Chapter Forty-One

The intense heat of the late summer subsided into a mellow winter. One could tell that winter was not far off as the sun would rise later and set earlier in the day. One could also tell that it was getting cooler by Mrs. Smith’s attire. At the slightest whiff of a cold breeze, she started wearing the thickest cardigans.

Sauer sauntered into the office with a wide grin on his face. Hobbs looked up into the smiling face.

How he hated people that were so happy first thing in the morning.

He ignored Sauer who chewed his breakfast open-mouthed and slurped his coffee loudly. Every time he looked up at Sauer he was greeted with a wide grin. I am not going to ask him what he’s smiling about.

Sauer started whistling and throwing case files loudly around on his table. Hobbs ignored him. Sauer picked up a huge pile of old case files and threw it in front of Hobbs.

Hobbs looked up at him, leaned back into his chair and stared at Sauer.

Sauer was still grinning from ear to ear. Hobbs decided to ignore him a while longer.

Sauer now stood in front of Hobbs, swinging his backside from side to side, grinning at Hobbs. Hobbs looked at him in amusement.

“Yes?” Hobbs eventually asked.

Sauer stopped swinging his backside and sang, “Amy’s now officially my girlfriend.”

Hobbs nodded his head and continued reading the case file in front of him.

“You’re jealous because you haven’t managed to get a leg over for a few years now, hey?” Sauer teased. Hobbs ignored him.

The phone rang. Without thinking, Hobbs stretched and picked up the receiver. He announced himself and listened intensely. He replaced the phone and looked at Sauer.

“The results are back,” he said as he walked out the office.

It had been six weeks since Sauer handed the bundle of hair to Doctor Mayer.

The two detectives barged into the mortuary. Doctor Mayer sat behind her desk, reading a document. She waved at them to sit down.

“Gentleman,” she said formally, “you got yourself a killer.”

Sauer and Hobbs gave each other a high five slap.

“We matched the genetic material from the hairs to the skin we found under Zeller’s fingernails, which you fished out of the toilet, and from the samples taken from Jimmy Love’s fingernails. So if nothing else, you have a killer for two of the murders.”

“And the rest?” Hobbs asked.

“Unfortunately the other three were buried before samples were taken. But at least we have a start,” she said. “I’m sure you boys will find a way to persuade the man to talk to you.”

Sauer looked at Hobbs. They smiled coyly at each other.

“We will just slap the rest out of him,” Sauer scoffed.

Superintendent Hansen was elated by the good news. “When are you making the arrest?”

“Much later tonight,” Sauer said explaining the hours that Henry kept.

Neither Hobbs nor Sauer could concentrate on other work that afternoon. They organized back-up teams should the Luscious Sex Shop have hidden back entrances. They planned for everything.

By eleven that evening they climbed into the Turtle, court interdict in hand to search the Luscious Love Sex Shop, and drove down town. Several marked police vehicles followed them.

Sauer parked as usual on the pavement. He jumped out and marched after the lithe Hobbs, who was a few paces ahead of him. The yellow doors of the Luscious Love Sex Shop stood wide open. Sauer entered two paces behind Hobbs. The scrawny Andrew jumped up as the detectives stormed into the shop, followed by a horde of uniformed policemen.

Sauer threw the interdict onto the counter and trotted after Hobbs towards the satin door. Hobbs grabbed the door wanting to rip it open, but it was locked. Sauer took a few steps back, and with his full body weight, slammed into the door. The door creaked in its hinges, but did not really move. Sauer stepped back and slammed into the door again. This time it gave way. Hobbs kicked it out of its existing hinges and stormed through the door. The room was pitch-dark. Where is my flashlight when I need it? He felt the walls for a light switch. Nothing.

“Will someone please pass me a flashlight,” he roared.

A flashlight was passed to Sauer. The strong beam scanned the interior of the room. The detectives walked deeper into the dark interior. It was clear from what was visible that this room was used to make porn films. Digital video cameras stood like tin soldiers on tripods. Several king-sized beds stood around in the huge room against different backdrops.

Just then, a bright light illuminated the room. Both Hobbs and Sauer sheltered their eyes against the light. Two uniformed policemen helped the scrawny Andrew into the room. “May I be of assistance to you people,” he stammered.

On one of the beds nearby a dark-skinned woman stirred. She covered herself with a sheet and looked completely dazed at the ongoing about her.

“We want Henry,” Sauer bulked.

Andrew clicked his tongue at the detectives and rolled his eyes backwards. “He has gone to the premier of one his skin flicks. He is one of the local industry’s top producers, you know.

The premier was held at a well-known whore house in the affluent suburb of Sandton. It was miles away. Their interdict stated that they were allowed to search the shop only, and on that day only.

“Fuck,” Hobbs swore under his breath.

“Let’s go.” Sauer barged out the shop.