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Rivkah smiled as she watched Aziel run up the front steps.
"Good morning Savta!" he called ahead of him. "Mmm, it smells delicious and I'm starving!" he hugged Rivkah as tight as he could.
Laughing, Rivkah returned the embrace, "I'm glad you brought your appetite!"
They'd invited Arlana and her son to join them for breakfast, Josiah saying he wanted to leave early.
Rivkah looked up over Aziel's head.
"You look exhausted! Are you alright?" Her brow furrowing in concern.
Arlana nodded, taking the hand Josiah held out for her, while lifting her suitcase with his free hand.
"You should have left this at the house, I would have swung by to pick it up," looking down into her tired eyes.
Arlana looked like she hadn't slept all night, which was the truth. Nightmares had been her only companion.
Aziel grinned, "I'm glad you are coming with us Abba," the child spoke what was on Arlana's heart.
"I wouldn't miss it," Josiah smiled, ruffling his curls, "We'll leave when you've finished eating."
"Can I just bring my breakfast with me?" Eager to be on an adventure.
Josiah shook his head, no.
The little family ate their bread and jelly, washing it down with a glass of cold, fresh milk. Aziel licked sticky fingers, pushing their plates aside, then folded his hands waiting for Josiah to lead them in prayer after breakfast.
"By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat and wept as we remembered Zion. There, upon the willows, we hung our harps. For there, our captors demanded of us songs, and those who scorned us—rejoicing, saying, "Sing to us of the songs of Zion." How can we sing the song of the L-rd on alien soil? If I forget you, Jerusalem, let my right hand forget its dexterity. Let my tongue cleave to my palate if I will not remember you if I will not bring to mind Jerusalem during my greatest joy! Remember, O L-rd, against the Edomites the day of the destruction of Jerusalem,
May G-d be gracious to us and bless us, may He make His countenance shine upon us forever, that Your way be known on earth, Your salvation among all nations. The nations will extol You, O G-d; all the nations will extol You. The nations will rejoice and sing for joy, for You will judge the peoples justly and guide the nations on earth forever. The peoples will extol You, O G-d; all the peoples will extol You, for the earth will have yielded its produce, and G-d, our G-d, will bless us. G-d will bless us; and all, from the furthest corners of the earth, shall fear Him.
I will bless the L-rd at all times; His praise is always in my mouth. Ultimately, all is known; fear G-d and observe His commandments, for this is the whole purpose of man. My mouth will utter the praise of the L-rd; let all flesh bless His holy Name forever. And we will bless the L-rd from now to eternity. Praise the L-rd."
In unison they dipped their fingers in the water Rivkah had set beside each dish, rinsing their fingers, then touched their fingertips to their lips as Josiah continued,
"And he said to me: This is the table that is before the L-rd.
Blessed are You, L-rd our G-d, King of the universe, Who, in His goodness, provides sustenance for the entire world with grace, with kindness, and with mercy. He gives food to all flesh, for His kindness is everlasting. Through His great goodness to us continuously we do not lack food, and may we never lack food, for the sake of His great Name. For He, benevolent G-d, provides nourishment and sustenance for all, does good to all, and prepares food for all His creatures whom He has created, as it is said: You open Your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing. Blessed are You, L-rd, Who provides food for all."
Together they chorused, "Amein"
We offer thanks to You, L-rd our G-d, for having given as a heritage to our ancestors a precious, good and spacious land; for having brought us out, L-rd our G-d, from the land of Egypt, and redeemed us from the house of bondage; for Your covenant which You have sealed in our flesh; for Your Torah which You have taught us; for Your statutes which You have made known to us; for the life, favor, and kindness which You have graciously bestowed upon us; and for the food we eat with which You constantly nourish and sustain us every day, at all times, and at every hour.
Have mercy, L-rd our G-d, upon Israel Your people, upon Jerusalem Your city, upon Zion the abode of Your glory, upon the kingship of the house of David Your anointed, and upon the great and holy House over which Your Name was proclaimed. Our G-d, our Father, tend us, nourish us, sustain us, feed us, and provide us with plenty; and speedily, L-rd our G-d, grant us relief from all our afflictions. L-rd our G-d, please do not make us dependent upon the gifts of mortal men nor upon their loans, but only upon Your full, open, holy, and generous hand, that we may never be shamed or disgraced.
And rebuild Jerusalem the holy city speedily in our days. Blessed are You, L-rd, Who in His mercy rebuilds Jerusalem. Amen.
Blessed are You, L-rd our G-d, King of the universe, benevolent G-d, our Father, our King, our Strength, our Creator, our Redeemer, our Maker, our Holy One, the Holy One of Jacob, our Shepherd, the Shepherd of Israel, the King who is good and does good to all, each and every day. He has done good for us, He does good for us, and He will do good for us; He has bestowed, He bestows, and He will forever bestow upon us grace, kindness, and mercy; relief, salvation and success; blessing and deliverance; consolation, livelihood and sustenance; compassion, life, peace, and all goodness; and may He never cause us to lack any good. May the Merciful One reign over us forever and ever. May the Merciful One be blessed in heaven and on earth. May the Merciful One be praised for all generations, and pride Himself in us forever and to all eternity, and glorify Himself in us forever and ever. May the Merciful One provide our livelihood with honor.
May the Merciful One break the yoke of exile from our neck, and may He lead us upright to our land. May the Merciful One send abundant blessing into this house and upon this table at which we have eaten. May the Merciful One send us Elijah the prophet—may he be remembered for good—and let him bring us good tidings, deliverance, and consolation. May the Merciful One bless us, and all that is ours. Just as He blessed our forefathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, "in all things," "by all things," with "all things," so may He bless all of us together, the children of the Covenant, with a perfect blessing, and let us say, Amen.
From heaven, may there be invoked upon him and upon us such merit as will bring enduring peace. May we receive blessing from the L-rd and kindness from G-d our deliverer, and may we find grace and good understanding in the eyes of G-d and man.
May the Merciful One grant us the privilege of reaching the days of the Mashiach and the life of the World to Come. He gives great deliverance to His king, and bestows kindness upon His anointed, to David and his descendants forever. He Who makes peace in His heavens, may He make peace for us and for all Israel; and say, Amen.
Fear the L-rd, you His holy ones, for those who fear Him suffer no want. Young lions are in need and go hungry, but those who seek the L-rd shall not lack any good. Give thanks to the L-rd for He is good, for His kindness is everlasting. You open Your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing. Blessed is the man who trusts in the L-rd, and the L-rd will be his security.
The prayer concluded Josiah was the first to step away from the table.
"I'd like to be on the road by 8:30..."
"We'll be ready," Arlana looked up as she cleared the table.
Brilliant sunshine was already streaming in the kitchen window.
The day was rather perfect.
THE WOMEN CLEANED THE dishes while Aziel left to shadow Josiah.
Hands in the hot, sudsy water, Rivkah turned to Arlana, "You need some time alone with your husband. Talk to him, he loves you, don't you know that?"
Arlana bit her lower lip, "Rivkah, so much changed when I went to the funeral. I feel as though my life has been completely turned inside out. Everything I once believed..." She swallowed hard, turning to look out the kitchen window, "I just don't know anymore - about anything. It isn't Josiah, it is so much more..."
Rivkah nodded but didn't comment.