Barbara Brennan is a practicing healer, psychotherapist and scientist. She was a research scientist for NASA at the Goddard Space Flight Center following the completion of her M.S. in Atmospheric Physics from the University of Wisconsin. For the past fifteen years she has been studying and working with the human energy field and has been involved in research projects with Drexel University and the Institute for the New Age. She was trained in Bioenergetic Therapy at the Institute for Psychophysical Synthesis, Community of the Whole Person, and in Core Energetics at the Institute for the New Age. She has studied with both American and Native American healers.
Barbara is currently teaching courses and giving workshops on the Human Energy Field, Healing and Channelling. She has given workshops in many areas of the United States, Canada and Europe. She conducts a private practice in New York City and East Hampton, New York. Barbara is a member of the Pathwork Community, Phoenicia, New York.