First published in Great Britain in 2005 by Osprey Publishing,

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© 2005 Osprey Publishing Ltd.

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Print ISBN 978 1 84176 790 1

PDF e-book ISBN: 978 1 4728 0248 4

ePub e-book ISBN: 978 1 4728 0203 3

Editorial by Ilios Publishing, Oxford, UK (


Maps by, Royston, UK

Index by Alison Worthington

Originated by PPS-Grasmere Ltd, Leeds, UK

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Acknowledgements and image credits

I would like to thank Mike Taylor, Dr Daniel Marston and my editor, Nikolai Bogdanovic, for all their help. I am particularly indebted to my MPhil supervisor, Dr Tim Moreman, for all his advice and help over the last few years. Finally thank you to my family, Lorraine and Michael.

The photographs marked IWM are courtesy of the Imperial War Museum, and can be ordered from the IWM’s Film and Photograph Archive in London.


Author’s note

In the tree diagrams and maps in this volume, the units and forces are distinguished by the following colours:

British Brown
Japanese Red
Indian Blue
Australian Green
African Orange
Indian State Forces, Malays, and Burmese Grey

For a key to the symbols used in this volume, see below.


Front cover main image A British Army corporal advances cautiously at Ngakyedyauk Pass, with his SMLE rifle at the ‘port’. (Martin Brayley)

