Monday Morning – After Breakfast – Mood: Calm

I'm Calm. Don't I look Calm? I'm CALM.

OK, I've had my breakfast now. I'm feeling...calmer. On closer inspection, maybe the hole isn't that big. I was planning on extending the house in that direction anyway. I could probably make some stairs, build another floor, who knows. I still have a few chests of supplies that didn't get blown up, so that's nice.

I've managed to get Scotty to help out. By that, I mean that I grabbed him by the front of his stupid turquoise t-shirt that he always wears and told him that if he didn't help me, I'd lead all the creepers to his house and leave nothing except for his bed. He is gathering wood from nearby trees as a way of saying sorry (as he should).

It's going to be a loooong day.

Monday Morning – Building time - Mood: Sigh.

Scotty hurt his hand punching a tree. Who punches a tree?

He is weird.

Monday Afternoon – Time for Lunch! - Mood: A bit hungry


They are a real problem around here. I was walking towards a nearby mine to try and get some stone for my wall, and who should appear from behind a tree? A creeper! I barely managed to dodge before it blew up and took a few blocks of wood with it!

Ugh, it's so annoying.

Monday Afternoon – Still repairing my house – Mood: Really want Scotty to shut up.

Scotty is being a pain. I'm trying to fix my house, and he interrupts me every few seconds. I put the block down and he says:

“Alex, I'm boooored.”

I put another block down.

“Alex, I'm hungryyyy.”

I put another block down.

Alex, we should go on an adventure.

I put another block down.

Alex, why don't we do anything exciting anymore?”

I put another block down and say, “Our lives are exciting, Scotty.”

“But we used to have so much fun, questing, exploring deep mines, fighting monsters, things like that.”

I have a house now, Scotty. I have a farm. These things can be fun too.”

Scotty just stared at Lucy and Helen for a while. They were doing that thing where they run around in circles and go “Bawk! Bawk!” Those silly chickens are so much fun!

Wow, I just read that back. Maybe I am boring.

No. It's everyone else who is boring. I am fine.

On the plus side, we've spent most of the day adding new improvements to my house. It looks fantastic now. I think I might even add a tower to it tomorrow. Or a moat. Moats are cool.

Tuesday Morning – Breakfast Time. - Mood: Whhyyyy?

I hate creepers!!!

Guess what I woke up to today.

It's almost as if they just want to ruin my house. I mean, Scotty's house is just further down the path. Why can't they blow up his mud hut? It doesn't even have windows! Today, I didn't even get to wake up and inspect the damage, because they blew up next to the other side of my house. That means that I woke to the wall above my head blowing up and the feeling of my bed collapsing beneath me.

My bed. They broke my bed!

To top it all off, Scotty appeared, promising that it wasn't his fault this time.

I would have let him off, but he had to wander into the remains of my house and ask, “How is my sword collection? Is it alright?”

Scotty's sword collection. Why did he even store them in my house? Iron swords, wooden swords, stone swords, a golden sword he found in a chest on time...all stored in my house.

He didn't ask, “How are you, Alex? Are you OK, Alex? Let me make you breakfast, Alex.” Nope. It was all about his swords.

To make things worse, his sword collection was completely fine.

He went over to the weapon rack that they are so perfectly balanced on and took them down, hugging them to his chest.

“Ahhh, swords,” he said. “I remember the adventures we used to go on. How we used to fight bad guys and dark monsters.”

I swear he even started kissing them.

He is a bit creepy sometimes.

He needs to get out more.


OK. Breathe, Alex. Breeeeaaathe. Everything is fine.

I'm so hungry.