


I put together a glossary of terms and words used in the book and added a few used daily by Afrikaans speaking South Africans. There are words here that are used across the board by all South Africans regardless of their home language.

Ag Shame  -  Oh poor you; Oh shame (can be used in a derogatory sense)

Bundu  -  South African slang for uninhabited wild regions far from towns and cities.

Bundu bashing  -  Slang for off roading in uninhabited areas.

Braai  -  Barbeque.

Braaivleis  -  Roasted meat, barbeque.

Boet  -  Brother.

Boeta  -  Brother.

Broers  -  Brothers.

Berg  -  Mountain; Mountain range as in the Drakensberg, mostly referred to as ‘the Berg’.

Bloody  -  Slang for a variety of curse words, like damn, fuck, fucking.

Durbs  -  Slang for Durban.

Dankie  -  Thank you.

Eina  -  Ouch, ow.

Ek  -  I.

Foeitog  -  Poor you; shame.

Fok  -  Fuck.

My fok  -  Fuck.

Fokken  -  Fucking.

Ja right  -  As if.

Ja  -  Yes.

Joburg; Jozi  -  Slang for Johannesburg.

Kosmos  -  Cosmos.

Klub  -  Club.

Kak  -  Shit

Lewe  -  Life.

Maklik  -  Easy.

Meerkat  -  Meercat; Suricate, South African Mongoose.

Nee  -  No

No worries  -  Don’t worry about it; Don’t worry.

Skapie  -  Slang for lamb.

Sies  -  Yuck; Yuk; Yukky; Yucky.

Siestog  -  What a pity; Shame; Poor you.

Spook  -  Ghost.

Thank the Pope  -  Thank goodness.

Veldt  -  South African elevated open grasslands.