So many incredible people played a part in getting this book into your hands.

A huge thank-you to:

My editor, Stephanie Pitts, for really understanding the heart of this story and helping me bring it to life. Jen Klonsky for your ongoing support and enthusiasm; Matt Phipps for all of your help; my publicist, Lizzie Goodell, along with Felicity Vallance, James Akinaka, and everyone at Putnam and Penguin Teen for all of your support.

Jeff Östberg for another gorgeous illustration, and Kelley Brady for pulling it all together into a stunning cover design.

My writer coven, Karen Strong and Isabel Sterling, whom I would be absolutely lost without. Also, Kelsey Rodkey for continually reminding me books need plots and not just kissing and angst, and Rory Power for keeping me sane and supplying me with constant cat pics (and Scally for being a willing and sometimes unwilling model).

Becky A. for always being a shoulder to cry on/amazing cheerleader/all-around fantastic friend—love you! Sophie for keeping my DMs interesting and my skin glowing, and Rachel Lynn Solomon for raising the bar and making me want to be a better writer (that yearbook, though).

Claribel, who inspires me to no end, even if her opinions on Pennywise leave a lot to be desired; Sarah for always being there; Rosey for constant cat pics and love; and everyone in kidlit who holds space for queer authors, out and otherwise.

Shannon and Jeff, who simultaneously manage to pump me up and make sure my head doesn’t get too big all at once. Dennis, who is truly the best big brother I could ever ask for, and to all my family for your love and enthusiastic support. Joe, Brody, and Liv for constantly inspiring me and making me laugh.

And last but certainly not least, to all of my readers, thank you for showing up time and again. This book is for you.