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"Where's Aziel?" Josiah reached for the pitchfork, finishing off her chore.
"He's trying to catch a kitten," Arlana gestured toward the hay bales stacked against the back wall.
Josiah glanced over to where she had indicated seeing Aziel playing carefree. "You have a loft too..." He rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand, "I hadn't realized."
Arlana looked up from the goats she was feeding, appreciating Josiah's help. "Yes, but it's of no use to me. I'm deathly afraid of heights."
Josiah was obviously used to farm work. She never would have known when she met him at that fateful party. Never in a million years would she have thought they would one day be neighbours. How swiftly things had changed.
Josiah leaned against the shovel, his shirt damp with sweat.
Arlana averted her eyes, "Thank you for all your help."
Josiah bit back laughter as Arlana struggled to avoid looking at him, clearly flustered.
"Aziel!" he summoned, his deep tenor voice reverberating through the rafters, "It's time to go."
They walked toward his parked car, Aziel running ahead. Josiah reached for her hand, "Any regrets?" He winked, already perceiving her answer.
Arlana bit her lower lip. No, not a single regret, except for perhaps her aching muscles. She'd be grateful for a hot bath later. Every muscle in her body - even those she had never been aware of - throbbed.
"Dear Jaira,
I hope this letter finds you well. How is William? I am hoping this is your correct address.
I finally was able to get my own place. It is really nice here. Anywhere would be really as long as Jorken isn't in the picture. Some days I wonder if I am in a dream, it is such a miracle after all these years of praying and wishing God would care for us.
My neighbours are great. I think you'd like Rivkah. She is so sweet and believes in preparedness too. She is teaching me what she knows. It might be late in coming, but I want to apologize for thinking you were out of your mind all these years. I see the merit in it now," Arlana was determined to crack the glacial silence between the sisters. "She has two sons. The youngest, Josiah, is really good with Aziel and easy on the eyes too. Blonde and blue-eyed. Need I say more?!"
Arlana glanced up from her writing paper, watching Josiah showing her son how to play soccer, infinitely patient. He ran after the ball, muscles rippling beneath his plaid shirt, their mingled laughter filling the air.
Josiah had become a fixture in her life over the past few months, assisting on the farm, but more importantly, spending time with her love-starved son. Between him and his mother's love, Aziel was blossoming, scarcely the same child he had been before moving out to the country. Fresh air and an abundance of love were clearly what the doctor ordered.
Arlana had no idea Josiah had rearranged his entire schedule to spend more time with her and Aziel, going so far as to hire more employees to relieve his workload. He was taking his courtship seriously and the time spent together had borne fruit. Aziel was smitten and looked up to him and as for Arlana, she seemed completely blind to his affection for her which grew deeper each day.
Rivkah assured him it wouldn't be much longer, Arlana on the precipice of joining their people. Even his conversations with Shaul had changed from deflecting his brother's insisting he return to Israel to his brother speaking of wedding plans. It was a welcome change of topic.
Josiah was growing restless in his need to reveal to Arlana his feelings for her, and as for Rivkah, it was nothing short of a miracle she hadn't revealed their secret. The women had become incredibly close in such a short time. The puzzle pieces fit perfectly and now it was just a matter of waiting.
Josiah caught her watching him, evidently lost in thought and grinned before kicking the ball once again to Aziel who giggled in sheer delight.
A healthy libido had been something she and Jaira shared. A safe topic now, she proceeded, "I don't know what our family would think of him, to be honest, but I don't care. I barely hear from them anyway. Have they contacted you at all?
I wish you could come to visit us. Do you think William will come down to visit his grandfather? Would he drop you off at my place?
Okay well, I hope you'll write. Here's my address..."
Arlana stood, whisking bits of grass from her pastel sundress before she wandered over to where Aziel and Josiah were playing. She laid her hand on Josiah's forearm when he paused to catch his breath.
Josiah's brow furrowed, gazing down at her, "Is everything okay?
"Of course," she eased his concern, "I would just like to go to the mailbox and send this letter off to my sister. Your mother should be arriving soon for supper. Will you stay too? We should be ready within twenty minutes."
Josiah placed his hand on top of hers, still lingering on his arm. "We'll be in shortly. Thank you."
A shadow flitted across his eyes, then was gone as he glanced back at Aziel. After speaking with his mother about where Arlana was now in the greater picture, he knew it wasn't a matter of if, but when. He needed to be patient and wait for her to bring up her desire to convert. If he showed Arlana his heart before then, he could ruin any chance of their having a future together. Timing, he knew, was everything.
"AZIEL, LET'S GO IN for supper. Your mother is waiting for us."
"Aw, do I have to? I almost trapped Mr. Fluffy Pants," Aziel having named most of the elusive cats.
Josiah grinned, "He'll be around tomorrow. Now let's go in and wash up."
The two strolled hand in hand up to the spacious farmhouse.
Arlana was setting the table when she heard the creaking of the wooden porch steps before the men stepped into the dim light. Aziel led the way to the washbasin, the two washing up for supper together.
"Just in time," Arlana smiled, setting down the last plate. Turning to the counter she poured Josiah and her son tall glasses of cool well water, ice cubes clinking against the sides of the glass, then held out the drinks as they approached her. Josiah met Arlana's eyes over the rim of his glass, turning away a second later. There was no way Arlana could have known she was giving Josiah a glimpse into their future. He memorized the scene, knowing it may be all he would have to hold onto until she took that leap of faith. When she did, he would be there to catch her. Coming home to a wife and children had been what his life was missing. He could see it now. Josiah made a mental note to show Rose his gratitude later.
SUPPER WASN'T MUCH, but they were too hungry to be picky. Aziel's head drooped as he ate in silence, sleepiness overtaking him.
"Excuse me. I'm just going to carry him up to the bed," Arlana arose from the table following Josiah's final pronounced blessing after they had eaten.
"No, let me," Josiah offered, lifting the child in his arms.
Aziel didn't open his eyes, his arms draped around Josiah's neck. Arlana led the way up the narrow wooden stairs.
Aziel's room was smaller than his old one had been. Folding down the blankets, she watched Josiah lower her son onto the pillow before brushing a kiss on his forehead. He whispered a blessing then turned to leave the room.
Reaching for Arlana's hand, he entwined their fingers together, sending a tingle down her spine as he caressed her fingers. Arlana blushed looking down at their linked hands, a warmth flowing through her heart and body - a warmth that reached the darkest recesses of her heart, chasing all loneliness away.
Josiah tilted her chin tenderly until she gazed at him, their eyes locking. Time stood still as she drowned in the depths of his blue eyes.
"A-huv she-li," he breathed before pulling his eyes away.
It was true that they had very little time alone together without either Rivkah or Aziel nearby. He stroked her fingers with his thumb a moment longer, before turning to lead her down the narrow wooden stairs, releasing her hand just before they came within view of the kitchen.
Rivkah glanced up from the sink beaming at the young couple. Her keen eyes took in their sparkling eyes and soft blush, but she kept her own counsel although unable to hide her smile. Josiah was failing at masking his love for Arlana. It was obvious he had fallen hard for her, yet Arlana seemed unaware of his feelings for her. Rivkah supposed that was a blessing. After all, she couldn't be pressured. She shook her head with a grin. Josiah looked as though he were about to declare his love for Arlana from the mountaintops. Patience is painful.