You and only you are responsible for your health. If you have a physical problem you must make the final decision to follow a particular curative program. Only with the greatest of care should you make these decisions. To start with, you choose from a vast array of help available to you. Whom do you trust? How long do you follow a cure when you cannot tell whether or not it is working? These questions can only be answered from your deep searching for what is right for you.
If you don’t trust a diagnosis, there is nothing wrong with a second or third opinion, or another technique altogether. If you are confused about what has been said to you about your particular ailment, ask the doctor more questions, find some books, learn about what you are involved with. Take charge of your health. Most of all, do not let yourself be limited by a negative prognosis. Rather take it as a message to look deeper into yourself and wider into the available alternative methods. Standard western medicine has many answers, but not all. If it is not efficient in curing a certain disease, then look elsewhere. Cover all bases. You will be surprised about how much there is to learn about yourself and your health. The search will change your life in ways you would never expect. I have met many people whose illness has eventually brought them great joy, a deep understanding and appreciation of life and the fulfillment they were not able to achieve before becoming ill.
If we can only change our attitude toward illness to one of acceptance and understanding that it is a message to be learned from, we would alleviate a great deal of fear that we have about illness, not only on a personal level but perhaps on a national or global scale as well.
In this section, I will present my suggestions on how to maintain your health. This includes daily practices from which to choose as well as comments on diet, space and clothing. But most of all, you need love to maintain your health. Self-love is the greatest healer, and self-love also requires daily practice.