About the Author

Christopher L. Bennett is a lifelong resident of Cincinnati, Ohio, with bachelor’s degrees in physics and history from the University of Cincinnati. He has written such critically acclaimed Star Trek novels as The Captain’s Oath, Ex Machina, The Buried Age, the Titan novels Orion’s Hounds and Over a Torrent Sea, the Department of Temporal Investigations series including the novels Watching the Clock and Forgotten History, and the Star Trek: EnterpriseRise of the Federation series. His shorter works include stories in the anniversary anthologies Constellations, The Sky’s the Limit, Prophecy and Change, and Distant Shores. Beyond Star Trek, he has penned the novels X-Men: Watchers on the Walls and Spider-Man: Drowned in Thunder. His original work includes the hard science fiction superhero novel Only Superhuman from Tor Books and the duology Arachne’s Crime and (coming in 2020) Arachne’s Exile from eSpec Books, as well as various works of short fiction in Analog and other magazines, most of which have been collected in the volumes Among the Wild Cybers: Tales Beyond the Superhuman, Hub Space: Tales from the Greater Galaxy, and Crimes of the Hub. More information, ordering links, annotations, and the author’s blog can be found at christopherlbennett.wordpress.com.



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