Chapter 67



An hour later found Selena and Godfrey inside the palace proper.

The turmoil that had fueled her for the past few days had dried up, and she was famished. They ate a private supper in the capacious chamber King Edward reserved for the Duke during his long visits at the capital.

Godfrey had offered to introduce her to the King, but Selena declined. Even after a quick washing, her eyes were red and puffy from crying. The only change of clothes she had brought was her red robe, and while King Edward Borrom had a reputation for tolerance, she did not want to press her luck.

Besides, she did not want to risk running into Prince Eliot, who might well know of what her mother had intended for so long.

When she had eaten her fill, she looked up to find Godfrey staring at her, an unreadable expression on his face.

What?” she asked.

Godfrey took a drink of mead. “I was just reflecting at how much you…how much all of my children…have grown. It seems like only yesterday, you, Evelyn, and Riley were scurrying about the castle, getting in everybody’s way and making as much noise as an invading army.”

Selena smiled, but his mention of an army reminded her of what Alger White had said. She told the Duke of her encounter with the seneschal, how he had assumed she knew more than she did, how he had assaulted her, and how she had incapacitated him with a spell.

Right under my very nose,” Godfrey sighed, indignation and disappointment lining his face. “I ought to return home at once. Sir White must pay for his crimes, and maybe we can learn more about this Renegade faction.”

Is it true that you have received death threats?” Selena asked.

Godfrey looked sheepish for a second. “Yes, though I never told Alger. He must have gotten that information from his cohorts. Only the King and those closest to the enterprise knew.” He chuckled mirthlessly. “We have all received such letters, even the King.”

The enterprise,” Selena repeated. “The Alliance of Nations, you mean?”

Godfrey appraised her with a look of grudging respect. “Yes. Did Old Alger bring you up to speed on the idea?”

Not really. But one night I overheard you two talking about it.” She paused uncertainly. “Is it true that all peoples are to be invited into the treaty…even ogres?”

Godfrey frowned as he mulled over the question. Finally, he said, “Yes, even the ogres. It is doubtful any of the tribes will accept, but the King believes the gesture is important nonetheless. And I, for one, agree.”

Selena recalled the bits of conversation that she had caught while standing outside the drawing room. “It would seem not everyone is prepared to accept peace,” she said. “If a Knight of Superius would resort to treason, then I fear that the Renegades, whoever they are, could prove to be a considerable obstacle.”

A few naysayers will not stop the Kings of Continae from making the Alliance of Nations a reality,” Godfrey said calmly, though Selena thought the Duke did not sound as confident as he pretended to be. “Alger White could be the key to unraveling this rebellion before it gets out of hand. We ought to return to the castle at once.”

Selena was aware of the Duke’s scrutinizing stare once more, and it had not escaped her notice that he had used the word “we.”

I am not sure that I belong at Castle Nelesti,” she told him.

Yes, you do. You are my daughter, if not by blood than in spirit.”

Selena smiled graciously but did not look him in the eye. “The things I have said to Mother. I do not think I can face her.”

Confrontation has never been a virtue of our family,” Godfrey said in all seriousness. “But isolation has solved none of our problems. I have put the condition of the world before bringing peace to my own household. I intend to remedy that.”

You are going to confront Mother about…about her and Finbar?”

Godfrey nodded. “It will not be an easy conversation, but I think it will do us good in the end.” After a pause, he added, “Will you come with me, Selena? You do not have to live the rest of your life at Castle Nelesti, but when it is time for you to leave, I should like to give you a proper sendoff.”

I do not know…”

Who knows how dangerous these Renegade fellows are?” Godfrey added. “It would certainly be a boon to castle security if we had a capable wizardess like you around. You foiled Alger White without trying. Just think of what you might accomplish now that we know something is afoot?”

Selena knew what he was doing. Flattery was a smart tactic because to her surprise, she found herself considering the offer. She was not looking forward to reuniting with her mother, but she could see the wisdom in what Godfrey had said about healing the family with straightforward conversation.

No more hiding the truth in order to protect everyone else.

The choices are simple, Selena reflected. I can either turn my back on the Nelestis and start a new life, or I can begin anew by really getting reacquainted with her family.

They had all grown apart—she had never even met Daphene’s son—but that could change. None of them were the terrible people Selena had always told herself. Even the twins could be tolerable when they wanted to be.

If she returned to Castle Nelesti, she would have an opportunity to try to talk Riley out of his plans to join Pintor’s priesthood—or at least find out why he was interested in learning from the abominable Briarbridge.

She would also get to see her grandmother again.

All right,” Selena said. “I will go with you.”

Godfrey raised his glass and said, “Cheers.” After downing the contents of his cup, he said, “We will leave first thing in the morning. I will have the carriage ready at first light—”

I have a better idea,” Selena interrupted. “I can get us there in a matter of seconds with magic.”

Godfrey opened his mouth, but no words came out. Was she mistaken, or had his face lost some of its color?

You said you wanted to make use of my abilities,” Selena reminded him.

Godfrey laughed. “So I did. Well, I am open-minded…more open-minded than most in Superius. We will do it your way. But I must talk with the King before we leave, and I should pack…”

I ought to rest first anyway,” Selena said. “The past few days have been trying, to say the least.”