


This week focuses on cleansing the body by eating foods that naturally detoxify the liver. This is known as an eating detox, during which SHREDDERS feel their gastrointestinal tract working more smoothly, experience a boost in energy, and notice a healthier glow to their skin. Dr. Smith asks readers to avoid substitutions, as every meal and beverage outlined is essential to the cleanser’s success. Readers are given specific vegetable lists to choose from. Cleansers also add one cup of hibiscus tea, one glass of lemon water for breakfast, and one glass of cranberry juice each day. Additionally, alcohol is off-limits this week. The calorie guidelines for soups, shakes, and smoothies vary. Snack choices this week are also more defined than they were in previous weeks.

SHRED Week 5


images Record beginning weight in the morning on Day 1. This is the only weigh-in for the week.

images Eat meals every three to four hours until satiated but not until full. Do not skip meals.

images The last meal should be eaten at least 90 minutes before bedtime.

images Snacks come in between meals, and a 100-calorie snack is permitted before bedtime.

images Complete cardio exercises five of the seven days.

images This week all shakes and smoothies have different calorie counts.

images The calorie counts on soups also vary. They should continue to have no more than 480 grams of sodium per serving. These may be eaten with two saltines.

images One piece of fruit or one serving of vegetables must accompany all liquid meals.

images Drink a glass of water before each meal and a glass during each meal.

images One small cup of coffee per day is permitted. It should be 50 calories or less.

images A teaspoonful of ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, or similar condiment is permitted at each meal. Spices are unlimited.

images Fresh fruit is optimal, but canned (water-based, not syrup) and frozen fruit is permitted. Canned and frozen vegetables are also acceptable.

images No alcohol may be consumed this week.

images In addition to drinking as much water as possible, the following beverages are also permitted:


SHREDDERS should opt for different beverages with meals throughout the day and make an effort to mix up the meals eaten during the day. To induce diet confusion, a wide variety of foods should be consumed. Below is a sample schedule for recommended meal and snack times. Note that on some days there is a bonus snack.


Meal 1:

Snack 1:

Meal 2:

Snack 2:

Meal 3:

Snack 3:

Meal 4:

Snack 4:
