


Josiah was right, but his answer was so cool and detached from the small portion of her heart she had just shared with him.

Atarah pulled her hands away from his, as the icy talons of dread dug into her lungs, squeezing her heart with the strength of a python.

She wished she could believe him.

"I'm so worried I feel sick," she lowered her voice

"It will be alright..."

Josiah wasn't so sure but didn't have time to ask further details. Time was against him. He stroked a wayward curl, brushing it from her face.

"I believe we need to show your parents honour. I am with you, even if we can't be together now. My heart is here. I must go now," he tilted her chin so their eyes met.

Could she read how difficult this was for him in his eyes?

Josiah kissed Atarah, bidding her a heart-wrenching goodbye before scooping Azrael up into his arms.

"It will only be for a week" he promised his family. "This will only serve to increase our anticipation for each other," his eyes darkened with an unspoken promise as he gazed into Atarah's eyes. "Mother will help you make wedding preparations. Our wedding will take place at night, so for the entire day we need to fast." He reached down, stroking her stomach, their baby kicking his hand, "It will be the happiest and holiest day of our lives, for on our wedding day our past mistakes are forgiven and forgotten as we become one soul."

Arlana placed her hand on his, resting on her stomach. She needed that forgiveness, wanted to forget all the things she had done wrong, all her poor decisions. She would wait for him. A week was only seven sleeps.

"I will return to you on our wedding day," he lowered his voice, laden with meaning only she would understand, "Wait for me."

Be faithful. I'm coming.



"I DON'T KNOW WHAT IS going on," Josiah guided his mother to a corner of the room where they had a few moments of privacy, "and I didn't have time to ask Atarah further questions. Please keep a close eye on her for me. She is very troubled over something with her family but I have no clue what it is." He rubbed the back of his neck. "If you need anything, send word to Shaul. I'm taking her family out within the hour to see some of the popular Christian tourist sites. I am hoping that will help smooth the tension between her family and I."

Rivkah nodded, knowing Josiah's time was up.

"I am taking her to Dr. Swartz this morning and will send word to you with the results," she sighed, "I share this grandchild with Sheila. I pray we can become friends this week."

Josiah nodded before kissing her softly lined cheek, "I love you, Mother."

"And I as well," she stroked the chin of her grown baby boy for a second, "It will be well."



"THERE'S A FINE LINE between honouring your parents and dancing with the devil," Lachlan's blue eyes blazed as they sat together in the small living room, waiting for Atarah's family to join them.

Josiah may want to honour Atarah's parents, and yes, he could understand that to a point, but sometimes honour was a disguise for dancing with the devil. Lachlan couldn't sit back and watch as Atarah was forced to waltz.

"I am not sure how just yet, but don't worry, I'll find a way to be there for you. Josiah said at church last night that I am here to work on an assignment. He hasn't given any further details yet. I'm guessing he is preoccupied at the moment, but I'll try to find out more in the morning." Lachlan's eyes narrowed as footsteps were heard coming down the stairs. "Don't worry your head Lass, I have your back."

"Thank you," Arlana rose from the chair to greet her family.



NO ONE MENTIONED THE conversion ceremony just a few hours ago as the group toured the Holy Land, walking in the steps where Jesus had once walked over two thousand years before.

Josiah had arranged for a professional tour guide, whom Mark interrupted frequently, pausing to read Scripture that referred to the particular place they were viewing or most often, explain to his captive audience what the tour guide just said.

The tour moved at a painfully slow pace, but it was an experience they would not soon forget, Jaira pulling her camera out of her purse to capture the experience.

Adelaide explained to the children what various posts said, making it an educational experience, Josiah carrying Azrael so he could see better and find it easier while he healed.

A baptism was being conducted at the edge of the Jordan River, their group stopping to watch. It was a beautiful scene but served to point out the difference between their group. Atarah was recently converted to Judaism and as for Adelaide and Jaira, they were not impressed, the touring pastor not baptizing only in Jesus' name.

Mark was aware of how his children differed in beliefs from how he had raised them, so took the opportunity to speak with a loud voice in support of the pastor standing in the water, stopping the tour while he waited to meet the pastor and talk with him of his burden for the Catholics back home. They exchanged email addresses before Mark led the way behind their guide.



SHEILA INSISTED ON accompanying Rivkah and Atarah at the doctor's appointment; she wouldn't sit back and be outdone by Josiah's mother, so passed up on the tour with Josiah.

Rivkah spoke to the receptionist in Hebrew, passing her money before she returned to sit on the other side of Atarah, a clipboard with forms in her hand. Rivkah translated the questions, writing down Atarah's answers.

Atarah glanced around the small waiting room, surprised at how modern the room looked. She had imagined the doctor's office would be archaic, but not quite Biblical times era.

They didn't have long to wait before she was called in. Rivkah stood; she would possibly need to translate.

Sheila glanced at Rivkah and stood as well, following Atarah into the doctor's office.

The doctor's hair was salt & pepper grey, light brown eyes crinkling at the corners, his smile warm. He gestured with his hand for Atarah to sit on the examination table, checking her vitals first. He knew Shaul well, giving Atarah a physical as a bonus. She appeared healthy. Then he turned his attention to the baby, gently prodding her stomach before placing his stethoscope on the round expanse.

Atarah's eyes misted as he turned on the monitor, her baby's heartbeat filling the room. Rivkah brushed tears suddenly filling her eyes, not noticing the doctor's frown.

"Have you had an ultrasound?"

"No," Atarah was embarrassed.

"I'll return in just a moment," he let the stethoscope dangle from his neck once more.

"I hope everything is alright," Atarah twisted a ringlet between her fingers, "I was a little worried when he frowned."

"We will find out soon enough. It is probably nothing," Sheila crossed her legs.

She was an expert at this, having borne five children.

The doctor bustled into the room a moment later, rolling a machine in front of him.

"Would you like to know the sex of your baby?"

He squeezed cold gel on Atarah's stomach.

Atarah glanced over at Rivkah. Was there a rule she didn't know about? Another law? What would Josiah have wanted? Rivkah didn't catch her "look," remaining silent.

"I think I should wait," Atarah nipped her lower lip for a second, uncertain, "My husband isn't here and I'd like us to find out together."

Josiah had already missed out on so much.

The doctor nodded, moving the wand-type instrument he held in his hand, pushing down hard, his frown deepening.

"Ah, that explains..."

The doctor smiled broadly down at Atarah.

"Adonai has blessed you with twins."