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"I'm glad to hear you have taken my advice to heart," Rose smiled before hurrying to explain, "Your mother told me you'd agreed to at least pray about finding a wife."
"Yes, I agreed to seek Adonai's will about marrying, but I really don't have time to be finding a wife as you put it. I'm not against the idea, it just is something I cannot see happening anytime soon..."
Rose sighed, placing her empty teacup within the sink.
"What if God brought a wife to you? Just hear me out for a moment. Abraham sent his servant to find a wife for his son."
Josiah raised an eyebrow before smiling, mirth lacing his voice.
"We don't exactly have servants, and mother...well...I am not sure she is going to be sending anyone out to go wife-hunting for me."
"Where is your faith, my boy? Although I agree, it will be nothing short of a miracle..." Rivkah couldn't help but smile before turning to her friend, "Will David be joining you? I had thought you were coming together."
"No, he has been tied up but hopes to join us later."
"I'd have offered you a drive," Josiah held out a chair for Rose, "but I need to leave directly after the reunion. Lachlan and I are heading to Washington..."
"You boys be careful. Tensions are high now and you know how people can be. Last I heard, family members are turning against each other about this matter... Well, I don't need to tell you what is happening."
"We'll be careful," Lachlan shrugged, answering for both of them, "The event needs to be covered and people are looking for the truth. God is with us, Rose."
"Of course he is," Rose nodded, "But the Bible also says to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. Please, be extra careful. Rivkah and I will be praying for you..."
"Thank you," Josiah looked up as Rose's cell phone rang.
"Excuse me...I need to take this," Rose reached for her purse. "Hello, Mary. No, I was expecting to see you at the reunion today. I haven't heard from Heather in a few months. Oh really? Well, isn't that interesting. Of course, she is more than welcome to come. I can't see why that would be a problem, she isn't far out of our way. Yes, if I leave now I should have plenty of time. Just one moment and I will write down her address...."
Rose searched for a pen and piece of paper, then repeated Mary's instructions.
"I am sorry to hear you are sick. Of course, I will take pictures. You just focus on getting some rest. Yes, I will explain to Arlana why you couldn't pick her up. It is such a surprise to finally hear from Meg's side of the family! Yes, don't worry, it isn't an inconvenience. David will be meeting me there - we are taking two vehicles as he had an appointment. No, everything is alright. I'll call you Monday...okay, goodbye."
Rose's face was flushed, her hazel eyes sparkling. "I think we have found my long-lost cousin. I need to leave to pick her and her son up. Heather invited her and her little one to the family reunion. Oh, I am so thrilled! I really must be going now...Josiah, when were you planning on heading out?"
Josiah glanced at the grandfather clock. "I'm hoping to be on the road within the next forty-five minutes." He turned to his mother, "Are you sure you won't join us?"
Rivkah shook her head, "James knows I care but I just don't do well with crowds. I'm sure he will understand. Please send my love. I am so happy for you, Rose, and will love to hear all about this reunion with your relative. Drive safely."
"Of course. I will drop in next week and tell you all about it." The two women embraced before Rose stepped out of the house.
"HELLO, I'M ROSE. YOU must be Arlana. I'm so thrilled to meet you," Rose, promptly explained, "Mary was supposed to pick you up but she isn't well..."
All the way my Savior leads me,
Cheers each winding path I tread.
Gives me grace for every trial,
Feeds me with the Living Bread.
Though my weary steps may falter
And my soul athirst may be,
Gushing from the Rock before me,
Lo! a spring of joy I see.
Gushing from the Rock before me,
Lo! A spring of joy I see.
Arlana fumbled with the booster seat's buckle but wasn't sure if it was meeting her cousin for the first time or the choir singing a hymn she'd long forgotten that made her fingers tremble. How long had it been? Over seventeen years for sure.
Sliding into the front seat, Arlana was met by the warm smile of her newly discovered first cousin twice removed. It seemed odd to have a much older cousin, but Arlana was thrilled to finally be reconnecting with a family she never knew she had.
Rose twisted in her seat to welcome Aziel.
"Hi, I'm Aziel. So, where are we going?" Not an ounce of shyness in his bones.
Rose laughed, small creases gathering in the corners of her twinkling blue eyes, "We are off to Ottawa. Your....oh, this is so confusing to me. Our first cousin is your first cousin twice removed so would be Aziel's first cousin three times removed," her brow furrowed as she struggled to make the calculations of how they were all related, "Well, let's just make it easier and call him your cousin. Honey, your cousin was a soldier in World War II."
Pausing as she glanced over her shoulder, merging onto the highway, then resumed where she left off without skipping a beat, "He was a soldier so he is called a veteran now. He is over ninety years old so the family is throwing a surprise celebration for him. In a way, it is our attempt to show him appreciation and honour..." Rose paused to change the CD to a children's choir "Will your mother or grandmother be joining us? I've never met them..."
"No, I don't believe so."
Arlana felt bad. How could she tell Rose they most likely didn't know he even existed? Embarrassed that her family truly hadn't bothered to keep in contact with the family, she was more resolved than ever to make changes to bring the family together.
"I want to be a soldier," Aziel broke the silence, "I'm really brave you know. I'm not even scared of spiders unless they are the ugly ones."
The two women laughed. Aren't all spiders repulsive?
"Awe, I'm sure you'd make a fine, brave soldier, Little One, but I pray it doesn't come to that."
Was Rose a Jehovah's Witness? They didn't believe in serving in the war. This was going to be a long drive.
Arlana groaned, "Are you a Jehovah's Witness?"
"Oh my heavens no! Whatever made you think of that?"
Arlana was relieved her cousin was laughing. "Oh, just your comment on war made me think you were antiwar."
Rose became serious, "No, I'm Methodist, and you?"
"I'm not sure anymore... I haven't attended church faithfully in years," Arlana braced, anticipating judgment or at the very least to be preached at. Was she holding her breath? "I've been raising Aziel Messianic - Jewish but believing that Jesus is the promised Messiah. Well, at least I have been doing my best. It resonates more with my beliefs...if we could get back to the purity of our faith, I don't believe Christianity would be such a mockery..."
Rose grinned. She'd heard about Josiah's first experience attending a church just a few weeks prior. It sounded as though, had Arlana been at the service, she would have been the first to sign up.
"My best friend is a Messianic Believer," Rose smiled over at her younger cousin, a knowing smile tugging at the corners of her lips, "in fact, her son will be joining us at the reunion shortly. I'll be sure to introduce you - I know you will have a lot in common and I'm sure Josiah wouldn't mind giving you some pointers. He's a Jew."
Arlana's eyes widened. How fantastic! Any little bit of help would be most appreciated. She'd done as much research as possible and youtube videos helped, but to be able to speak with a Jew who believed as she did and be able to ask him questions, well, it was nothing short of a god-send.
Rose grew silent, staring at the miniature hatchback car in front of her, but her mind was obviously on the future.
"God didn't spare His people the sufferings of the Holocaust. Why are we so full of ourselves that we believe we will float to Heaven on beds of ease? We aren't prepared for persecution. The materialism amongst Believers sickens me. That is not what Christianity is all about! Jesus said, 'Take up your cross and follow me.' Remember the rich young ruler? Jesus asked him to sell all he had, give it to the poor and follow Him. I often wonder what would happen if Jesus asked the same thing of each Christian today?"
The car was quiet for the next few moments, each deep in thought. Aziel had fallen asleep since the last exit ramp and they still had another thirty minutes before they'd reach their destination according to the ever-accurate GPS.
"I'm going to introduce you to my friend Lachlan as well when we arrive. I think you'll like him. Have you heard of The Resistance? He is a journalist for them and has opened my eyes to a lot of things I never knew were happening. You know once your eyes are opened it's impossible to go back to being a sheep."
"It sounds familiar. I believe my sister Jaira has mentioned it before, but no, I have not read it myself. I am looking forward to meeting your friends. Finding you has been more of a blessing than I had envisioned."
Lachlan sounded intriguing. He reminded her of Jaira. Her youngest sister knew so much more - had been paranoid for years. It looks like she was correct after all.
"The feeling is mutual, my sweet cousin. I am just sorry we never knew of each other's existence before now. We have so much catching up to do!"
Arlana laughed, "Now that is something I am looking forward to..."