

Kaufmann, early significance of “King,”

Kautsky, K., on sixteenth-century communism



Keller, on Anabaptism

Kerguelen Island

Kessler, Prof.; lecture on the law of Mutual Aid; our imperfect knowledge of mammals; Societies of youngsters


Khevsoures, return to tribal law; women stopping quarrels

Khingan, Great, Little

Khoudadoff, N., on common culture; on Khevsoure common law


Kilkenny ordinance

King, double origin of authority of the; duke equal to; early meaning of the kong; Canute; compensation for a slain king

Kingsley, Mary, on the Fans.

Kinship systems

Kirk, T. W., on house-sparrows

Kites, sociability; attacking eagles; chasing the hawk

Klaus, on village community in Russia.

Kluckohn, on God’s Peace

Knights of Labour

Knowles, James


Kohl, horses against wolves

Kolben, P., on Hottentots


Königswarter, on primitive justice; on compensation, on fred

Konung, kong

Koskinen, early institutions of Fins.

Kostomaroff, Prof. N., early Russian history; origin of autocracy; twelfth-century Rationalism; free cities.


Kovalevsky, Prof. Maxim, on tribal origin of family; on primitive law.; on origin of family; on village community in Britain.; in Russia.; evolution of family and property.; Ossetes’ hay-stacks; compensation laws; origins of feudalism; on cities of Bohemia; on Russian feudalism.; tribal marriage

Kozloff, P., fight with monkeys in Tibet

Kudinsk Steppe. See Buryates.

Kulischer, on primitive trade.

Kursk, communal culture

Kuttenberg ordinance

La Borne

Labour, conditions of, in free cities; mediæval congresses of

Labourers, obstacles to their combinations; wages settled by State; Combination Laws repealed in 1825; Robert Owen’s Trades’ Union; prosecutions; modern unions; strikes; part taken in political agitation; in socialist work; co-operation seq.


Lakes, bird-nesting on their shores


Lambert, Rev. J. M., on guild life.

Lamprecht, on Franconian law and economics; on mediæval economics in Germany.

Lanessan, J. L., lecture on Mutual Aid

Langobard institutions.

Laon, commune of; cathedral

Laonnais, federation of villages

La Plata

Lapwings, attack of a buzzard; their dances; adaptations to varied food

Laudes, on village community in Annam

Laveleye, Primitive Property.

Law, customary, kept in certain families; recited at Allthings

Law, Sir Hugh, on Dayaks.

Lawyers, their influence; of Bologna.

Leagues, of towns; of villages

Lebret, on mediæval Venice

Lendenfeld, R., on cacadoos

Leo and Botta.


Letourneau, on common culture

Letourneaux, on Kabyles

Le Vaillant

Lezghines, having joint feudal rights

Lichtenstein, journeys in South Africa

Lifeboat Association


Lincecum, Dr., on harvesting ants.

Linden, Herman van den, on merchant guilds in Netherlands


Linnæus, on aphides and ants

Lipari Islands

Little Russians, village community with the

Lives, village community of

Loans in mediæval cities

Lombardian law

Lombardian League

Lombardy, struggle against nobles; canals

London, communal purchases in

Long houses (balai); of Eskimos

Lorris, commune

Louis le Gros.

Louis XIV.

Love and sociability



Lubbock, Sir John, on ants, bees, and wasps; palæolithic men; Denmark shell-heaps; neolithic men—not degenerated specimens of mankind; on tribal origin of family; on Hottentots; tribal marriage



Luchaire, A., on French mediæval cities and guilds ; on village leagues

Lukchun depression, antiquities of

Lumholtz, on North Queensland natives

Luro, village community in Annam

Lutchitzky, Prof., on village community.; on slavery in Florence.

Luxembourg, Jardin du, sparrows

Lyons, unsuccessful revolution of minor crafts.; duration of struggles for emancipation.

MacCook, on ants.; nations of ants

Maclean, on common law of Kafirs

MacLennan, J. F., on tribal origin of family; Studies in Ancient History


Maeterlinck, on bees

Maine, Sir Henry, on primitive institutions; on village community in Britain; in India.; on common law; origin of international law; village community; on communal lands


Malayans, common culture

Mammals, prevalence of sociable species



Marin, on mediæval Venice

Market in mediæval city, Appendix XI; its protectionseq.

Markoff, E., on Shakhseven common law.


Marriage-institutions of savages seq.; institutions of Eskimos; exchange of wives; “communal,”; compound; restrictions abolished during festivals; solemnities

Marshall, on communal lands

Martial, L. F., on Cape Horn aborigines

Master and Servant Act

Maurer, on village community.; common culture; communal jurisdiction; supremacy of folkmote; on evolution of village community into city.; mediæval cities.

Maures, invasion

Maynoff, on Mordovian common law

Mediæval cities: uprise in the tenth to twelfth centuries; its unanimity; co-jurations; double origin; folkmote and defensor; “God’s Peace,”; foundations of commercial and international law; fine monuments; the guilds; their origin; their functions; their diversity; secondary importance of yearly festival; federation of parishes and guilds in the city; extension of the revolt all over Europe; self-jurisdiction; sovereignty; labour, position of; communal-buying of necessaries of life; for the guilds; variety in; the market; growth of the merchant oligarchy; conceptions about honesty in work; master and companion; wages of the latter; hours of labour; eight hours’ day; guild and town militia; “minor arts,”; battles fought; wars against feudal barons; the surrounding peasants; leagues of cities; unions of villages; commercial treaties; results achieved in; prosperity; French, German, Italian, Russian (literature).; as arbiters; architecture; city buildings; growth of arts and industries; progress in science; causes of decay; ideas of sanctity of kings spread by Church and lawyers; city oligarchy; city and village; principles of centralization; influence of Church and Roman law; example of Florence


Medley, Mr.

Meitzen, on Swiss communes.

Mennonites, village community

Mercati personati

Merchant guild.; H. van den Linden on


Merovingian France

Mexico, religious cannibalism in

Miaskowski, on struggle within communes.

Mice, destruction by changes of weather

Michel Angelo


Middendorff, A. Th..

Middle Russia, village-community movement

Migrations: fallow deer on the Amur; of birds; of nations, causes of

Miklukho-Maclay, on Papuas; savages sharing food; savage “classes,”; clubs


Miler, Ernest, on South Slavonian joint family

Milgaard shell-heaps

Miller, Prof. Orest, on common law of Caucasian mountaineers

Miners, mediæval; Radstock; Bristol, Yorkshire; Rhonda Valley; support of orphans




Moeller, Alfred, on ants’ gardens.

Moffat; on self-sacrifice of old relatives with the savages

Moggridge, J. T., on harvesting ants and trapdoor spiders.

Molucca crab, endeavours to lift a comrade


Mongols, village community; aid to traveller obligatory; invasion

Monkeys, sociability of; fight of hamadryas against Brehm; against the Kozloff expedition in Tibet; family habits of


Montaugé, Théron de


Montrozier, on common culture


Moors, English

Moral feeling developed in animals by sociability

Morality, Aleoute code of

Moravia, communities


Mordovians, common law; aids

Morgan, Lewis H., on tribal origin of family; Ancient Society; on “Hawaiian” group-system..; tribal marriage



Moscou, Bulletin des Naturalistes de


Motacilla alba. See Wagtails.

Mother’s clan, child belonging to

Mothers, mutual support amongst

Mount Tendre

Mugan Steppe.

Müller and Temminch, on Dayaks.


Münzinger, on common law of Bogos



Mutual Aid: Kessler on; law of; Goethe on; works on; M. A. and love; as a law of Nature;—institutions; struggle against; M. A. and individualism; “M. A.,” articles on; lecture by Kessler; lecture by Lanessan; Büchner on; among animals; among savages; among barbarians; in the mediæval city; amongst ourselves; tendency in history; tendency developed in the mediæval city; destruction of institutions by State

“Mysteries” and guilds


Napoleon III.


Nasse, on the village community in Britain.; on communal lands

Nature, quoted.

Nautæ, guild of

Naviglio Grande.

Navy in free cities

Nazaroff, on common hunts




Negroes, common culture with

Neolithic man’s relics

Nesting associations of birds

Netherlands, anabaptism in; agrarian inquest; on mutual support in villages; merchant guilds


New Caledonia, common culture in

New England

New Guinea

New Hebrides savages

Newton, Prof. A., on thrushes.

New Zealand; multiplication of pigs and rabbits


Nobles and cities in Italy

Nordenskjöld, A. E., on bird-mountains

Nordmann, on falcons

Normans, invasions of


Notre Dame de Paris

Novgorod, communal dépôts; “Sovereign N.” carries on commerce; povolniki; leagues


Nuremberg.; learning and technical skill

Nys, Prof. E., on military executions.; on Old Irish law; on origin of international law

O’Brien, on Swiss villages.

Ochenkowski, on mediæval England; communal lands.

Old relatives, self-sacrifice of; Moffat and Erskine on it

“Old Transformist.” See Tchernyshevsky.

Orang-utan, a decaying species

Orkhon, inscriptions

Ornithological Society

Orsini, The

Ory, village community in Annam.

Ossetes, hay-stacks free in spring; compensation laws of; common law of

Ostyaks; mild character.

Oucagas, The

Oulous of Buryates


Over-population, animal, not proved; natural checks to, Appendix V. Also see Checks.

Overstolzes, The

Ovides family, sociability of

Owen, Robert, Trades’ Union


Pacific Islands


Palfrey, on village communities in New England

Painters, guilds of

Pappenheim on Danish guilds.

Papuas; description by G. Bink; by M. Maclay

Parental love with savages.

Parentship relations among savages

Paris.; mediæval conditions of labour.; guilds; Notre Dame; a royal city; early guilds; mediæval guilds

Paris Exhibition, bees at

“Parricide,” supposed, among savages

Parrots, sociability of; with jays and crows; vigilance; high intelligence; mutual attachment


Pavloff (Pawlow), Marie, on origin of modern horse

Peasant War; massacres to stop it.

Pelicans, fishing associations

People, constructive genius of the

Periodical distributions of wealth; of land; remittance of debts

Perrens, history of Florence

Perrier, Ed., on animal colonies

Perty, Maximilian.; on compassion among animals

Peru; village community

Pfeiffer, Ida, on Dayaks

Phear, Sir John, village in India.

Philippe le Bel

Phillip, Count of Flanders

Phillips-Wolley, Clive, on big game shooting.



Piepers, M. C., on mass-flights of butterflies





Plata, La, W. H. Hudson on

Play of animals

Plimsoll, Samuel, on life of poor; on altruism with poor and rich

Plovers, ringed

Plutarch on guilds

Polyakoff, Ivan, on struggle for life; on gulls

Polynesian Reminiscences


Poor, The, mutual support among seq.

Poor and rich

Population, animal, want of

Porter, list of Enclosure Acts

Posnikoff, Prof. A..

Post, A., on tribal origin of family; on clan-marriage.; on exchange of wives.; common culture; compensation laws of Africa; common law of African stems; development of family rights; on Sumatra; origin of family

Post-glacial period

Post-pliocene lakes.

Powell, on the village community in Sumatra


Prairie-dogs, societies of; keep sentries in Zoological Gardens

Primitive men, supposed war between seq.; their tribes

Prisoner, escaped, self-sacrifice of.

Pritchard, W. T., on Polynesian cannibalism

Private property destroyed on grave in China

Private property in land.

Prjevalsky on sociable bears in Tibet

Prussia, destruction of village community

Pskov, city walls; commune of; communal dépôts; “Sovereign P.” carries on commerce; leagues

Purchases by the guild. See Guilds.






Radstock miners

Rails, their dances

Rambaud, history of Russia.; on early relations between Normans and Slavonians

Ranke, Leopold, on Roman law.

Rationalism, twelfth century’s


Rats, mutual support; brown and black


Reclus, Elie, on savages’ reluctance towards infanticide

Reclus, Elisée, on Hottentots; on Dayaks.

Redemption of land.

Red Indians; common hunts

Reform, character of its beginnings

Rein, on village community with Finns.

Renaissance, twelfth century’s

Republic, Third, in France


Rhine, league of cities on

Rhinoceros, societies of

Rhonda Valley miners

Rietschel, on market in mediæval city

Rink, Dr. H., on Eskimos

Riparian law.

Roads built by village communities

Robert, King

Rocquain, F., on twelfth century Renaissance

Rogers, Thorold, mediæval conditions of labour

Romanes, Georges; agriculture of ants.; sociable jackals; sympathy in monkeys

Roman law, its growth; changes the sense attached to the King; renewal of study of; Christian Church accepting its principles

Roman “municipia,”.

Rome, Imperial.; mediæval; struggles against nobles

Roncaglia, congress of.

Ross, Denman

Rossus, Historia


Rothari, code of


Rousseau, J. J., Huxley’s appreciation of; on origin of society; idealizes savages

Royal cities.

Rudeck, Wilhelm, on marriage customs in Germany.

Rumohr, on proletariat in colonies of Toscana.

Russia: eleventh century; annals about calling Norman princes.; independent cities; feudal period.; history of.; criminal law; making of, by artéls; village cooperation in seq.

Russian Geological Survey

Russian peasants, saying of old people

Sacrifices made by workers

Sagas: on blood revenge; Story of Burnt Njal

Saint-Léon, Dr. E. Martin, history of trade unions in France.; on Roman guilds; on Paris guilds

St. Ouen


Sales by the guild. See Guilds.

Salève mountain

Salic law.


Samoyedes, kindness of; mild character.




Savages; described as the gentlest people; idealized by Rousseau; identify themselves with the clan


Savonarola, Gieronimo

Saxon barbarian codes


Scandinavians; village community of


Schmoller, on Strassburg crafts.


Scholæ of warriors

Schönberg, mediæval conditions of labour; craft guilds

Schrenck, Leopold.

Schultz, Dr. Alwin, mediæval conditions of labour.

Schurtz, H., on age classes and secret societies of savages

Science in free cities

Scot, Michael

Scotland, sociable weasels in; village community in; common culture; roads

Sea-hen (Buphagus) chasing gulls

Secret societies among savages seq.

“Sections” in mediæval city

Seebohm, F., on village community in Britain; on common culture; on Enclosure Acts

Seebohm, H., on migrations.; bird-mountains; gatherings of birds before nest-building


Self-sacrifice, traditions among fishermen, miners; of an escaped prisoner.

Sémichon, L., on God’s Peace

Semites, primitive


Serfs, their guilds; revolts of

Sergievitch, Prof., on folkmote and prince in Russia.

Servius Tullius


Shaftesbury, seventh Earl of, on flower-girls.; on purchase and slaughter of children



Shooting amongst moderns.

Siberia, animal life in; birds of; animal population of; lakes.




Silesia, village community

Singing in concert, of birds


Sismondi, on Italian republics.; wars between cities; agriculture in Tuscany; Lombardy canals, their subsequent decay; growth of royal authority.

Skraa of Danish guild

Slavery in Italian cities

Slavonians, primitive; village community of.; cities

Smith, Adam, on State intervention in corporations.

Smith, Miss Toulmin, on woman in guilds.; on guilds.

Smith, Mr. Toulmin, English guilds.; Cambridge guilds.; confiscation of guilds’ property.

Sociability, greater in regions uninhabited by man; with all animals before the appearance of man; cultivated for love of society; “joy of life,” distinctive feature of animal world; expressed in dancing and singing; best weapon in struggle for life; develops moral instincts; also sense of justice; and sympathy

Socialism, sacrifices for

Societies, opposed by State; growing now for all possible purposes

Society, pre-human origin of


Sohm, on Teutonic village community.



Soudan, village community

Souslik of South Russia; sudden disappearance of


Sparrows warning each other; Mr. Gurney on; chasing a hawk


Spencer, Herbert, on struggle for life; on animal colonies; influence of surroundings

Sproat, Gilbert, on Vancouver Indians.


Stansbury, Capt., on compassion among pelicans

Starcke, Prof. C. N., on primitive family

Starkenberg, province

State, interference in corporations seq.; growth of, in sixteenth century; aided by Church; its ideals within the cities; its victory over the cities; spoliation of guilds; absorption of all their functions; destruction of mutual-aid institutions; interference in guilds seq.; its ideals favoured

Steffen, Gustaf, on mediæval conditions of labour in England.

Steller on polar foxes; on Kamchatka bears

Steppes, Russian and Siberian, lakes of

Stieda, W., on Hansa towns.

Stobbe, on “movable” property

Stoltze, on Dayaks


Strikes prosecuted; right to, slightly won in England

Struggle for life, its proper sense; checks to multiplication; “a law of Nature,”; Kessler on; its philosophical importance; metaphorical sense; Darwin on; Darwinists on; Huxley on; in Nature; Kessler on; who are the fittest in it?; and competition, theory of, analyzed seq.

Struggles, the part they play in history; subject of historical documents

Suabian League




Sungari river


Sutherland, A., on moral instinct; appreciation of Huber’s work

Swallows, one species displacing another

Swiss Confederation

Switzerland, sociable weasels; lake-dwellings; roads; village communities selling lands

Syevertsoff, N., on Mutual Aid; on hunting associations of white-tailed eagles; nesting associations of birds

Sykes, Col..

Sylvestre, village community in Annam.

Sympathies, “stratified” with the rich


Syndicats agricoles




Tartar villages

Taurida, province, village community in

Taylors, guild of the Merchant.

Tchany, Lake, desiccation of.

Tchernyshevsky, N. G., essay on Darwinism

Tchuktchis; infanticide prevented

Tennant, Sir E., on Ceylon

Territorial union, grows up instead of bonds of common descentseq.; gods

Terssac, M..


Teutons, The, village community; common culture.


Thierry, Augustin, early sense of word “king,”; free cities.


Threshing machines kept in common

Thrushes, one species displacing another


Thurso, commune of; communal purchases



Tolstoi, Lev Nikolaevich, hay-making in a Russian village


Toucans, mocking eagles


Town halls, mediæval

Trade unions. See Labourers, Strikes.


Transcaspian kites

Tree-creepers’ family


Tribal marriage seq.

Tribal organization of primitive men, Appendix

Tribal stage, proved by an immense array of facts seq.

Tschudi, animal life in the Alps

Tuetey, on municipalities

Tungus, hunter; on European morality


Tupi, The

Turgot, measures against folkmotes

Turkestan, East

Turks, invasion

Tuscany.; league of; agriculture.


Tylor, Edward H., on tribal origin of family; on degeneration theory

Udyelnyi period in Russia.

Ugrians, invasion of


Ulrik, St.

Uncle, maternal

Uncle Toby’s Society

Under-population, Appendix VII


Universities, Italian


Ural Altayans

Ural Cossacks


Urmans of West Siberia

Urubú vultures

Usuri river


Uthelred, St.

Vandals, federations

Vanellus. See Lapwing.

Variety of adaptations in one bird’s family

Vaud, canton

Veniaminoff, missionary, later Metropolitan of Moscow, on the Aleoutes, seq.; their code of morality; infanticide among Tchukchis prevented by

Venice, St. Marc of; art; distribution of provisions; league

Verein für Verbrestung gemeinnützlicher Kenntnisse





Village and town

Village community, worked out to resist disintegration; its universal extension; explorers of.; its different names; not a servile growth but anterior to; bibliography of.; relation to joint family phasis; common possession of land; clearing of woods; work in common; common cultivation; roads built; forts; budding of new villages; judicial functions of folkmote; of feudal lord; the fred; extent of jurisdiction; “composition,”; its amount; moral principles; confederations of; military protection; with the Buryates; Kabyles; mountaineers of Caucasia; in Africa; with the Brazil Tupis; the Arani; the Oucagas; the Malayans; the Alfurus; the Wyandots; in Sumatra; universality of; achievements; independence retained in early mediæval times; federation of village communities in the city; efforts of rich and State to get rid of; destruction of, in France; in England; in Germany, Austria, Prussia, Belgium; persevering till now; laws and institutions derived from, in Britain; in Switzerland; in France; in Germany; village community in Russia; in Turkey, Caucasia; in Asia and Africa; recent spontaneous growth in Russia seq.

Village life in France seq.

Villages, leagues of

Vinogradov, Prof., on village community in England; on pillage of communal lands

Viollet, P., on old institutions



Vogt, reception of the; functions

Votkinsk iron-works

Vultures, sociable

V. V., on peasant community seq.

Vyeche, Weich (folkmote)

Wages, State regulation by, in England

Wagner, A..

Wagner, Moritz, on isolation

Wagtails chasing sparrow-hawk; also fishing-hawk

Waitz; common culture; Oucagas; Malayans

Wales, village community in

Wallace, A. R., on struggle for life; on orang-utans; features useful in struggle for life; struggle for life and competition, theory of, analyzed; arguments of Wallace in favour of; metaphoric sense of “extermination” more probable; migration factor; over-population and natural checks to; how animals avoid competition; on thrushes.

Walt, Johan van der

Walter, on village community in Wales; common culture

Warriors, bands of



Wauters, A., Belgian mediæval cities.


Weather, effect on insects, on birds

Webb, Sidney and Beatrice, History of Trade-Unionism

Weddell, H. A., mutual protection among vicunas


Welsh, The, common culture; “triads,”


Westermarck, Prof. Edward; on history of human marriage seq.


Westphalia.; communal culture

Westphalian League

Whewell, on mediæval inventions

White, Natural History of Selborne.

Whitechapel, mutual support in slums

Wied, Prince, on eagles mocked by toucans

Wilman, R., on Westphalian federations

Wilmot Street



Winckell, Dietrich de, on hares; Handbook.

Wises, The

Wives, exchange of, among Eskimos; in Australia.

Wolfgang, St.

Woman, inferior position in clan

Women, mockeries in case of small faults, with the Eskimos; in the tribe; educational institutions for, in Russia.

Wood, J. C., on compassion among animals

Woodhewers’ family

Workers. See Labourers.


Wormser Zorn

Wunderer, J. D., guild on board ship

Württemberg, co-operation in.


Xanten, labourers of.

Yadrintseff, desiccation of Siberian lakes.


Yorkshire.; miners, strike of

Young, Arthur, on French agriculture.

Yukon river, Aleoutes


Zakataly district

Zarudnyi, N., on sociability of kites; of hares


Zemstvos, house-to-house inquiry

Zoologische Garten, Der

Zöpfl, on Weichbild.

