Mick Mannock’s CO when he was a flight commander in 74 Squadron, Major Keith ‘Grid’ Caldwell MC, kept a diary in France. In it he also recorded victories scored by his pilots. In the 1950s when he was contacted by Vernon Smyth, Caldwell had typed out his diary notes on Mannock. In 1964, when Edward Naulls had visited him in New Zealand, he also read out these entries for the tape recording. The sum of these entries are given here for reference to Mannock’s claims while with 74 Squadron.

12 Apr
Destroyed enemy scout .
With Flight was mainly responsible for shooting down 3 more (Capt Young and I each got one too, making 5 on our first day of action).
21 Apr Helped Dolan in good scrap v two hot stuff Triplanes but no decision.
22 “ Got scout out of control.
23 “ Crashed enemy scout.
12-23 “ Still late getting off the ground with his Flight.
29 “ Got Hun in flames. Shot observer in 2-seater but Hun got away.
30 “ Led Glynn and Dolan against 9 Huns and crashed one – excellent show. Between 12/30 April, mainly responsible for all E.A. by A Flight.
3 May Led patrol from 14,000 ft to 2,000 ft 1 mile east of Merville and crashed Hun 2-seater, with patrol to help. (I saw this and it was very neat work.)
6 “ With Dolan had running fight with Triplanes and crashed one.
11 “ Got scout in flames in fight with Dolan v 8 E.A.
12 “ With his Flight attacked larger formation from the sun and M got 3 of them (two in pieces and one crashed) – excellent show again.
13 “ Several indecisive scraps and some gun trouble through double feeds.
15 “ With Rox-Smith and Clements shot down a 2-seater.
16 “ Got scout in pieces.
17 “ Attacked 4 Pfalz alone and crashed one – (stout show). Later same day, 2-seater in flames.
  Recommended for D.S.O. a few days ago.
18 “ Got two 2-seaters, one in flames.
19 “ Missed three good chances with gun troubles. Awarded D.S.O.
20 “ Shot up centre section petrol tank – on fire – of 2-seater but could not confirm crash.
21 “ Got 2-seater and later in day got 3 scouts in big scrap. 4 in one day, great effort. Needs a rest, but won’t take it yet.
22 “ [No entry in diary but both Mannock and Caldwell in fight against nine Pfalz Scouts, and Mannock shoots down one. Authors’ brackets]
26 “ Scout crashed.
  Recommended for bar to D.S.O.
29 “ One scout ooc and one crashed.
30 “ Very fed up with gun trouble with easy Huns about.
31 “ One Pfalz ooc.
1 Jun Awarded bar to D.S.O.
1 “ In dog-fight got Hun in flames and one in pieces – damn good show.
2 “ Got one of 4 Pfalz Scouts ooc.
7 “ Shared 2-seater with Young.
16 “ Crashed black Pfalz scout and one ooc.
17 “ Got 2-seater.

My diary entries end on Mannock’s page by saying, ‘Went on leave and took over 85 and killed a month later, shot down from the ground after getting 68 Huns.’


Edward Mannock’s medals: VC, DSO with two Bars, MC and Bar.