There are a few particular factors that can affect the ability of plants to grow in a greenhouse, and it’s important to understand what each of them are. This chapter will give you these factors, and what the best way to control them is.
Water is an obvious one, but often, the biggest problem isn’t water period, but having too much water. You need to be mindful of this, and ideally, check to make sure that you do give it enough, and not overwater it. You probably will have to water it at least once a day, but you should definitely check it.
Sometimes, you can stick your finger into the soil in order to check it. If it’s wet, don’t bother. You should make sure that the soil and pots have good drainage so that it can leave. If you don’t, there is a chance that you might end up killing the plant. Some can be watered any other day, but do check each of them before you begin so that you’re not overwatering any of them.
Light is another factor to consider. You should try for full sun for everything, and make sure to cut down anything too excess if needed. You can always put more shade in if needed, but you definitely need to watch.
You should also make sure that you give your plants as much light as you can. Remember, you can reduce the sun exposure, but it’s often hard to bring more light in, short of artificial light.
During the winter, you might need artificial lamps, so make sure that you do look into this, and make sure not to skimp on this step.
You might not think ventilation matters when it comes to plants but it’s a huge thing, and often, it’s actually one of the key factors in helping to regulate a greenhouse. Without proper ventilation, the temperature, air, and even how many pests breed or don’t breed do get affected by this, and if you have good ventilation, the plants will pollinate.
You will feel the air if it’s not fully ventilated. There are often more pests, mold and mildew, and even fungi and other diseases that will wreak havoc on the plants, and it’s often quite a troublesome thing to deal with. This is a simple fix though, and something you can change with just adding in a fan, or even some windows. Sometimes, even just having rooftop vents allow this to leave in a natural sense. A fan, or any means to circulate the air, along with a screen and such, can help control the entire environment, allowing for a much fresher atmosphere. Think about it, would you want to be stuck in a small house without fresh air? Probably not, so take the time and install proper ventilation in your greenhouse before you put the plants in.
And finally there is humidity. Humidity is a huge part in plant growth, and while some plants can handle very humid climes, it’s actually not the best thing for plants that are grown in a greenhouse, since it can actually make it harder to grow. They should be around 70 percent, to up to 85 percent when growing, and you shouldn’t have it above 90 percent if you possibly can handle it. Why is humidity bad though? Well, too much of it is actually a bad thing, since it makes plants weaker, but not only that, it actually can cause fungal diseases to form, and bolting as well, and it can cause plants that are otherwise healthy to limp, and other problems that will only get worse, and it’s definitely not fun to deal with.
if you do have to worry about humidity, there are simple solutions, including venting, as said before, exhausting the air, and also limiting the water. You should increase the humidity by adding water to the floor of the greenhouse, since it will help with the humidity levels. You can do that, or even just put water containers on the floor to help it evaporate to the levels that you want it to be at.
When it comes to greenhouse gardening, these environmental factors totally matter, and it’s very imporntat that you know how to prevent these whenever you can. These are the ones to watch out for, and in turn, once you do pay attention to this, you’ll be able to have healthier plants, and better gardening as a result of this as well.