
Singleton looked up when Bonnie walked through the door just after one o’clock. Everything suddenly seemed a little brighter inside Single-Minded Books.

Usually he was content with the general gloom that pervaded his shop. The atmosphere suited him and his collection of old and rare tomes. Lately, however, he had become more aware of the shadows because when Bonnie came calling they seemed to lighten. It was as if she brought some of the intense desert sunlight indoors with her.

“I got your message,” she said, plunking her purse and a plastic container on the counter. “I can’t believe that you actually managed to turn up a copy of that privately published history of Whispering Springs.”

“Found it on-line.” He hauled the little leather-bound book out from behind the counter and opened it to the title page. “A History of the Founding of the Town of Whispering Springs in the Arizona Territory, by J. L. Creek.”

“This is wonderful, Singleton.” Bonnie bent excitedly over the small book, turning pages with great care. “I was told that the Friends of the Library have been trying to locate an original of Creek’s History for years. Everyone is going to be thrilled. It will be a terrific addition to the rare books and manuscripts collection.”

“You’re welcome.”

“How much did it cost?”

He shrugged. “Forget it.”

She looked up quickly, brows tightening. “I certainly never intended for you to donate this to the library. I realize that it must have been expensive. The Friends of the Library will reimburse you for it.”

He folded his arms on the counter. “Consider it my contribution to the community.”

She smiled. “That’s very generous of you, Singleton.”

“Hey, I can do the civic-minded thing occasionally.”

“Well, I hope you will accept this slice of homemade lemon meringue pie as a symbol of the gratitude of a grateful public library.” She pushed the plastic container toward him.

“Lemon meringue? That’s one of my favorites.” He popped the lid off the plastic container and inhaled the scent of freshly squeezed lemons. “Oh, man. This is one of the most beautiful sights in the known universe. Consider me repaid in full.”

She seemed pleased by his response. “Keep it in the refrigerator until you’re ready to eat it.”

“Got news for you. This sucker isn’t going to last long enough to get into a refrigerator.”

He reached under the counter again, found the stash of plastic forks that he had accumulated from past take-out meals and used one to take a large bite of pie.

He chewed slowly, making the experience last as long as possible.

“Ambrosia on the tongue,” he announced after swallowing.

“Thanks. You know, I never get remarks like that from Jeff and Theo. They usually just scrape the meringue off the top and try to lob gobs of it at each other before they eat the yellow part.”

“Give ’em a few years. Their palates will develop.”

“You mean there’s hope that with time they will actually learn to eat like civilized human beings?”

“Don’t know about eating like civilized human beings, but I’ve got a hunch that eventually they’ll figure out the meringue is a nice culinary complement to the tang of the lemon.”

“I don’t think I’ll hold my breath waiting for them to figure that out but I’m glad you like the pie.” She glanced at her watch. “Is Ethan upstairs?”

“You just missed him.” He forked up another bite of pie. “He went out to Nightwinds with his interior designer.”

“Uh-oh.” Bonnie made a face. “Maybe it’s just as well I got here too late to catch him. He’s always a little testy before and after one of those design meetings with Zoe.”

“Zoe gets pretty edgy herself whenever they’ve got a meeting planned. Says Ethan is stubborn and inflexible, not to mention, cheap.”

“I know Ethan is concerned about sticking to the budget they established, but Zoe’s had a lot of experience. I’m sure she’ll keep the costs down.”

He cut another bite of pie. “Don’t think it’s the budget thing that’s really bothering Ethan, although he may be using that as an excuse.”

“What is it?”

“I told Zoe that I’ve got a hunch that he associates major interior design projects with his business disaster in LA.”

“And his memories of the bankruptcy are, of course, forever linked to his memories of Drew’s death.” She sighed. “Add to that the fact that we recently passed the third anniversary of the day he found the place where the killer buried my husband’s body, and you’ve got a very high-stress scenario. Maybe November was not the best month for Ethan and Zoe to start remodeling Nightwinds.”

“Probably should have waited until after the first of the year. But I think they both figured the project would be good for them. Something they could work on together. Instead, all they seem to do is argue about it.”

Understanding widened Bonnie’s eyes. “Do you think maybe they’re both projecting? Focusing all of their anxieties and concerns about the marriage onto the remodel project?”

“I’m no shrink, but it sounds like a possibility.”

Morosely he studied the bits of pastry that were left in the bottom of the container. Too small to get with a fork, he decided. He wondered how Bonnie would react if he licked his finger and used it to snag the last crumbs. She would probably think it was really gross.

“Ever since Drew’s death, November has been a tough month for all of us,” Bonnie said reflectively. “But I honestly thought things would be better this year. I know they were for me and for Theo. But Ethan is going through his usual mood swings and Jeff seems to be having a much worse time of it than he did last year.”

Singleton put the lid back on the plastic container with a pang of regret. “Jeff does seem to be brooding a bit.”

She nodded. “At the beginning of the month he asked me to let him look at one of the albums that contains pictures of his father. He took it into his bedroom. The other day I walked into the room and he was sitting on the bed, staring at a photo of Drew. I asked him if he wanted to talk about his dad.”

“What did he say?”

“He said no and closed the album.” She shook her head. “I don’t know. Maybe the move to Whispering Springs unsettled him more than I realized.”

“They say a move puts a lot of stress on a person.”

“I know.” She paused. “But I still feel that the decision to start a new life here was the right one for all of us. We all had to get out of LA, Ethan included.”

“When you think about it, everyone in the gang came here for a new start. You, the boys, Ethan, Zoe and Arcadia. Even Harry and me.”

Her brows rose. “You too?”

“Sure. Me too.”

“What did you leave behind?”

“My wife decided that she didn’t want to have children. She left me to marry another guy who understood her needs better than I did. About that time, the folks who ran the think tank where I worked decided to increase profits by selling my services to the highest bidder, even if I wasn’t interested in doing the kind of research the client wanted done.” He shrugged. “Figured that between the divorce and the bad job, it was time to leave.”

“So you ended up in Whispering Springs. That’s part of what the West has always been about, isn’t it? A place to start over.”

“Yep. And that’s what we’re all doing. We’re gonna make it, too.” He handed her Creek’s History. “Don’t worry about Jeff. One of these days, he’ll be ready to start over, too.”

Her fingers brushed his when she took the book from him. “Thank you.”

He nodded and watched her walk out of the shop. When the door closed behind her the shadows settled around him once more.