
Chapter 6



Was Zander technically lying when he said he didn’t know a Nate Rourke? He didn’t know Nathan as Nate, he only knew him as Nathan Rourke. In fact, the few times he’d tried calling his friend Nate, he’d been snapped at that he went by Nathan.

Somehow Zander had to learn to keep his mouth shut around Hannah.

Not only had he lied to her, but now he had to come up with information on Nathan without giving away who Zander really was and why he was really at Bella Acres. Zander doubted Hannah would accept that he’d done everything in his power just to meet her. She seemed more pragmatic than that.

Sadly, he was starting to think he might have ruined his chances before he’d even begun. The whole plan and idea had seemed a whole lot smarter when he’d been driving there, heck, even as he’d concocted the entire scheme all alone in his huge house with visions of a large family and the anecdotes Nathan had shared when they’d been together.

Zander had to keep his hopes up. When Hannah fell in love with him, Zander would worry about telling her who he was. What woman would turn down the chance to be with a multi-millionaire? Especially once she already loved him? Obviously, he had no firm foundations in the matters of the heart. There weren’t a lot of options on his ranch, Silver Spoons, and the closest town was comprised of six-hundred or so people and no one his age had stuck around.

The bar was the best place to hang out and Nathan had gone there regularly which was how he’d become an unwitting matchmaker. Money or not, Zander feared Hannah wouldn’t forgive him about knowing where her brother was and not telling her.

Part of him hoped Hannah was the type of woman who wasn’t interested in money. He wanted her to want him for him, but how could she know him, when everything he was showing her was a lie?

Another part of him hoped she was the type of woman in love with the idea of her and family. If she was, then she’d understand the appeal of traveling all the way across the large state of Montana and getting hired in a job he paid over a hundred other men to do at his own huge ranch just to meet the Trails.

The Montana Trails had no idea how truly special they were.

Hannah finished the chickens and left him to go inside with a mumbled goodnight.

If nothing else, he had to end that day on a good note. He took a deep breath and strode across the yard to the back door. He had to fix the mistake he’d made. Zander pulled his hat off again, playing with the brim as he approached the back door.

He knocked, waiting for Drake to answer.

Drake arched an eyebrow when he swung open the door. “I thought you’d be out relaxing with the other men, Zander.” His implication was clear – my home isn’t for the men to come to. Zander had the same rules at his ranch and he respected them. But this needed to be done.

“Yes, sir. I just wanted to make sure I first apologized for any indiscretions earlier. I certainly wasn’t trying to...” He craned his head until Stefanie was in view. He exhaled. “You need to hear this, too, ma’am.” Zander waited until Stefanie had moved into his line of view and he didn’t have to manipulate his body to see her. “I didn’t mean to be untoward to your wife – to you, ma’am. That wasn’t my intention. I thought the other woman was your wife.” He nodded. He couldn’t tell them anymore and he didn’t know what else to be said. “I’m sorry for the discomfort or awkwardness I might have caused.”

Drake laughed, glancing at Stefanie with a tenderness in his eyes. “Don’t worry, Zander. I appreciate the apology. It takes a certain kind of a man to admit when he’s made a mistake. I don’t blame you for flirting. She’s gorgeous and one of a kind. If it happens again though...” Drake cocked his head to the side, the promise evident even with his good-natured tone.

There wouldn’t a third chance and there’d probably be a solidly thrown punch to finish it.

“I respect that. Thank you.” Zander nodded, leaving them to their evening. All he had to do now was get Hannah to fall in love with him so he could quit lying and get back to respecting himself.