Welcome back! It’s August 28 and the start of a brand-new year here at Greenpoint High. For all you new Panther cubs (aka fresh meat): Welcome to GHS! You’ve gone from being the big bad eighth graders to the bottom of the food chain. Time to pay your dues and work your way up again.
Just remember: Rumor Has It is where it’s at if you want to know what’s really happening at GHS.
Who am I?
That’s the best kept secret here at Greenpoint High. There’s only one person who knows who I am—the previous holder of this exalted position.
Who knows, one day Rumor Has It could be you.
But let’s get down to the back-to-school news:
Austin W is going to be returning to GHS on crutches. He broke his ankle playing hoops last week. Good luck getting to class on time!
Don’t look for your favorite chips and candy in the vending machines. The school board voted to remove unhealthy products (aka the stuff we actually like).
I heard through the grapevine that Candace M is dating Jason P’s older sister.
But that’s not the only GHS keeping-it-in-the-family news. This one’s hot off the press: Senior Dara S’s mom got engaged to junior Carson and freshman Saffron T’s dad. Congrats on becoming one big happy GHS family!
Speaking of Dara S, she’s starting the year as number one in the senior class, but Will H and MJ M are hot on her heels, closely followed by Ada T and Amir H. According to Principal Joyner, it’s the tightest race ever for valedictorian. Who do you think will win?
Send your best guesses and any scintillating start-of-school scandals to rumorhasitghs@gmail.com.