


Finn was so glad to be safe.

He knew he was safe, because the TV kept telling him how the leaders of his city and state and country were keeping him safe.

He couldn’t stop watching the TV, because it kept telling him how much danger he would have been in, if it weren’t for the leaders protecting him.

“Your leaders discovered the existence of a dangerous other world just in time,” the deep, authoritative newscaster voice kept saying over the scenes of all sorts of places blowing up. “Terrible, terrible people from the other world invaded our peaceful existence this morning. Of course your leaders are winning against the enemy, because they are strong and powerful and wise. But a round-the-clock curfew is being enforced, to preserve the safety of all. Stay where you are, keep watching our reports, and you and your families will be protected from the evildoers. All those who dare to disturb the peace of our world are being arrested. Our leaders will have everything under control in no time.”

It’s a battle zone out there, Finn thought. The other world—the world I just left—is an awful place. They’re trying to make this one an awful place, too. I’m so lucky to be here at Mayor Mayhew’s house, not anywhere else.

On the TV screen, there was a flash of light that hurt Finn’s eyes. Five or six people fell to the ground.

They deserved that, Finn thought. They should have listened to their leaders, and stayed in their houses.

He edged closer to the TV alongside Chess and Emma, Kona and Rocky. Without really thinking about it, Finn linked arms with Chess on his right, and Emma on his left.

He had everything he needed in any world, right here.

Something in his brain tried to protest, ever so softly, But what about . . .

He shut the thought down. He stared even harder at the TV.

Distantly, in the moments between booms and crashes coming from the TV, Finn heard a childish gurgle. Maybe a giggle, too. But he didn’t dare look away from the TV to find out what it was.

And then, suddenly the TV went dark. The announcer broke off in the middle of saying, “The other world must be—”

“Kafi!” Kona screamed.