Fired with imagination
You embark on a flight of inspiration
To show to your nation
Things beyond contemplation.
Convinced of a need
Of which you are the seed
You aspire,
burning with desire
To do impossible deeds.
You won a grand battle
Walked on, despite all the rattle
On the road less travelled
With only your will at your cradle.
The road ahead turns hazy
In keeping promises everyone is lazy
Only darkness looms ahead, noise and doom
All is dull, sad and gloom.
You still keep on like crazy
Your will now the only force
No flowers, no scents, no bloom
In your eyes shine stars and moon.
The road leads to a town
Men in hats, women in gowns
All cheering without any frowns
Your name’s writ upon the crown.
Long live the glory of the sire
Long live the fire of desire!
4 July 2003. Grantchester Village, Apple Orchard
We need to tread a difficult path for a long time before you make your place, and a day comes when everything changes – you and this world.