My garden is the foundation for my books, photography, and recipes. For nearly twelve months of the year we toil to keep it beautiful and bountiful. Unlike most gardens, it is a photo studio and trial plot, and must therefore be glorious, healthy, and productive. To complicate the maintenance, all the beds are changed at least twice a year. Needless to say, it is a large undertaking. For two decades, a quartet of talented organic gardener/cooks have not only given it hundreds of hours of loving attention, but they have also been generous with their vast knowledge of plants. Together we have forged our concept of gardening and cooking, much of which I share with you in this series of garden cookbooks.
I wish to thank Wendy Krupnick for giving the garden such a strong foundation and Joe Queirolo for maintaining it for many years and lending it such a gentle and sure hand. For the last decade, Jody Main and Duncan Minalga have helped me expand my garden horizons. No matter how complex the project, they enthusiastically rise to the occasion. In the kitchen, I am most fortunate to have Gudi Riter, a very talented cook who developed many of her skills in Germany and France. I thank her for the help she provides as we create recipes and present them in all their glory. I want to thank Carole Saville who, over the years, has generously shared her vast knowledge of unusual plants and exotic cooking techniques.
I thank Dayna Lane for her steady hand and editorial assistance. In addition to day-to-day compilations, she joins me on our constant search for the most effective organic pest controls, superior vegetable varieties, and the best sources for plants.
I rely on technical support from an assortment of people in a number of fields. Nona Koivula, executive Director of All-American Selection, leads me to knowledgeable experts and locates photos of unusual vegetables; John Navazio Ph.D, plant breeder at Alf Christianson Seed Co., provides nutritional information; Richard Merrill, botany professor extrodinaire at Cabrillo College, lends botanical support; and W. Atlee Burpee Co. and Park Seeds, provide needed photos.
I would also like to thank a large supporting cast: my husband, Robert, who gives such quality technical advice and loving support; Jan Blüm, of Seeds Blüm and Renee Shepherd of Renee’s Garden for sharing years of “rainbow” information; Doug Gosling, for his love of exotic vegetables; a triumvirate including Jane Whitfield, Linda Gunnarson, and David Humphrey who were integral to the initial vision of this book; Kathryn Sky-Peck for providing the design and quality of the layout; and Marcy Hawthorne for the lovely drawings. Heartfelt thanks to Eric Oey and to the entire Periplus staff, especially Deane Norton, Jan Johnson, and Sonia MacNeil, for their help. Finally, I would like to thank my editor, Jeanine Caunt, for her attention to detail and her enthusiasm. Her constant vigilance assures a book of which we can all be proud.