

Noah floated for 40 days in the flood.

Moses spent 40 years in the desert.

The Hebrews wandered 40 years in the wilderness.

Jesus endured 40 days of temptation.

There’s something significant about the number 40.

So, if you’ll allow me to mention the fact, this is my fortieth book. No one could be more grateful than I am. To think that God would let a converted drunk prone to self-promotion and self-centeredness, write one page, much less forty books’ worth, is yet another testimony to his goodness and grace.

Thank you, Father.

And thank you to this invaluable team of colleagues and friends.

          Karen Hill and Liz Heaney—editors who set the highest standard.

          Carol Bartley—incomparable copy editor.

          Steve and Cheryl Green—in some language your names mean “faithful and true.” For indeed you are.

          The HCCP superheroes: Mark Schoenwald, David Moberg, Brian Hampton, Mark Glesne, Jessalyn Foggy, LeeEric Fesko, Janene MacIvor, Debbie Nichols, and Laura Minchew.

          Brand team managers Greg and Susan Ligon. You could not possibly be more efficient. And I could not possibly be more grateful.

          Administrative assistants Janie Padilla and Margaret Mechinus. For all you do, thank you!

          The staff of the Oak Hills Church—we’ve learned to stand on promises together.

          Our splendid family—Brett, Jenna, Rosie and Max; Andrea; Jeff and Sara. No dad or grandpa could be prouder.

          And Denalyn, my dear wife.

                 Had I the pen of a poet,

                 had I the stars to give you,

                 even then I couldn’t show it,

                 I couldn’t show the love I have for you.