
Consider the execution of the following loop, which increments each element of an integer array, on a two-issue processor, once without speculation and once with speculation:

Loop: ld    x2,0(x1)      //x2=array element
      addi  x2,x2,1       //increment x2
      sd    x2,0(x1)      //store result
      addi  x1,x1,8       //increment pointer
      bne   x2,x3,Loop    //branch if not last

Assume that there are separate integer functional units for effective address calculation, for ALU operations, and for branch condition evaluation. Create a table for the first three iterations of this loop for both processors. Assume that up to two instructions of any type can commit per clock.


Figures 3.23 and 3.24 show the performance for a two-issue, dynamically scheduled processor, without and with speculation. In this case, where a branch can be a critical performance limiter, speculation helps significantly. The third branch in the speculative processor executes in clock cycle 13, whereas it executes in clock cycle 19 on the nonspeculative pipeline. Because the completion rate on the nonspeculative pipeline is falling behind the issue rate rapidly, the nonspeculative pipeline will stall when a few more iterations are issued. The performance of the nonspeculative processor could be improved by allowing load instructions to complete effective address calculation before a branch is decided, but unless speculative memory accesses are allowed, this improvement will gain only 1 clock per iteration.

This example clearly shows how speculation can be advantageous when there are data-dependent branches, which otherwise would limit performance. This advantage depends, however, on accurate branch prediction. Incorrect speculation does not improve performance; in fact, it typically harms performance and, as we shall see, dramatically lowers energy efficiency.

3.9 Advanced Techniques for Instruction Delivery and Speculation

In a high-performance pipeline, especially one with multiple issues, predicting branches well is not enough; we actually have to be able to deliver a high-bandwidth instruction stream. In recent multiple-issue processors, this has meant delivering 4–8 instructions every clock cycle. We look at methods for increasing instruction delivery bandwidth first. We then turn to a set of key issues in implementing advanced speculation techniques, including the use of register renaming versus reorder buffers, the aggressiveness of speculation, and a technique called value prediction, which attempts to predict the result of a computation and which could further enhance ILP.

Increasing Instruction Fetch Bandwidth

A multiple-issue processor will require that the average number of instructions fetched every clock cycle be at least as large as the average throughput. Of course, fetching these instructions requires wide enough paths to the instruction cache, but the most difficult aspect is handling branches. In this section, we look at two methods for dealing with branches and then discuss how modern processors integrate the instruction prediction and prefetch functions.

Branch-Target Buffers

To reduce the branch penalty for our simple five-stage pipeline, as well as for deeper pipelines, we must know whether the as-yet-undecoded instruction is a branch and, if so, what the next program counter (PC) should be. If the instruction is a branch and we know what the next PC should be, we can have a branch penalty of zero. A branch-prediction cache that stores the predicted address for the next instruction after a branch is called a branch-target buffer or branch-target cache. Figure 3.25 shows a branch-target buffer.

Because a branch-target buffer predicts the next instruction address and will send it out before decoding the instruction, we must know whether the fetched instruction is predicted as a taken branch. If the PC of the fetched instruction matches an address in the prediction buffer, then the corresponding predicted PC is used as the next PC. The hardware for this branch-target buffer is essentially identical to the hardware for a cache.

If a matching entry is found in the branch-target buffer, fetching begins immediately at the predicted PC. Note that unlike a branch-prediction buffer, the predictive entry must be matched to this instruction because the predicted PC will be sent out before it is known whether this instruction is even a branch. If the processor did not check whether the entry matched this PC, then the wrong PC would be sent out for instructions that were not branches, resulting in worse performance. We need to store only the predicted-taken branches in the branch-target buffer because an untaken branch should simply fetch the next sequential instruction, as if it were not a branch.

Figure 3.26 shows the steps when using a branch-target buffer for a simple five-stage pipeline. As we can see in this figure, there will be no branch delay if a branch-prediction entry is found in the buffer and the prediction is correct. Otherwise, there will be a penalty of at least two clock cycles. Dealing with the mispredictions and misses is a significant challenge because we typically will have to halt instruction fetch while we rewrite the buffer entry. Thus we want to make this process fast to minimize the penalty.

To evaluate how well a branch-target buffer works, we first must determine the penalties in all possible cases. Figure 3.27 contains this information for a simple five-stage pipeline.

One variation on the branch-target buffer is to store one or more target instructions instead of, or in addition to, the predicted target address. This variation has two potential advantages. First, it allows the branch-target buffer access to take longer than the time between successive instruction fetches, possibly allowing a larger branch-target buffer. Second, buffering the actual target instructions allows us to perform an optimization called branch folding. Branch folding can be used to obtain 0-cycle unconditional branches and sometimes 0-cycle conditional branches. As we will see, the Cortex A-53 uses a single-entry branch target cache that stores the predicted target instructions.

Consider a branch-target buffer that buffers instructions from the predicted path and is being accessed with the address of an unconditional branch. The only function of the unconditional branch is to change the PC. Thus, when the branch-target buffer signals a hit and indicates that the branch is unconditional, the pipeline can simply substitute the instruction from the branch-target buffer in place of the instruction that is returned from the cache (which is the unconditional branch). If the processor is issuing multiple instructions per cycle, then the buffer will need to supply multiple instructions to obtain the maximum benefit. In some cases, it may be possible to eliminate the cost of a conditional branch.

Specialized Branch Predictors: Predicting Procedure Returns, Indirect Jumps, and Loop Branches

As we try to increase the opportunity and accuracy of speculation, we face the challenge of predicting indirect jumps, that is, jumps whose destination address varies at runtime. High-level language programs will generate such jumps for indirect procedure calls, select or case statements, and FORTRAN-computed gotos, although many indirect jumps simply come from procedure returns. For example, for the SPEC95 benchmarks, procedure returns account for more than 15% of the branches and the vast majority of the indirect jumps on average. For object-oriented languages such as C++ and Java, procedure returns are even more frequent. Thus focusing on procedure returns seems appropriate.

Though procedure returns can be predicted with a branch-target buffer, the accuracy of such a prediction technique can be low if the procedure is called from multiple sites and the calls from one site are not clustered in time. For example, in SPEC CPU95, an aggressive branch predictor achieves an accuracy of less than 60% for such return branches. To overcome this problem, some designs use a small buffer of return addresses operating as a stack. This structure caches the most recent return addresses, pushing a return address on the stack at a call and popping one off at a return. If the cache is sufficiently large (i.e., as large as the maximum call depth), it will predict the returns perfectly. Figure 3.28 shows the performance of such a return buffer with 0–16 elements for a number of the SPEC CPU95 benchmarks. We will use a similar return predictor when we examine the studies of ILP in Section 3.10. Both the Intel Core processors and the AMD Phenom processors have return address predictors.

In large server applications, indirect jumps also occur for various function calls and control transfers. Predicting the targets of such branches is not as simple as in a procedure return. Some processors have opted to add specialized predictors for all indirect jumps, whereas others rely on a branch target buffer.

Although a simple predictor like gshare does a good job of predicting many conditional branches, it is not tailored to predicting loop branches, especially for long running loops. As we observed earlier, the Intel Core i7 920 used a specialized loop branch predictor. With the emergence of tagged hybrid predictors, which are as good at predicting loop branches, some recent designers have opted to put the resources into larger tagged hybrid predictors rather than a separate loop branch predictor.

Integrated Instruction Fetch Units

To meet the demands of multiple-issue processors, many recent designers have chosen to implement an integrated instruction fetch unit as a separate autonomous unit that feeds instructions to the rest of the pipeline. Essentially, this amounts to recognizing that characterizing instruction fetch as a simple single pipe stage given the complexities of multiple issue is no longer valid.

Instead, recent designs have used an integrated instruction fetch unit that integrates several functions:

  1. 1. Integrated branch prediction—The branch predictor becomes part of the instruction fetch unit and is constantly predicting branches, so as to drive the fetch pipeline.
  2. 2. Instruction prefetch—To deliver multiple instructions per clock, the instruction fetch unit will likely need to fetch ahead. The unit autonomously manages the prefetching of instructions (see Chapter 2 for a discussion of techniques for doing this), integrating it with branch prediction.
  3. 3. Instruction memory access and buffering—When fetching multiple instructions per cycle, a variety of complexities are encountered, including the difficulty that fetching multiple instructions may require accessing multiple cache lines. The instruction fetch unit encapsulates this complexity, using prefetch to try to hide the cost of crossing cache blocks. The instruction fetch unit also provides buffering, essentially acting as an on-demand unit to provide instructions to the issue stage as needed and in the quantity needed.

Virtually all high-end processors now use a separate instruction fetch unit connected to the rest of the pipeline by a buffer containing pending instructions.

Speculation: Implementation Issues and Extensions

In this section, we explore five issues that involve the design trade-offs and challenges in multiple-issue and speculation, starting with the use of register renaming, the approach that is sometimes used instead of a reorder buffer. We then discuss one important possible extension to speculation on control flow: an idea called value prediction.

Speculation Support: Register Renaming Versus Reorder Buffers

One alternative to the use of a reorder buffer (ROB) is the explicit use of a larger physical set of registers combined with register renaming. This approach builds on the concept of renaming used in Tomasulo's algorithm and extends it. In Tomasulo's algorithm, the values of the architecturally visible registers (x0, . . . r31 and f0, . . . f31) are contained, at any point in execution, in some combination of the register set and the reservation stations. With the addition of speculation, register values may also temporarily reside in the ROB. In either case, if the processor does not issue new instructions for a period of time, all existing instructions will commit, and the register values will appear in the register file, which directly corresponds to the architecturally visible registers.

In the register-renaming approach, an extended set of physical registers is used to hold both the architecturally visible registers as well as temporary values. Thus the extended registers replace most of the function of the ROB and the reservation stations; only a queue to ensure that instructions complete in order is needed. During instruction issue, a renaming process maps the names of architectural registers to physical register numbers in the extended register set, allocating a new unused register for the destination. WAW and WAR hazards are avoided by renaming of the destination register, and speculation recovery is handled because a physical register holding an instruction destination does not become the architectural register until the instruction commits.

The renaming map is a simple data structure that supplies the physical register number of the register that currently corresponds to the specified architectural register, a function performed by the register status table in Tomasulo's algorithm. When an instruction commits, the renaming table is permanently updated to indicate that a physical register corresponds to the actual architectural register, thus effectively finalizing the update to the processor state. Although an ROB is not necessary with register renaming, the hardware must still track instructions in a queue-like structure and update the renaming table in strict order.

An advantage of the renaming approach versus the ROB approach is that instruction commit is slightly simplified because it requires only two simple actions: (1) record that the mapping between an architectural register number and physical register number is no longer speculative, and (2) free up any physical registers being used to hold the “older” value of the architectural register. In a design with reservation stations, a station is freed up when the instruction using it completes execution, and a ROB entry is freed up when the corresponding instruction commits.

With register renaming, deallocating registers is more complex because before we free up a physical register, we must know that it no longer corresponds to an architectural register and that no further uses of the physical register are outstanding. A physical register corresponds to an architectural register until the architectural register is rewritten, causing the renaming table to point elsewhere. That is, if no renaming entry points to a particular physical register, then it no longer corresponds to an architectural register. There may, however, still be outstanding uses of the physical register. The processor can determine whether this is the case by examining the source register specifiers of all instructions in the functional unit queues. If a given physical register does not appear as a source and it is not designated as an architectural register, it may be reclaimed and reallocated.

Alternatively, the processor can simply wait until another instruction that writes the same architectural register commits. At that point, there can be no further uses of the older value outstanding. Although this method may tie up a physical register slightly longer than necessary, it is easy to implement and is used in most recent superscalars.

One question you may be asking is how do we ever know which registers are the architectural registers if they are constantly changing? Most of the time when the program is executing, it does not matter. There are clearly cases, however, where another process, such as the operating system, must be able to know exactly where the contents of a certain architectural register reside. To understand how this capability is provided, assume the processor does not issue instructions for some period of time. Eventually all instructions in the pipeline will commit, and the mapping between the architecturally visible registers and physical registers will become stable. At that point, a subset of the physical registers contains the architecturally visible registers, and the value of any physical register not associated with an architectural register is unneeded. It is then easy to move the architectural registers to a fixed subset of physical registers so that the values can be communicated to another process.

Both register renaming and reorder buffers continue to be used in high-end processors, which now feature the ability to have as many as 100 or more instructions (including loads and stores waiting on the cache) in flight. Whether renaming or a reorder buffer is used, the key complexity bottleneck for a dynamically scheduled superscalar remains issuing bundles of instructions with dependences within the bundle. In particular, dependent instructions in an issue bundle must be issued with the assigned virtual registers of the instructions on which they depend. A strategy for instruction issue with register renaming similar to that used for multiple issue with reorder buffers (see page 205) can be deployed, as follows:

  1. 1. The issue logic reserves enough physical registers for the entire issue bundle (say, four registers for a four-instruction bundle with at most one register result per instruction).
  2. 2. The issue logic determines what dependences exist within the bundle. If a dependence does not exist within the bundle, the register renaming structure is used to determine the physical register that holds, or will hold, the result on which instruction depends. When no dependence exists within the bundle, the result is from an earlier issue bundle, and the register renaming table will have the correct register number.
  3. 3. If an instruction depends on an instruction that is earlier in the bundle, then the pre-reserved physical register in which the result will be placed is used to update the information for the issuing instruction.

Note that just as in the reorder buffer case, the issue logic must both determine dependences within the bundle and update the renaming tables in a single clock, and as before, the complexity of doing this for a larger number of instructions per clock becomes a chief limitation in the issue width.

The Challenge of More Issues per Clock

Without speculation, there is little motivation to try to increase the issue rate beyond two, three, or possibly four issues per clock because resolving branches would limit the average issue rate to a smaller number. Once a processor includes accurate branch prediction and speculation, we might conclude that increasing the issue rate would be attractive. Duplicating the functional units is straightforward assuming silicon capacity and power; the real complications arise in the issue step and correspondingly in the commit step. The Commit step is the dual of the issue step, and the requirements are similar, so let's take a look at what has to happen for a six-issue processor using register renaming.

Figure 3.29 shows a six-instruction code sequence and what the issue step must do. Remember that this must all occur in a single clock cycle, if the processor is to maintain a peak rate of six issues per clock! All the dependences must be detected, the physical registers must be assigned, and the instructions must be rewritten using the physical register numbers: in one clock. This example makes it clear why issue rates have grown from 3–4 to only 4–8 in the past 20 years. The complexity of the analysis required during the issue cycle grows as the square of the issue width, and a new processor is typically targeted to have a higher clock rate than in the last generation! Because register renaming and the reorder buffer approaches are duals, the same complexities arise independent of the implementation scheme.

How Much to Speculate

One of the significant advantages of speculation is its ability to uncover events that would otherwise stall the pipeline early, such as cache misses. This potential advantage, however, comes with a significant potential disadvantage. Speculation is not free. It takes time and energy, and the recovery of incorrect speculation further reduces performance. In addition, to support the higher instruction execution rate needed to benefit from speculation, the processor must have additional resources, which take silicon area and power. Finally, if speculation causes an exceptional event to occur, such as a cache or translation lookaside buffer (TLB) miss, the potential for significant performance loss increases, if that event would not have occurred without speculation.

To maintain most of the advantage while minimizing the disadvantages, most pipelines with speculation will allow only low-cost exceptional events (such as a first-level cache miss) to be handled in speculative mode. If an expensive exceptional event occurs, such as a second-level cache miss or a TLB miss, the processor will wait until the instruction causing the event is no longer speculative before handling the event. Although this may slightly degrade the performance of some programs, it avoids significant performance losses in others, especially those that suffer from a high frequency of such events coupled with less-than-excellent branch prediction.

In the 1990s the potential downsides of speculation were less obvious. As processors have evolved, the real costs of speculation have become more apparent, and the limitations of wider issue and speculation have been obvious. We return to this issue shortly.

Speculating Through Multiple Branches

In the examples we have considered in this chapter, it has been possible to resolve a branch before having to speculate on another. Three different situations can benefit from speculating on multiple branches simultaneously: (1) a very high branch frequency, (2) significant clustering of branches, and (3) long delays in functional units. In the first two cases, achieving high performance may mean that multiple branches are speculated, and it may even mean handling more than one branch per clock. Database programs and other less structured integer computations, often exhibit these properties, making speculation on multiple branches important. Likewise, long delays in functional units can raise the importance of speculating on multiple branches as a way to avoid stalls from the longer pipeline delays.

Speculating on multiple branches slightly complicates the process of speculation recovery but is straightforward otherwise. As of 2017, no processor has yet combined full speculation with resolving multiple branches per cycle, and it is unlikely that the costs of doing so would be justified in terms of performance versus complexity and power.

Speculation and the Challenge of Energy Efficiency

What is the impact of speculation on energy efficiency? At first glance, one might argue that using speculation always decreases energy efficiency because whenever speculation is wrong, it consumes excess energy in two ways:

  1. 1. Instructions that are speculated and whose results are not needed generate excess work for the processor, wasting energy.
  2. 2. Undoing the speculation and restoring the state of the processor to continue execution at the appropriate address consumes additional energy that would not be needed without speculation.

Certainly, speculation will raise the power consumption, and if we could control speculation, it would be possible to measure the cost (or at least the dynamic power cost). But, if speculation lowers the execution time by more than it increases the average power consumption, then the total energy consumed may be less.

Thus, to understand the impact of speculation on energy efficiency, we need to look at how often speculation is leading to unnecessary work. If a significant number of unneeded instructions is executed, it is unlikely that speculation will improve running time by a comparable amount. Figure 3.30 shows the fraction of instructions that are executed from misspeculation for a subset of the SPEC2000 benchmarks using a sophisticated branch predictor. As we can see, this fraction of executed misspeculated instructions is small in scientific code and significant (about 30% on average) in integer code. Thus it is unlikely that speculation is energy-efficient for integer applications, and the end of Dennard scaling makes imperfect speculation more problematic. Designers could avoid speculation, try to reduce the misspeculation, or think about new approaches, such as only speculating on branches that are known to be highly predictable.

Address Aliasing Prediction

Address aliasing prediction is a technique that predicts whether two stores or a load and a store refer to the same memory address. If two such references do not refer to the same address, then they may be safely interchanged. Otherwise, we must wait until the memory addresses accessed by the instructions are known. Because we need not actually predict the address values, only whether such values conflict, the prediction can be reasonably accurate with small predictors. Address prediction relies on the ability of a speculative processor to recover after a misprediction; that is, if the actual addresses that were predicted to be different (and thus not alias) turn out to be the same (and thus are aliases), the processor simply restarts the sequence, just as though it had mispredicted a branch. Address value speculation has been used in several processors already and may become universal in the future.

Address prediction is a simple and restricted form of value prediction, which attempts to predict the value that will be produced by an instruction. Value prediction could, if it were highly accurate, eliminate data flow restrictions and achieve higher rates of ILP. Despite many researchers focusing on value prediction in the past 15 years in dozens of papers, the results have never been sufficiently attractive to justify general value prediction in real processors.

3.10 Cross-Cutting Issues

Hardware Versus Software Speculation

The hardware-intensive approaches to speculation in this chapter and the software approaches of Appendix H provide alternative approaches to exploiting ILP. Some of the trade-offs, and the limitations, for these approaches are listed here:

The major disadvantage of supporting speculation in hardware is the complexity and additional hardware resources required. This hardware cost must be evaluated against both the complexity of a compiler for a software-based approach and the amount and usefulness of the simplifications in a processor that relies on such a compiler.

Some designers have tried to combine the dynamic and compiler-based approaches to achieve the best of each. Such a combination can generate interesting and obscure interactions. For example, if conditional moves are combined with register renaming, a subtle side effect appears. A conditional move that is annulled must still copy a value to the destination register because it was renamed earlier in the instruction pipeline. These subtle interactions complicate the design and verification process and can also reduce performance.

The Intel Itanium processor was the most ambitious computer ever designed based on the software support for ILP and speculation. It did not deliver on the hopes of the designers, especially for general-purpose, nonscientific code. As designers' ambitions for exploiting ILP were reduced in light of the difficulties described on page 244, most architectures settled on hardware-based mechanisms with issue rates of three to four instructions per clock.

Speculative Execution and the Memory System

Inherent in processors that support speculative execution or conditional instructions is the possibility of generating invalid addresses that would not occur without speculative execution. Not only would this be incorrect behavior if protection exceptions were taken, but also the benefits of speculative execution would be swamped by false exception overhead. Therefore the memory system must identify speculatively executed instructions and conditionally executed instructions and suppress the corresponding exception.

By similar reasoning, we cannot allow such instructions to cause the cache to stall on a miss because, again, unnecessary stalls could overwhelm the benefits of speculation. Thus these processors must be matched with nonblocking caches.

In reality, the penalty of a miss that goes to DRAM is so large that speculated misses are handled only when the next level is on-chip cache (L2 or L3). Figure 2.5 on page 84 shows that for some well-behaved scientific programs, the compiler can sustain multiple outstanding L2 misses to cut the L2 miss penalty effectively. Once again, for this to work, the memory system behind the cache must match the goals of the compiler in number of simultaneous memory accesses.

3.11 Multithreading: Exploiting Thread-Level Parallelism to Improve Uniprocessor Throughput

The topic we cover in this section, multithreading, is truly a cross-cutting topic, because it has relevance to pipelining and superscalars, to graphics processing units (Chapter 4), and to multiprocessors (Chapter 5). A thread is like a process in that it has state and a current program counter, but threads typically share the address space of a single process, allowing a thread to easily access data of other threads within the same process. Multithreading is a technique whereby multiple threads share a processor without requiring an intervening process switch. The ability to switch between threads rapidly is what enables multithreading to be used to hide pipeline and memory latencies.

In the next chapter, we will see how multithreading provides the same advantages in GPUs. Finally, Chapter 5 will explore the combination of multithreading and multiprocessing. These topics are closely interwoven because multithreading is a primary technique for exposing more parallelism to the hardware. In a strict sense, multithreading uses thread-level parallelism, and thus is properly the subject of Chapter 5, but its role in both improving pipeline utilization and in GPUs motivates us to introduce the concept here.

Although increasing performance by using ILP has the great advantage that it is reasonably transparent to the programmer, as we have seen, ILP can be quite limited or difficult to exploit in some applications. In particular, with reasonable instruction issue rates, cache misses that go to memory or off-chip caches are unlikely to be hidden by available ILP. Of course, when the processor is stalled waiting on a cache miss, the utilization of the functional units drops dramatically.

Because attempts to cover long memory stalls with more ILP have limited effectiveness, it is natural to ask whether other forms of parallelism in an application could be used to hide memory delays. For example, an online transaction processing system has natural parallelism among the multiple queries and updates that are presented by requests. Of course, many scientific applications contain natural parallelism because they often model the three-dimensional, parallel structure of nature, and that structure can be exploited by using separate threads. Even desktop applications that use modern Windows-based operating systems often have multiple active applications running, providing a source of parallelism.

Multithreading allows multiple threads to share the functional units of a single processor in an overlapping fashion. In contrast, a more general method to exploit thread-level parallelism (TLP) is with a multiprocessor that has multiple independent threads operating at once and in parallel. Multithreading, however, does not duplicate the entire processor as a multiprocessor does. Instead, multithreading shares most of the processor core among a set of threads, duplicating only private state, such as the registers and program counter. As we will see in Chapter 5, many recent processors incorporate both multiple processor cores on a single chip and provide multithreading within each core.

Duplicating the per-thread state of a processor core means creating a separate register file and a separate PC for each thread. The memory itself can be shared through the virtual memory mechanisms, which already support multiprogramming. In addition, the hardware must support the ability to change to a different thread relatively quickly; in particular, a thread switch should be much more efficient than a process switch, which typically requires hundreds to thousands of processor cycles. Of course, for multithreading hardware to achieve performance improvements, a program must contain multiple threads (we sometimes say that the application is multithreaded) that could execute in concurrent fashion. These threads are identified either by a compiler (typically from a language with parallelism constructs) or by the programmer.

There are three main hardware approaches to multithreading: fine-grained, coarse-grained, and simultaneous. Fine-grained multithreading switches between threads on each clock cycle, causing the execution of instructions from multiple threads to be interleaved. This interleaving is often done in a round-robin fashion, skipping any threads that are stalled at that time. One key advantage of fine-grained multithreading is that it can hide the throughput losses that arise from both short and long stalls because instructions from other threads can be executed when one thread stalls, even if the stall is only for a few cycles. The primary disadvantage of fine-grained multithreading is that it slows down the execution of an individual thread because a thread that is ready to execute without stalls will be delayed by instructions from other threads. It trades an increase in multithreaded throughput for a loss in the performance (as measured by latency) of a single thread.

The SPARC T1 through T5 processors (originally made by Sun, now made by Oracle and Fujitsu) use fine-grained multithreading. These processors were targeted at multithreaded workloads such as transaction processing and web services. The T1 supported 8 cores per processor and 4 threads per core, while the T5 supports 16 cores and 128 threads per core. Later versions (T2–T5) also supported 4–8 processors. The NVIDIA GPUs, which we look at in the next chapter, also make use of fine-grained multithreading.

Coarse-grained multithreading was invented as an alternative to fine-grained multithreading. Coarse-grained multithreading switches threads only on costly stalls, such as level two or three cache misses. Because instructions from other threads will be issued only when a thread encounters a costly stall, coarse-grained multithreading relieves the need to have thread-switching be essentially free and is much less likely to slow down the execution of any one thread.

Coarse-grained multithreading suffers, however, from a major drawback: it is limited in its ability to overcome throughput losses, especially from shorter stalls. This limitation arises from the pipeline start-up costs of coarse-grained multithreading. Because a processor with coarse-grained multithreading issues instructions from a single thread, when a stall occurs, the pipeline will see a bubble before the new thread begins executing. Because of this start-up overhead, coarse-grained multithreading is much more useful for reducing the penalty of very high-cost stalls, where pipeline refill is negligible compared to the stall time. Several research projects have explored coarse-grained multithreading, but no major current processors use this technique.

The most common implementation of multithreading is called simultaneous multithreading (SMT). Simultaneous multithreading is a variation on fine-grained multithreading that arises naturally when fine-grained multithreading is implemented on top of a multiple-issue, dynamically scheduled processor. As with other forms of multithreading, SMT uses thread-level parallelism to hide long-latency events in a processor, thereby increasing the usage of the functional units. The key insight in SMT is that register renaming and dynamic scheduling allow multiple instructions from independent threads to be executed without regard to the dependences among them; the resolution of the dependences can be handled by the dynamic scheduling capability.

Figure 3.31 conceptually illustrates the differences in a processor's ability to exploit the resources of a superscalar for the following processor configurations:

In the superscalar without multithreading support, the use of issue slots is limited by a lack of ILP, including ILP to hide memory latency. Because of the length of L2 and L3 cache misses, much of the processor can be left idle.

In the coarse-grained multithreaded superscalar, the long stalls are partially hidden by switching to another thread that uses the resources of the processor. This switching reduces the number of completely idle clock cycles. In a coarse-grained multithreaded processor, however, thread switching occurs only when there is a stall. Because the new thread has a start-up period, there are likely to be some fully idle cycles remaining.

In the fine-grained case, the interleaving of threads can eliminate fully empty slots. In addition, because the issuing thread is changed on every clock cycle, longer latency operations can be hidden. Because instruction issue and execution are connected, a thread can issue only as many instructions as are ready. With a narrow issue width, this is not a problem (a cycle is either occupied or not), which is why fine-grained multithreading works perfectly for a single issue processor, and SMT would make no sense. Indeed, in the Sun T2, there are two issues per clock, but they are from different threads. This eliminates the need to implement the complex dynamic scheduling approach and relies instead on hiding latency with more threads.

If one implements fine-grained threading on top of a multiple-issue, dynamically schedule processor, the result is SMT. In all existing SMT implementations, all issues come from one thread, although instructions from different threads can initiate execution in the same cycle, using the dynamic scheduling hardware to determine what instructions are ready. Although Figure 3.31 greatly simplifies the real operation of these processors, it does illustrate the potential performance advantages of multithreading in general and SMT in wider issue, dynamically scheduled processors.

Simultaneous multithreading uses the insight that a dynamically scheduled processor already has many of the hardware mechanisms needed to support the mechanism, including a large virtual register set. Multithreading can be built on top of an out-of-order processor by adding a per-thread renaming table, keeping separate PCs, and providing the capability for instructions from multiple threads to commit.

Effectiveness of Simultaneous Multithreading on Superscalar Processors

A key question is, how much performance can be gained by implementing SMT? When this question was explored in 2000–2001, researchers assumed that dynamic superscalars would get much wider in the next five years, supporting six to eight issues per clock with speculative dynamic scheduling, many simultaneous loads and stores, large primary caches, and four to eight contexts with simultaneous issue and retirement from multiple contexts. No processor has gotten close to this combination.

As a result, simulation research results that showed gains for multiprogrammed workloads of two or more times are unrealistic. In practice, the existing implementations of SMT offer only two to four contexts with fetching and issue from only one, and up to four issues per clock. The result is that the gain from SMT is also more modest.

Esmaeilzadeh et al. (2011) did an extensive and insightful set of measurements that examined both the performance and energy benefits of using SMT in a single i7 920 core running a set of multithreaded applications. The Intel i7 920 supported SMT with two threads per core, as does the recent i7 6700. The changes between the i7 920 and the 6700 are relatively small and are unlikely to significantly change the results as shown in this section.

The benchmarks used consist of a collection of parallel scientific applications and a set of multithreaded Java programs from the DaCapo and SPEC Java suite, as summarized in Figure 3.32. Figure 3.31 shows the ratios of performance and energy efficiency for these benchmarks when run on one core of a i7 920 with SMT turned off and on. (We plot the energy efficiency ratio, which is the inverse of energy consumption, so that, like speedup, a higher ratio is better.)

Figure 3.32 The parallel benchmarks used here to examine multithreading, as well as in Chapter 5 to examine multiprocessing with an i7.
The top half of the chart consists of PARSEC benchmarks collected by
Bienia et al. (2008). The PARSEC benchmarks are meant to be indicative of compute-intensive, parallel applications that would be appropriate for multicore processors. The lower half consists of multithreaded Java benchmarks from the DaCapo collection (see Blackburn et al., 2006) and pjbb2005 from SPEC. All of these benchmarks contain some parallelism; other Java benchmarks in the DaCapo and SPEC Java workloads use multiple threads but have little or no true parallelism and, hence, are not used here. See Esmaeilzadeh et al. (2011) for additional information on the characteristics of these benchmarks, relative to the measurements here and in Chapter 5.

The harmonic mean of the speedup for the Java benchmarks is 1.28, despite the two benchmarks that see small gains. These two benchmarks, pjbb2005 and tradebeans, while multithreaded, have limited parallelism. They are included because they are typical of a multithreaded benchmark that might be run on an SMT processor with the hope of extracting some performance, which they find in limited amounts. The PARSEC benchmarks obtain somewhat better speedups than the full set of Java benchmarks (harmonic mean of 1.31). If tradebeans and pjbb2005 were omitted, the Java workload would actually have significantly better speedup (1.39) than the PARSEC benchmarks. (See the discussion of the implication of using harmonic mean to summarize the results in the caption of Figure 3.33.)

Energy consumption is determined by the combination of speedup and increase in power consumption. For the Java benchmarks, on average, SMT delivers the same energy efficiency as non-SMT (average of 1.0), but it is brought down by the two poor performing benchmarks; without pjbb2005 and tradebeans, the average energy efficiency for the Java benchmarks is 1.06, which is almost as good as the PARSEC benchmarks. In the PARSEC benchmarks, SMT reduces energy by 1 − (1/1.08) = 7%. Such energy-reducing performance enhancements are very difficult to find. Of course, the static power associated with SMT is paid in both cases, thus the results probably slightly overstate the energy gains.

These results clearly show that SMT with extensive support in an aggressive speculative processor can improve performance in an energy-efficient fashion. In 2011, the balance between offering multiple simpler cores and fewer more sophisticated cores has shifted in favor of more cores, with each core typically being a three- to four-issue superscalar with SMT supporting two to four threads. Indeed, Esmaeilzadeh et al. (2011) show that the energy improvements from SMT are even larger on the Intel i5 (a processor similar to the i7, but with smaller caches and a lower clock rate) and the Intel Atom (an 80 x 86 processor originally designed for the netbook and PMD market, now focused on low-end PCs, and described in Section 3.13).

3.12 Putting It All Together: The Intel Core i7 6700 and ARM Cortex-A53

In this section, we explore the design of two multiple issue processors: the ARM Cortex-A53 core, which is used as the basis for several tablets and cell phones, and the Intel Core i7 6700, a high-end, dynamically scheduled, speculative processor intended for high-end desktops and server applications. We begin with the simpler processor.

The ARM Cortex-A53

The A53 is a dual-issue, statically scheduled superscalar with dynamic issue detection, which allows the processor to issue two instructions per clock. Figure 3.34 shows the basic pipeline structure of the pipeline. For nonbranch, integer instructions, there are eight stages: F1, F2, D1, D2, D3/ISS, EX1, EX2, and WB, as described in the caption. The pipeline is in order, so an instruction can initiate execution only when its results are available and when proceeding instructions have initiated. Thus, if the next two instructions are dependent, both can proceed to the appropriate execution pipeline, but they will be serialized when they get to the beginning of that pipeline. When the scoreboard-based issue logic indicates that the result from the first instruction is available, the second instruction can issue.

The four cycles of instruction fetch include an address generation unit that produces the next PC either by incrementing the last PC or from one of four predictors:

  1. 1. A single-entry branch target cache containing two instruction cache fetches (the next two instructions following the branch, assuming the prediction is correct). This target cache is checked during the first fetch cycle, if it hits; then the next two instructions are supplied from the target cache. In case of a hit and a correct prediction, the branch is executed with no delay cycles.
  2. 2. A 3072-entry hybrid predictor, used for all instructions that do not hit in the branch target cache, and operating during F3. Branches handled by this predictor incur a 2-cycle delay.
  3. 3. A 256-entry indirect branch predictor that operates during F4; branches predicted by this predictor incur a three-cycle delay when predicted correctly.
  4. 4. An 8-deep return stack, operating during F4 and incurring a three-cycle delay.

Branch decisions are made in ALU pipe 0, resulting in a branch misprediction penalty of 8 cycles. Figure 3.35 shows the misprediction rate for SPECint2006. The amount of work that is wasted depends on both the misprediction rate and the issue rate sustained during the time that the mispredicted branch was followed. As Figure 3.36 shows, wasted work generally follows the misprediction rate, though it may be larger or occasionally shorter.

Performance of the A53 Pipeline

The A53 has an ideal CPI of 0.5 because of its dual-issue structure. Pipeline stalls can arise from three sources:

  1. 1. Functional hazards, which occur because two adjacent instructions selected for issue simultaneously use the same functional pipeline. Because the A53 is statically scheduled, the compiler should try to avoid such conflicts. When such instructions appear sequentially, they will be serialized at the beginning of the execution pipeline, when only the first instruction will begin execution.
  2. 2. Data hazards, which are detected early in the pipeline and may stall either both instructions (if the first cannot issue, the second is always stalled) or the second of a pair. Again, the compiler should try to prevent such stalls when possible.
  3. 3. Control hazards, which arise only when branches are mispredicted.

Both TLB misses and cache misses also cause stalls. On the instruction side, a TLB or cache miss causes a delay in filling the instruction queue, likely leading to a downstream stall of the pipeline. Of course, this depends on whether it is an L1 miss, which might be largely hidden if the instruction queue was full at the time of the miss, or an L2 miss, which takes considerably longer. On the data side, a cache or TLB miss will cause the pipeline to stall because the load or store that caused the miss cannot proceed down the pipeline. All other subsequent instructions will thus be stalled. Figure 3.37 shows the CPI and the estimated contributions from various sources.

The A53 uses a shallow pipeline and a reasonably aggressive branch predictor, leading to modest pipeline losses, while allowing the processor to achieve high clock rates at modest power consumption. In comparison with the i7, the A53 consumes approximately 1/200 the power for a quad core processor!

The Intel Core i7

The i7 uses an aggressive out-of-order speculative microarchitecture with deep pipelines with the goal of achieving high instruction throughput by combining multiple issue and high clock rates. The first i7 processor was introduced in 2008; the i7 6700 is the sixth generation. The basic structure of the i7 is similar, but successive generations have enhanced performance by changing cache strategies (e.g., the aggressiveness of prefetching), increasing memory bandwidth, expanding the number of instructions in flight, enhancing branch prediction, and improving graphics support. The early i7 microarchitectures used reservations stations and reorder buffers for their out-of-order, speculative pipeline. Later microarchitectures, including the i7 6700, use register renaming, with the reservations stations acting as functional unit queues and the reorder buffer simply tracking control information.

Figure 3.38 shows the overall structure of the i7 pipeline. We will examine the pipeline by starting with instruction fetch and continuing on to instruction commit, following steps labeled in the figure.

  1. 1. Instruction fetch—The processor uses a sophisticated multilevel branch predictor to achieve a balance between speed and prediction accuracy. There is also a return address stack to speed up function return. Mispredictions cause a penalty of about 17 cycles. Using the predicted address, the instruction fetch unit fetches 16 bytes from the instruction cache.
  2. 2. The 16 bytes are placed in the predecode instruction buffer—In this step, a process called macro-op fusion is executed. Macro-op fusion takes instruction combinations such as compare followed by a branch and fuses them into a single operation, which can issue and dispatch as one instruction. Only certain special cases can be fused, since we must know that the only use of the first result is by the second instruction (i.e., compare and branch). In a study of the Intel Core architecture (which has many fewer buffers), Bird et al. (2007) discovered that macrofusion had a significant impact on the performance of integer programs resulting in an 8%–10% average increase in performance with a few programs showing negative results. There was little impact on FP programs; in fact, about half of the SPECFP benchmarks showed negative results from macro-op fusion. The predecode stage also breaks the 16 bytes into individual x86 instructions. This predecode is nontrivial because the length of an x86 instruction can be from 1 to 17 bytes and the predecoder must look through a number of bytes before it knows the instruction length. Individual x86 instructions (including some fused instructions) are placed into the instruction queue.
  3. 3. Micro-op decode—Individual x86 instructions are translated into micro-ops. Micro-ops are simple RISC-V-like instructions that can be executed directly by the pipeline; this approach of translating the x86 instruction set into simple operations that are more easily pipelined was introduced in the Pentium Pro in 1997 and has been used since. Three of the decoders handle x86 instructions that translate directly into one micro-op. For x86 instructions that have more complex semantics, there is a microcode engine that is used to produce the micro-op sequence; it can produce up to four micro-ops every cycle and continues until the necessary micro-op sequence has been generated. The micro-ops are placed according to the order of the x86 instructions in the 64-entry micro-op buffer.
  4. 4. The micro-op buffer preforms loop stream detection and microfusion—If there is a small sequence of instructions (less than 64 instructions) that comprises a loop, the loop stream detector will find the loop and directly issue the micro-ops from the buffer, eliminating the need for the instruction fetch and instruction decode stages to be activated. Microfusion combines instruction pairs such as ALU operation and a dependent store and issues them to a single reservation station (where they can still issue independently), thus increasing the usage of the buffer. Micro-op fusion produces smaller gains for integer programs and larger ones for FP, but the results vary widely. The different results for integer and FP programs with macro and micro fusion, probably arise from the patterns recognized and fused and the frequency of occurrence in integer versus FP programs. In the i7, which has a much larger number of reorder buffer entries, the benefits from both techniques are likely to be smaller.
  5. 5. Perform the basic instruction issue—Looking up the register location in the register tables, renaming the registers, allocating a reorder buffer entry, and fetching any results from the registers or reorder buffer before sending the micro-ops to the reservation stations. Up to four micro-ops can be processed every clock cycle; they are assigned the next available reorder buffer entries.
  6. 6. The i7 uses a centralized reservation station shared by six functional units. Up to six micro-ops may be dispatched to the functional units every clock cycle.
  7. 7. Micro-ops are executed by the individual function units, and then results are sent back to any waiting reservation station as well as to the register retirement unit, where they will update the register state once it is known that the instruction is no longer speculative. The entry corresponding to the instruction in the reorder buffer is marked as complete.
  8. 8. When one or more instructions at the head of the reorder buffer have been marked as complete, the pending writes in the register retirement unit are executed, and the instructions are removed from the reorder buffer.

In addition to the changes in the branch predictor, the major changes between the first generation i7 (the 920, Nehalem microarchitecture) and the sixth generation (i7 6700, Skylake microarchitecture) are in the sizes of the various buffers, renaming registers, and resources so as to allow many more outstanding instructions. Figure 3.39 summarizes these differences.

Performance of the i7

In earlier sections, we examined the performance of the i7's branch predictor and also the performance of SMT. In this section, we look at single-thread pipeline performance. Because of the presence of aggressive speculation as well as nonblocking caches, it is difficult to accurately attribute the gap between idealized performance and actual performance. The extensive queues and buffers on the 6700 reduce the probability of stalls because of a lack of reservation stations, renaming registers, or reorder buffers significantly. Indeed, even on the earlier i7 920 with notably fewer buffers, only about 3% of the loads were delayed because no reservation station was available.

Thus most losses come either from branch mispredicts or cache misses. The cost of a branch mispredict is 17 cycles, whereas the cost of an L1 miss is about 10 cycles. An L2 miss is slightly more than three times as costly as an L1 miss, and an L3 miss costs about 13 times what an L1 miss costs (130–135 cycles). Although the processor will attempt to find alternative instructions to execute during L2 and L3 misses, it is likely that some of the buffers will fill before a miss completes, causing the processor to stop issuing instructions.

Figure 3.40 shows the overall CPI for the 19 SPECCPUint2006 benchmarks compared to the CPI for the earlier i7 920. The average CPI on the i7 6700 is 0.71, whereas it is almost 1.5 times better on the i7 920, at 1.06. This difference derives from improved branch prediction and a reduction in the demand miss rates (seeFigure 2.26 on page 135).

To understand how the 6700 achieves the significant improvement in CPI, let's look at the benchmarks that achieve the largest improvement. Figure 3.41 shows the five benchmarks that have a CPI ratio on the 920 that is at least 1.5 times higher than that of the 6700. Interestingly, three other benchmarks show a significant improvement in branch prediction accuracy (1.5 or more); however, those three benchmarks (HMMER, LIBQUANTUM, and SJENG) show equal or slightly higher L1 demand miss rates on the i7 6700. These misses likely arise because the aggressive prefetching is replacing cache blocks that are actually used. This type of behavior reminds designers of the challenges of maximizing performance in complex speculative multiple issue processors: rarely can significant performance be achieved by tuning only one part of the microarchitecture!

3.13 Fallacies and Pitfalls

Our few fallacies focus on the difficulty of predicting performance and energy efficiency and extrapolating from single measures such as clock rate or CPI. We also show that different architectural approaches can have radically different behaviors for different benchmarks.

3.14 Concluding Remarks: What's Ahead?

As 2000 began the focus on exploiting instruction-level parallelism was at its peak. In the first five years of the new century, it became clear that the ILP approach had likely peaked and that new approaches would be needed. By 2005 Intel and all the other major processor manufacturers had revamped their approach to focus on multicore. Higher performance would be achieved through thread-level parallelism rather than instruction-level parallelism, and the responsibility for using the processor efficiently would largely shift from the hardware to the software and the programmer. This change was the most significant change in processor architecture since the early days of pipelining and instruction-level parallelism some 25 + years earlier.

During the same period, designers began to explore the use of more data-level parallelism as another approach to obtaining performance. SIMD extensions enabled desktop and server microprocessors to achieve moderate performance increases for graphics and similar functions. More importantly, graphics processing units (GPUs) pursued aggressive use of SIMD, achieving significant performance advantages for applications with extensive data-level parallelism. For scientific applications, such approaches represent a viable alternative to the more general, but less efficient, thread-level parallelism exploited in multicores. The next chapter explores these developments in the use of data-level parallelism.

Many researchers predicted a major retrenchment in the use of ILP, predicting that two issue superscalar processors and larger numbers of cores would be the future. The advantages, however, of slightly higher issue rates and the ability of speculative dynamic scheduling to deal with unpredictable events, such as level-one cache misses, led to moderate ILP (typically about 4 issues/clock) being the primary building block in multicore designs. The addition of SMT and its effectiveness (both for performance and energy efficiency) further cemented the position of the moderate issue, out-of-order, speculative approaches. Indeed, even in the embedded market, the newest processors (e.g., the ARM Cortex-A9 and Cortex-A73) have introduced dynamic scheduling, speculation, and wider issues rates.

It is highly unlikely that future processors will try to increase the width of issue significantly. It is simply too inefficient from the viewpoint of silicon utilization and power efficiency. Consider the data in Figure 3.46 that show the five processors in the IBM Power series. Over more than a decade, there has been a modest improvement in the ILP support in the Power processors, but the dominant portion of the increase in transistor count (a factor of more than 10 from the Power4 to the Power8) went to increasing the caches and the number of cores per die. Even the expansion in SMT support seems to be more of a focus than is an increase in the ILP throughput: The ILP structure from Power4 to Power8 went from 5 issues to 8, from 8 functional units to 16 (but not increasing from the original 2 load/store units), whereas the SMT support went from nonexistent to 8 threads/processor. A similar trend can be observed across the six generations of i7 processors, where almost all the additional silicon has gone to supporting more cores. The next two chapters focus on approaches that exploit data-level and thread-level parallelism.

3.15 Historical Perspective and References

Section M.5 (available online) features a discussion on the development of pipelining and instruction-level parallelism. We provide numerous references for further reading and exploration of these topics. Section M.5 covers both Chapter 3 and Appendix H.

Case Studies and Exercises by Jason D. Bakos and Robert P. Colwell

Case Study: Exploring the Impact of Microarchitectural Techniques

Concepts illustrated by this case study

You are tasked with designing a new processor microarchitecture and you are trying to determine how best to allocate your hardware resources. Which of the hardware and software techniques you learned in Chapter 3 should you apply? You have a list of latencies for the functional units and for memory, as well as some representative code. Your boss has been somewhat vague about the performance requirements of your new design, but you know from experience that, all else being equal, faster is usually better. Start with the basics. Figure 3.47 provides a sequence of instructions and list of latencies.
