Chapter Forty-Two
The security officers at the entrance of the whore house wouldn’t let them in. “There is a private function here tonight.”
“Yes, we know,” Hobbs lied. “We were invited by Henry Harper. He said he would leave our invitation at the gate.”
The security officers searched through a pile of papers on his desk. “What’s your name?”
“Real ones or the ones we come here as tonight?”
The security officers laughed and lifted the boom for them to enter. It was as easy as that.
Sauer and Hobbs walked through the wide Atlantis themed entrance into the entrance hall.
“How may I help you gentlemen?” The voice belonged to an older woman, neatly dressed and hair tied in a modern bun. Everywhere else half-naked women pranced around.
“We are here to see Henry’s newest release. I hope it is as good as his last one,” Hobbs said without much emotion.
“Oh, it is…I had a little sneak preview this afternoon. All anal. Very, very good.”
“Can’t wait…” The sarcasm dripped.
They took the escalator to the penthouse. The doors opened onto an imposing parlor. The walls were papered with ancient prints from Kama Sutra in pale pink. A darker pink carpet covered the floor. Two entrances lead from this area. An arrow to the right indicated ‘Conference Room’, and one to the left, ‘Show Hall’. Soft music floated in from the Show Hall.
“Show time!” Sauer whispered softly as he followed Hobbs.
Porn queens dressed in fluffy, brightly-colored feathers that barely covered the essentials freely mingled with a variety of men—some old, some young, but all definitely horny as hell. Some of the men openly fondled the porn queens as they walked pass. Nobody noticed Sauer and Hobbs at the entrance of the hall. The detectives scanned the room. There at the back, on a blood-red, satin-covered settee, they spotted Henry.
He sat with his long legs wide apart. In between them a blond had her face buried deep in his crotch. The topless brunette next to him laughed at something he said. He fondled her one breast.
“There he is,” Sauer said with a smirk. He started making his way towards Henry through the mingling hordes. A few of the girls groped at his crotch as he walked past. One offered him a drink off a tray.
“Not tonight honey…I still want to be able to get it up later.” He reached the settee and plonked himself down next to Henry. He could see Hobbs still standing in the entrance, now with a swarm of girls vying for his attention. He had to admit it, Hobbs was a damn good-looking man.
Through a haze of ecstasy, Henry looked at him. Sauer lifted his glass at Henry and smiled at him. “Hi, big boy,” the brunette cooed at Sauer. Henry looked again at the face next to him. Horror slowly registered on his face and he sat up abruptly. The blond between his legs moaned softly and reached for his limp phallus.
“Evening Henry,” Sauer said triumphantly. His face was that of a victorious detective.
Henry was too shocked to talk. His mouth gaped open as he tried desperately to find words. He pushed the blond completely away from him, tucked his genitals into his pants, fastened his pants, and looked at Sauer again.
A cold, calculated glare greeted Sauer. It was that easy for him to compose himself. The relaxed, sex-induced look was gone.
“Good evening inspector,” he said coldly, “you’ve come a bit late. We already had the premier. But what can I offer you? A blond with tits and a penis, or perhaps you would like a straight looking man to fuck you in the ass so you can be less anal?”
Sauer laughed out loud. “Sorry to have interrupted your blow job. It will now be a while before you get another one from a blond.” He hesitated for a moment. “That is, a real blond. Of the real, female kind.”
Hobbs slowly walked over to the settee where Sauer and Henry were sitting. Henry saw the captain, and in spite of the low lighting, Sauer could see him pale visibly. Henry straightened and looked around. Sauer got up. He took a step closer to Henry and placed his huge hand on Henry’s shoulder. Henry got up, looking at his shoes the whole time.
Without a word, Henry started walking towards the entrance. Sauer followed him, his hand still on Henry’s shoulder. Henry walked past Hobbs, and out through the reception area.
At the top of the escalators, Henry turned abruptly and faced Sauer. His light blue eyes glared into Sauer’s. “What can I do for you?” he icily whispered at Sauer.
Sauer took his hand off Henry’s shoulder and stared him right in the eyes. “For one,” he stated, “you can tell me what kick you get out of eating tongues and eyeballs.”
Henry’s mouth was now a thin, white stripe. He said nothing. Sauer might have been mistaken, but a sneer glared at him from Henry’s eyes.