Crepe Suzette
Original French Crêpes Suzette Recipe
Serving Size: 4
Cooking Time: 33 minutes
Prep Time: 6 minutes
1. Fold the crepes into triangles and set in a plate aside.
2. Pour caster sugar into the non-stick skillet and set a pan over medium heat. Next, allow sugar to melt slowly without stirring until an amber-coloured caramel forms.
3. Then, immediately remove a pan from the heat and pour in the zest, Cointreau, orange juice, orange pulp, and lemon juice.
4. Return a pan to the heat and allow caramel to re-heat and melt. Add butter to sauce a tablespoon at a time to melt, while stirring occasionally to incorporate.
5. Once boiling, reduce the heat to low and let the sauce simmer until glossy.
6. Then, lay the crepes in the sauce and spoon the stew all over. Allow warming for a few seconds and transfer to a plate.
7. Serve the crepes with a generous spoon of sauce and dollop of vanilla ice cream.