If you want quiet, go outside. There’s no prowl of motors, no stress of brakes. No lawnmowers or blaring stereos. This street is as empty as all the others. Oh, there are other people around of course, just a lot fewer than there were before. If we’re still here, there have to be others, except they’re all reduced to brutal instinct and a pack mentality: protect your own at all costs.
My face is the proof of scarce sleep with a bare floor against my back, sucking off my spine. Under my eyes are fat slugs, the blush of puffy eyes.
What keeps me awake in here isn’t anything from out there. The only voices that rise up from outside are animal. No other sound creeps through the drafts of these old windows, except for once, maybe, just a few days after we found this place when we heard a baby crying outside. It lasted a few seconds, and might have missed our ears altogether if it hadn’t gotten caught in the hairs of our arms, brushed them back until skin and follicles stood cold, puckered.
Otherwise the quiet slouches against the windows, hugs the corners of the building, but never slips through the cracks. Maybe it stays outside because it knows it isn’t heavy enough to cover what’s within, no competition for what we externalize, or for what’s broken, disrupted under our tread.
In here, sounds spill from one room to another. Just now, a knife drops in the kitchen downstairs and the thick of its handle goes right through the walls.
And beside me every night Aimee keeps a tattooed arm over her eyes and talks in her sleep, mumbles omission, infection, admission.
This sprawling Victorian has its own sounds, but we aren’t sure if it’s the house’s own spirits or things that have followed us in. Our mattresses, freed from empty houses, still hold the shape of the people who slept in them before, the shape of the dead. At night they sigh into us, spooning.
From above comes the scrape of claws. Tiny moans under the weight of the ball of a foot. Or a stiff sole, maybe.
Two girls, Brandy and Camille, went up there the other night drunk. We watched from the bottom of the stairs as Brandy’s deflated mohawk and Camille’s brown dreads hung like dirty tails along their backs. Climbing up, up, they giggled all the way, expecting an animal, a raccoon maybe.
“Nothing,” they said when they came back down the stairs. Not giggling now, but faces full and red, nervous hands reaching to hold smoldering cigarettes. Camille hasn’t come out of her room since.
And from below, agony. We never go into the basement because that’s where The Shouting lives—a man’s voice, but bodiless. Cam and Trevor, also drunk, went down there a few nights ago, baseball bats in hand, thinking there was perhaps an intruder down there.
“Nothing.” That’s what they said when they came back up, faces as plain as white t-shirts.
Later that night there was no yelling, finally. Nothing, finally. And we could have forgotten about it, probably, would have wanted to, but the boys’ boots had stirred the subterranean air. It took a few days before the disruption of dust and atmosphere settled down before another shout shot up, the coarse underwing of a black bird.
This is how we live: in ancient old rooms with others like us, just as we always did. We came to this place after running into Trevor outside City Hall, lining up for rations. He remembered me and Aimee from the Mission and we remembered him from Kohl, the old goth club at Queen and Bathurst, where he used to perch on a newspaper box wearing the same torn lace top and tight black jeans every night, posing in the hopes that someone would take pity on his tentative prettiness and bring him inside for a drink.
Trevor’s black dye job has grown out now, his lace top replaced with a black t-shirt, faded brown cords on his legs. We almost didn’t recognize him, except that the look in his eyes is the same: part puppy, part lost boy.
But whatever collectivity we had before The End has fallen away: some here have had more primitive urges surface, creating change, clashes. Protecting what they’ve got, except it doesn’t feel the same as when I moved in with Valium. The other girls here, Brandy and Carrie and Camille, are made of amber eyes and sharp shoulders. Me and Aimee only take our knives with us when we leave the house, but the other girls tuck blades into their boots all the time. At night they sleep between the guys, covered only by the shells of leather jackets and wiry arms. They catch me staring at their faces, trying to summon a name or a place I might have seen them at before. When our eyes meet, though, they tell me to say nothing, stay quiet, look away, so that’s what I do.
You’d think no one has anything to hide anymore, but there are still pills, secret stashes, hidden connections not everyone wants to share.
This is how we live: either constantly on edge or constantly on the edge of oblivion. Some of us are like Cam, who’s been on his own since his first foster home, or like Aimee, who has only ever mentioned her dead father once, her mother left unacknowledged. Myself, I spent years perfecting the art of thinking of my parents solely as a source of income and annoyance, blanking out my brother. How I live now is I don’t tell anyone that my work is unraveling, that as we’ve stopped wondering the hows and whys of what’s happening around us, today, I can’t stop myself from wondering what’s happening to them.
This is how we live: believing this end is a slow grind. We pick at the wet skin of lips, a miscarriage of nutrients. Eyelashes prod my tear ducts; I pluck them away and they turn to earwigs, mascara nightmares between my nails.
I will not move today. The lifeless grey meat Aimee cooked yesterday had its claws out, kept me on my knees all night. It was something Cam, our self-proclaimed hunter, had brought in, either killed on the street or found dead already. A cat, probably. There are hundreds of them out there.
Middle of the night I went outside to sweat it out, spit it up. We only have warm rainwater to drink, collected in pails on the back steps. Sand sifts at the bottom of each bucket, silt against teeth.
My mouth is raw red and vile but I can’t stomach the grit of the water right now. Two more days until the next rations are handed out, if we’re lucky.
I’m the only one with a sick gut. Unless the rest of them aren’t showing it, better at finding privacy than I am.
This is how we live: barely, it feels. Survival strung together with the small thread of authority left in this city, no one implementing rules because there’s nothing to save, and not enough of a population to police. We expect every care package to be our last, don’t even ask questions when we pick it up, just take what we can, add it all to our small stockpiles of salvaged batteries, scavenged items looted from hollowed out convenience stores, the rubbing alcohol and antiseptic creams we’ve taken from abandoned houses.
Aimee’s up, her body a pink silhouette in the corner of my eye. She says something but the bedroom’s too hot for me to even breathe in so I move to the bathroom without answering her, press myself against the bare tub, seeking a cool surface.
Someone’s hung up shower curtains, cloudy clear plastic with black polka dots. Optimism, maybe, that we’ll be able to squeeze a shower or two out of the taps one of these days. You never know. The grid seems to flicker on and off, out of nowhere. Anything can happen.
There’s a clanging of metal from the mudroom at the back of the house, blending with the chainsaw of runny lungs. Must be Cam or Trevor, who are constantly bringing back things they find in the streets, along with illnesses. Sickness is always running through this house, runs through the city still.
It’s the only word I can hear through the bathroom floor. The guys raise their pitch when they say it, excited. They’ve been picking them up all over the place, they said. Just cutting the locks and taking them. Not likely that anyone will come looking for them.
From downstairs, Aimee’s maple voice asks: “Where we gonna ride them to?” My head is swimming too much to tap into recognition patterns. Another wave of cramps passes through my abdomen and I don’t hear the answer, just close my eyes. Hope to sleep past the pain.
A few hours of half-sleep and the space where the ache was has been filled with what I hope are slivers of hunger. Downstairs, Cam’s showing off a find of thirty boxes of packaged cakes and donuts looted from the waste bin behind a warehouse west of downtown they found when they went out riding earlier. The boxes are all marked expired but the cakes are still soft in their sealed plastic, no mold. Good enough. Better than the dried beans and maggoty rice in the kitchen.
All afternoon, the crush and snap of plastic wrapping torn open runs parallel to the tears in every roll of my stomach. I can only eat a bite of vanilla, something soft and bland enough to keep down.