‘Christ, Elsie, is that the time?’ Johnny said as he studied the face of the wristwatch in his hand. He slammed it back down on the bedside table and threw the blankets off before jumping out of the bed. ‘I’m late, Miss Garrett won’t be happy,’ he muttered, scrambling to put on his clothes.
Elsie wiped sleep from her eyes and then stretched her arms and yawned.
‘Come on, you’d better get up too. You’re supposed to be working in the café with Charlotte,’ Johnny told her.
‘It’s going to feel strange to earn my own money,’ Elsie said as she threw her legs off the bed. ‘I’m looking forward to it. I really need some clothes and things. I know you collected what you could from Jacob’s but I’d really like to wear more fashionable clothes. Jacob would never allow it and now, well, I can wear what I like.’
‘Yeah, that’s great, Elsie, but get a move on. You can think about shopping for clothes and all that later,’ Johnny said impatiently. He was now fully dressed and annoyed that Elsie was still naked and standing in front of the wardrobe gazing at her dresses.
‘I think I’ll throw these away. They were all Jacob’s choice, not mine.’
‘Great, you do that. But just put one of them on for now, eh, sweetheart?’
‘Do you like any of them?’
‘Yes… no… I don’t know, I don’t bloody care. You look lovely in anything. But hurry up, we’re late.’
Elsie spun round from the wardrobe, her loose blonde hair falling teasingly across her face. ‘I’m tired, Johnny. You kept me up for most of the night with your love-making. Let’s take a day off and get back into bed,’ she purred, and crawled back under the covers.
‘I’d love to but we’ve both got jobs to go to.’
‘I wouldn’t have to work if I could claim Jacob’s house.’
‘Without declaring him dead and without a body, there’s no chance of that.’
‘I wish you’d collected my jewellery too.’
‘I’ll buy you some jewellery, just hurry up and get ready.’
‘You?’ Elsie asked incredulously. ‘You couldn’t afford to buy me the sort of jewellery that Jacob did.’
Johnny thought she had a point. He didn’t have the money to buy her expensive jewels but he could steal them. It was becoming clear that Elsie had a taste for nice things. And if the woman wanted lavish gifts, then he’d ensure she got them. He’d have to wait until tonight. Then, once it was dark, and taking advantage of the blackout, he’d rob a shop. He’d spotted one when he’d taken Miss Garrett to see the Zammits. It didn’t appear to have the usual shutters, which made it an easy target. A quick smash and grab. He would have it clean away on his toes and back into bed with Elsie before midnight. If Johnny could have, he would have given Elsie all the diamonds and gold in the world. But for now, a nice haul from a West End jewellers would have to do and he knew it would put a smile on her pretty face.
‘All this talk of art and paintings. Everyone I meet lately seems to be into art. It’s a new world to me. I didn’t know there was so much money in it,’ Georgina said as, under her desk, she crossed one leg over the other.
‘My dear, the art world has always been there. You’ve just never noticed it before,’ Lord Hamilton replied. He cocked his little finger as he sipped the cup of tea Charlotte had brought through from the café to Georgina’s office.
‘This painting Oleg wants, you say you know the owner?’
‘Yes, quite well, in fact. I’ve seen the original painting many times and have always admired it. It’s a small piece, he has it hung in his library.’
‘Do you think you could take it and replace it with Geert’s painting?’
Lord Hamilton sat bolt upright, nearly spilling his tea. His brow furrowed as he asked, ‘You want me to steal it?’
Georgina smiled. ‘Yes.’
‘But, but what if I get caught in the act?’
‘Well, make sure that you don’t.’
He placed his cup and saucer on Georgina’s desk and stood up, twiddling his moustache as he walked from side to side, a worried expression on his face. ‘I assumed your men would creep in during the night and make the swap. I’m not sure this is something I could do.’
‘Yes, you can and it’ll be a breeze. It makes more sense for you to do it than it does to risk my blokes getting done for burglary. Go and see Geert and tell him what we need. I want the painting in three days. If it’s only a small picture, like you say, that should be plenty of time for him.’
‘Three days! The paint won’t even be dry!’
‘It’ll have to be. Look, I appreciate you’re new to how my business operates but you’d better get used to the pace. I don’t do all this for the fun of it. I’m in it to make money, not to sit on my backside waiting for paint to dry. You said you wanted in. Are you sure you still do?’
Lord Hamilton sat back in the seat opposite Georgina’s desk. ‘Yes, I most certainly do,’ he said with a grin. ‘It’s terribly exciting. A tad scary but absolutely thrilling.’
‘Good. Now go and see Geert. You’ve plenty of time before The Penthouse opens.’
Once Lord Hamilton had left Georgina’s office, Charlotte stuck her head through the door.
‘Can I get you anything?’ she asked Georgina.
‘No, thanks. Is Elsie in yet?’
‘No, not yet. Late on her first day. I shall be having words with her.’
‘Yeah, make sure you do. And Johnny’s going to get a mouthful from me too.’
‘Do you think they’re all right?’
‘I’ve no reason to think they’re not. Do me a favour – shut the door. When they get here, make Johnny wait in the café. I don’t want to be disturbed.’
Georgina clasped her hands together and rested her chin on them, staring at the closed door. Christmas had passed and so had the new year, yet The Top was still alive and well. He’d murdered the man she loved and though she tried to shake the feeling of needing revenge, she couldn’t. It was eating at her, gnawing her flesh and chewing her bones. Images of The Top gunning down David played out in her mind. They intruded on precious thoughts of her children. She’d tried to push the imagined pictures of David’s last moments away but day and night, they crept back in. It was time to take action. She had a lot to lose, possibly her life. But while The Top lived, she knew she’d never have any peace. It had to be done. The Top’s blood needed spilling and then, if she survived, she could finally get on with her life.