1918 12 Apr |
Destroyed enemy scout . |
“ |
With Flight was mainly responsible for shooting down 3 more (Capt Young and I each got one too, making 5 on our first day of action). |
21 Apr |
Helped Dolan in good scrap v two hot stuff Triplanes but no decision. |
22 “ |
Got scout out of control. |
23 “ |
Crashed enemy scout. |
12-23 “ |
Still late getting off the ground with his Flight. |
29 “ |
Got Hun in flames. Shot observer in 2-seater but Hun got away. |
30 “ |
Led Glynn and Dolan against 9 Huns and crashed one – excellent show. Between 12/30 April, mainly responsible for all E.A. by A Flight. |
3 May |
Led patrol from 14,000 ft to 2,000 ft 1 mile east of Merville and crashed Hun 2-seater, with patrol to help. (I saw this and it was very neat work.) |
6 “ |
With Dolan had running fight with Triplanes and crashed one. |
11 “ |
Got scout in flames in fight with Dolan v 8 E.A. |
12 “ |
With his Flight attacked larger formation from the sun and M got 3 of them (two in pieces and one crashed) – excellent show again. |
13 “ |
Several indecisive scraps and some gun trouble through double feeds. |
15 “ |
With Rox-Smith and Clements shot down a 2-seater. |
16 “ |
Got scout in pieces. |
17 “ |
Attacked 4 Pfalz alone and crashed one – (stout show). Later same day, 2-seater in flames. |
Recommended for D.S.O. a few days ago. |
18 “ |
Got two 2-seaters, one in flames. |
19 “ |
Missed three good chances with gun troubles. Awarded D.S.O. |
20 “ |
Shot up centre section petrol tank – on fire – of 2-seater but could not confirm crash. |
21 “ |
Got 2-seater and later in day got 3 scouts in big scrap. 4 in one day, great effort. Needs a rest, but won’t take it yet. |
22 “ |
[No entry in diary but both Mannock and Caldwell in fight against nine Pfalz Scouts, and Mannock shoots down one. Authors’ brackets] |
26 “ |
Scout crashed. |
Recommended for bar to D.S.O. |
29 “ |
One scout ooc and one crashed. |
30 “ |
Very fed up with gun trouble with easy Huns about. |
31 “ |
One Pfalz ooc. |
1 Jun |
Awarded bar to D.S.O. |
1 “ |
In dog-fight got Hun in flames and one in pieces – damn good show. |
2 “ |
Got one of 4 Pfalz Scouts ooc. |
7 “ |
Shared 2-seater with Young. |
16 “ |
Crashed black Pfalz scout and one ooc. |
17 “ |
Got 2-seater. |