The world of sibling research is an increasingly well-populated one, and it would hardly have been possible to interview every investigator at every college, university, or lab who is now exploring the field. I did try to sample as widely as possible from the most prominent researchers doing the most revealing work and, as is often the case, the more deeply I dug, the more names I found. The psychologists, sociologists, and other scientists or experts who agreed to be interviewed or whose work was cited in this book are:
Susan Averett, Lafayette College; Paula Avioli, Kean University; Jennifer Barber, University of Michigan; Lew Bank, Oregon Social Learning Center; Victoria Bedford, University of Indianapolis; Anthony Bogaert, Brock University, Ontario; Bo Cleveland, Penn State University; Katherine Conger, University of California, Davis; Ben Dattner, New York University; Lisabeth DiLalla, Southern Illinois University; Judy Dunn, King’s College, London; Patricia East, University of California, San Diego; Toni Falbo, University of Texas, Austin; Mark Feinberg, Penn State University; Catherine Hamilton-Giachritsis, University of Birmingham; Frederick Gibbons, Iowa State University; Deborah Gold, Duke University; Judith Rich Harris, author of The Nurture Assumption, among other works; Mavis Hetherington, University of Virginia; Sarah Hill, Texas Christian University; William Ickes, University of Texas, Arlington; Jennifer Jenkins, University of Toronto; Laurie Kramer, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Debra Lieberman, University of Miami; Eleanor Maccoby, Stanford University; Shirley McGuire, University of San Francisco; Susan McHale, Penn State University; Douglas Mock, University of Oklahoma; Virginia Noland, University of Florida; Thomas O’Connor, University of Rochester; Robert Plomin, King’s College; Joe Rodgers, University of Oklahoma; Karen Rook, University of California, Irvine; Hildy Ross, University of Toronto; Catherine Salmon, University of Redlands; Ritch Savin-Williams, Cornell University; Nancy Segal, California State University at Fullerton; Daniel Shaw, University of Pittsburgh; Clare Stocker, University of Denver; Jim Snyder, Oregon Social Learning Center; Jennifer Steeves, York University, Toronto; Elizabeth Stormshak, University of Oregon; Frank Sulloway, University of California, Berkeley; Corinna Jenkins Tucker, University of New Hampshire; Kimberly Updegraff, Arizona State University; Walter Vandereycken, University of Leuven, Belgium; Paul Vasey, University of Lethbridge, Alberta; Tony Vernon, University of Western Ontario; Brenda Volling, University of Michigan; Tom Weisner, UCLA; Shawn Whiteman, Purdue University; Alan Wichman, Ohio State University; Robert Zajonc, Stanford University; and Richard Zweigenhaft, Guilford College.