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"What is it that you are worried about today? What burden do you feel is too great to entrust into God's care? Let me ask you another question.....have you bought into the Prosperity Gospel that is preached daily on television stations and in local churches?" Lachlan began, not wasting a moment, "I come to you tonight to share the truth with you. You have been lied to for far too long. The goal is to make us into a nation of zombies who accept the lies the media and government feed us. Tonight, that will change...
...The average American is distracted, mindless, worried about minuscule things - caring about celebrities as if they were their own family members, and this is by design because the powers that be who own the media know how our brains work. They know scientifically how the human mind functions, they know about sociology and they are using the media and have used the media for decades now to entertain people with issues that don't really matter and when you have the big news networks covering celebrity issues as if was the most important thing, it becomes the most important thing and this is not by accident, this is to keep us out of the way because if we weren't worried about the latest celebrity couple death, or celebrity breakup or the sports team having a shot at the super bowl, or the world series - there is so much information about those issues that we discussed that will mesmerize people and they won't know or care about the real issues that are out there.
The mainstream media are part of the whole Wall Street financial system - the financial elite control the media. As the public is distracted by the latest celebrity scandal, the newest cell phone and their favourite sports team, this network disguises itself, remaining in the shadows.
It is time for self-examination. Have you bought into the glitter this world is offering? Do you believe everything that the media feeds you each day? There is much at stake my friends. We have been lied to ...."
Lachlan discretely signalled for Josiah to join him on the platform.
Josiah replaced Lachlan behind the pulpit, "Let us remain in a spirit of self-examination. Let us look out our own hearts and lives, as the fire of G-d searches our hearts. May we not be found wanting before Him. As Lachlan shared with us tonight, there is a battle for our minds - for our hearts. It is time to wake out of a mind-numbing trance and stand up for holiness.
Stand up for the truth. I ask you tonight, who will be a watchman on the wall? G-d is looking for a remnant. It is not by our strength but through His strength, let Adonia's Name be blessed forever and ever. G-d is searching hearts, looking for men of valour. Who will stand with us? There will be a cost to pay. Sacrifice, persecution...." Josiah paused, letting his words sink in, "Who will stand with me tonight? Will you join the Remnant?"
Men and women rose to their feet, some with tears streaming down their cheeks. Terrell stood, waiting to play in the band as people headed to the altar. The Mosely pastors were already at the front, beginning to pray with people who were kneeling.
"We will not gather an offering tonight," Josiah announced, "It is time to seek the L-rd. Let the Fire of G-d begin to purge away the veil from our eyes, the wood, hay and stubble that will not stand before God's Holy Throne."
The pamphlets that had been distributed had stated clearly this would be the end of the special meetings. There was no need to make additional announcements. Lachlan walked slowly about the altar, praying for those that had assembled, accompanied by the Moselys.
Arlana and her family stood at their seats. Adelaide was the first to slip out of the narrow row and join the others at the altar. Gavin followed at her heels, the couple kneeling side by side in front of the platform. They held hands, rededicating their lives before the Lord.
Terrell stopped playing the guitar, kneeling with the band.
God was moving.
Arlana remained standing, head bowed, but her thoughts were a complicated, emotional mess. Rivkah stayed by her side.
Lachlan slid into Josiah's empty seat as Pastor Mosely picked up the microphone, "Lord, let a revival rain down on Ottawa!" He paced the platform a moment, inclining his head to hear what Josiah was saying, then cleared his throat, capturing the attention of those who were gathering their Bibles, preparing to leave.
"Please, take a seat and continue to seek the Lord. Brother Josiah, please continue," he passed the Jew his microphone before descending the pulpit stairs.
Lachlan reached for Aziel who had awoken, as Arlana's family returned to their makeshift pew.
"I hope you'll stay for the next part of the service," Lachlan spoke directly to Gavin who had picked up his Bible.
Gavin nodded, taking a seat, but his guests decided to leave, pulling their children past Gavin's long legs, his shoes brushing against the back of the seat in front of him.
"See you at church on Sunday," Veronica waved at Adelaide who had joined her husband.
They adjusted their seating, leaving room for any who may come late, Lachlan choosing to sit beside Gavin.
Josiah blew the shofar calling the people to worship. On the last blast of the ram's horn, Josiah motioned the congregation to join him as he began to sing. They all stood together, clapping their hands to the beat, the song similar to a Pentecostal worship song. Arlana wondered if Josiah had chosen this particular one for her family's benefit.
Josiah extracted his notes motioning for the congregation to sit. He glanced about the auditorium. Many had already left.
"I would like to speak tonight on the topic of standing firm for your faith in the face of persecution. In the First Century, at the beginning of the Messiah's Holy Community, we experienced much persecution. Peter's first letter was written to suffering believers.
Adonai's sons and daughters can suffer when He judges the nation we live in. Noah and his family lost their home in the Flood. Lot lost his great wealth in the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Daniel was exiled and taken from his home in Israel in the judgment of Jerusalem. Jeremiah suffered in the siege of Babylon. The Messianic Jews who survived the siege of Jerusalem lost their homes in the city. We can suffer when God judges the Church. Peter tells us that judgment begins with the household of God.
We were redeemed at a high price. We don't want to disappoint the Lord and incur His displeasure by living a mediocre, shoddy life, thus despising the costly price that God and Messiah paid to redeem us. We don't want to suffer because we give in to sin and reap any painful consequences. So we are motivated not to give in to our former lusts, but like the Holy One who called us, we are motivated to be holy in all our behaviour. We are motivated to live a life of purity. We are motivated to avoid the lusts of the flesh that wage war against the soul."
Arlana swallowed the unforeseen wad of sandpaper in her throat, tears welling up within her eyes. Rivkah glanced over and placed her hand on Arlana's,
Josiah raised an eyebrow before he put two-and-two together, noting Arlana's reaction to his sermon.
"God does not want us to compromise with the world. His judgment is good. It disciplines us. It corrects us from going further astray. It helps us get back on track. The Lord's judgments prune us so that we will be more productive. The Lord's judgments purify us.
If we are being persecuted, we don't fear the intimidation of the persecutors. We don't back down. We don't give in. We don't give up. We don't quit. We don't give up the Faith. Do not return insult for insult, but give a blessing instead. Seek peace. Don't get into fights with them. Don't issue threats! Be prepared to give them an intelligent defence of what you believe. Do what is right. Live a life full of good deeds! Win them over with goodness, righteousness, love and patience.
Are you anxious about life, and troubles, and the possibility of suffering? Cast your anxiety on Adonai, knowing that He cares for you. If you are suffering, like Yeshua, entrust your soul to a faithful Creator who only does what is right. Adonai's grace will be sufficient for you. His grace will help you live, and His grace will help you suffer. His grace will help you endure. His grace will enable you to endure to the end and be saved!"