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Josiah was the first to awake, much before dawn. He stood facing Jerusalem as he began to pray softly, careful not to wake his companions.
Twenty minutes later Mark awoke, reaching almost immediately for his Bible. Not regarding the fact Lachlan and Peter were still asleep, he turned on a lamp, pulling out his pocket devotional. He leaned over the desk, reading the corresponding passages in his Bible, highlighting the booklet with red ink.
Josiah finished praying and began to prepare for the day, choosing a dark blue dress shirt that accentuated his blue eyes. He dressed in the washroom, fastening his black dress pants before stepping out.
Lachlan sat at the edge of the bed, pulling a burgundy plaid shirt on, fastening it over chiselled pecs. Josiah looked away fighting the nagging fear there had been more between Lachlan and Arlana than mere friendship.
"Okay," Mark tucked the book back into his pocket.
"Wake up Peter. It's time to read the Bible. You can get dressed later."
Obediently, Paul tumbled out of bed, stumbling bleary-eyed out the door.
Josiah frowned, Peter not stopping to put shoes on before stepping into the cool morning air.
Mark knocked on the door, Sheila answering a moment later.
"Come in. We're ready."
The children sat on freshly made beds, their luggage already packed.
It was not yet 6 am.
"Good morning Peter," Aziel patted the bed beside him, "Come sit with me."
Peter didn't need to be asked twice, slipping his icy toes under his grandmother's folded sweater.
"I want to do Bible Time before we head over for breakfast," Mark repeated what he said last night.
Amber sat beside Arlana on the bed, the men leaning against the wall and door frame, anxious to leave.
Sheila sat on the edge of the bed in front of Arlana, "Sit here," she directed her comment at the men, "I haven't been able to reach the boys," she continued as they took a seat. "I guess they are still sleeping."
"Try again," Mark instructed before telling those gathered the Scripture passage for the day.
Josiah glanced at his wife, noting her pale features and red eyes. Had she been crying? His chest tightened as he turned to focus his attention on Mark for the next two hours.
THEY PRAYED IN EXACTLY the same way as they had the night before, Arlana focused on getting it done and over with before her stomach rumbled, an embarrassing announcement that she was famished.
"Okay, let's get some breakfast," Mark finally stood, heading for the door. The others followed like ducks.
"Are you alright?" Lachlan lowered his voice.
"I survived," Arlana shared a look with Lachlan that spoke volumes.
He matched her pace as they walked across the parking lot toward the main office where the dining area was located.
The morning was exceptionally cool, Arlana shivering. Josiah walked on Arlana's other side, wrapping his arms around her in an attempt to keep her warm. They had stopped at the men's room transferring their luggage to the room the women had shared, giving Peter a chance to slip on shoes. Arlana pressed against Josiah's side, needing his strength and body heat.
The dining room was crowded, a Chinese tour bus parked at the entrance.
Mark was a loud man who didn't care about being politically correct.
"One thing about where we live, you never see any of these," he gestured toward the group of Orientals who took up all the tables.
Only a few seats remained at dirty tables. It was clear that management was having a hard time keeping up with the onslaught of guests.
"Why don't we just go out for breakfast?" Lachlan suggested.
"No, breakfast is included. I'm getting my money's worth," Mark decided, "Grab the seats that are available for now."
"Sit with the children," Josiah pointed to a few seats available at the end of a table, "I'll get you and Aziel breakfast."
"Thank you," Arlana pulled out a chair beside the children moments before Sheila joined her, carrying an armful of yogurt cups and spoons in her hand.
"I grabbed as many as I could," Sheila explained as she passed them out.
Mark manned the waffle maker, Peter insisting he could make his own.
"I'm not hungry," Amber refused to eat.
Exasperated, Sheila threw her hands in the air, "Talk to her, Arlana! She's afraid of becoming fat."
Amber's face flushed a deep crimson, "I'm just not hungry."
"That's always her excuse," Sheila rolled her eyes, "She just doesn't want to turn out like her mother."
The jibe was unnecessary and painful, but before Arlana had a chance to say anything, the men returned, joining them at the now empty table.
Mark called the hotel manager over, "Can we get this table cleaned?"
It was an embarrassing moment as the short, balding man, dishrag in hand, hurried over to their table.
"My apologies. We were completely swamped with the last minute tour booking," he stated the obvious. His comment was ignored as Mark bellowed a prayer over the food, loud enough that everyone in the room could hear clearly.
The manager wasn't quite sure how to react, pausing mid-swipe out of respect.
Arlana grimaced.
Josiah passed her a blueberry bagel with butter on the side once Mark's prayer came to an end, then turned to help Aziel open his container of yogurt before he focused on his own bagel.
Lachlan sat across from Arlana, meeting her eyes before he picked up his fork. The day was already dragging and yet most people were still in bed.
"What's the plan?" Lachlan spoke up, stretching his legs out beneath the table, touching Arlana's shoes.
"We've talked it over and would love for you to join us in Vancouver Island. We have plenty of room for you," Sheila exchanged a look with her husband.
Arlana looked at Lachlan, eyes imploring him to do something - anything. She wished she had told Josiah everything. Ultimately it was her husband's decision, but with no knowledge of who her family really were, how could he possibly make the right decision?
Arlana wanted nothing better than to go home.
"Thank you for your hospitality," Josiah looked at Aziel knowing the bond he had with his cousins.
This would mean the world to him, but Arlana's conversion before the birth of his child was a greater priority. The hatred of his people had been palpable. It would make her decision much harder with the additional family pressure.
Lachlan attempted to discreetly signal Josiah not to do it. A subtle warning, but Josiah wasn't paying attention.
"I'd love for my grandchild to be born out West. There is so much more room to play. It's a better environment by far," Sheila prodded.
Josiah's work was flexible and the truth was he could manage well from anywhere but they only had two weeks before their child's birth and that was pushing it.
Josiah glanced over at Arlana, but her head was lowered and she didn't see his searching eyes.
Sheila wasn't sure what his hesitation was.
Her eyes narrowed as she struggled to hide her disdain, "We are leaving tomorrow morning. There isn't a lot of time to drag this out and I am not sure what is the reason for your hesitation."
What had Arlana told him about the family? She could only guess.
Josiah knew Sheila was holding out an olive branch to him and if he didn't take it, there could be lasting consequences. "Are you sure you have room for us?"
"Of course."
Sheila would make room.
The fact he and Arlana couldn't share a room until their wedding was personal so he didn't mention that fact. It made things a little more complicated not to mention he wanted his mother to be present for the birth and he and Shaul had everything set up for her conversion and their wedding. If it weren't for the impending birth, the pressure wouldn't nearly be as great.
"I'll give you my answer within the hour."
Josiah set his fork down, rising from the table holding his hand out to Arlana. They needed time alone. Nothing had gone according to plan over the last few months but he wouldn't place the entire blame on her.
The rest of the family walked out as well.
"I'm going to see my mom after I do a load of laundry," Sheila decided. "You help me," she touched Amber's arm.
Mark settled into a chair outside the motel room reading his Bible while Aziel and Peter played with cars beside him.
Lachlan raked his fingers through his hair. Josiah needed to know the truth, yet it was ultimately up to Arlana to tell him. He wished she had shared her heart with Josiah already.
Arlana knew she couldn't live in both worlds. She reached for her husband's hand knowing her mother would return at any moment.
"I don't want to go," her eyes begged him to understand. She looked into his diamond blue eyes, "I want to be your wife..." She began, holding both his hands.
"You are..." He breathed, misunderstanding the depth of her words.
"Yes," she bit her lip a moment, "But I want more. If you can ever forgive me, I will follow you to the ends of the earth. I'll be completely loyal to you. Josiah, my heart is completely yours and I want you to know...no, I need you to know that I trust you."
Josiah's eyes misted over as Arlana declared her love for him, leaving no doubt in his mind.
Arlana released his hands, wrapping her arms around his waist, still looking into his eyes.Josiah had only hoped for this day, yet over the past few months realized it was only a dream.
His world spun as he held Arlana against his heart, "Are you sure my Ahuva? Being a Jew is far from easy..."
If their Bible time was any indication of her family's feelings, she already knew the animosity she was bound to face.
Josiah held her close, his heart racing. She had given him the world, did she realize that?
He held her with one arm, stroking her stomach with the other, "We need to focus on your conversion now..."
Josiah didn't tell her that he worried that time was running out with only a few days to spare, snatching a few moments of privacy before Sheila returned from the laundry room.
"I'm going to make the arrangements but I need to know...are you absolutely sure?"
"I've never been so sure," she pledged.
"Then we will marry before..." Josiah looked down at their child, resting his forehead on hers, "I want our baby born in Israel. We will go there for our honeymoon and stay until the birth."
Arlana nodded, thinking his plan was just perfect. And it didn't involve Victoria Island - a bonus.
Most was already arranged, everything was on hold until she came to this moment. Now, he just needed to make a few phone calls to set everything in gear. His eyes sparkled as Sheila approached.
Josiah looked like a man in love, Sheila could see that from across the parking lot. She frowned, their work was going to be cut out for them.
"Have you made your decision?" Sheila didn't waste any time.
Josiah nodded, stroking Arlana's hair, "I just need to use the phone in a few minutes."
Arlana hadn't seen him nod.
Smiling, Sheila decided to go back to the nursing home.
"We only have a few hours to visit before her nap, let's go," she snapped her fingers.
Lachlan held back. Arlana had made her decision. It was the right decision. He didn't need to stick around.
"You too," Sheila had eyes at the back of her head, motioning for Lachlan to walk beside her.