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"We need to talk," Adelaide crossed the room, touching Jaira's elbow. "Alone," she lowered her voice.
Jaira nodded as they stepped outside out of earshot.
Adelaide wasn't sure where to begin.
"So ya, last night when you were gone we were talking and one thing led to another but Gavin decided we are going to be moving to the island after we get back home."
"What? You're just going to get up and leave! What about the church? The ministry? Have you prayed about this?"
Jaira's voice grew sharp as her thoughts tumbled over each other. How would Gavin's rash decision affect her? There was no way she could afford the rent on her own so what were her options? Being shipped back to Quebec? Gavin had been selfish. Things were just going good for Jaira and now... She must be dreaming.
Adelaide sighed, "It's true. Gavin is already making arrangements. The boys have agreed to help us move. I thought you should know."
An afterthought, Jaira scowled.
"I honestly never expected you to leave. What about the church? Gavin is in the band and..."
What about me? What about my ministry? Have you thought of anyone but yourselves?
But she bit her tongue. There was no point in being so brutally honest and have them get rid of her even sooner. She had to be wise and that meant keeping her mouth shut for now at least.
"Does Atarah know? What does she think?"
Adelaide shook her head.
"No, Mom said it is best not to tell Atarah. I think Mom wants her to find out herself, so don't you dare breathe a word of this."
Jaira nodded. She couldn't wait another moment to send a text to Terrell but Adelaide had other plans.
"I invited Azrael back with us. It will give Atarah a break and the cousins will have that much longer."
Add insult to injury, but just maybe, the fact she was barren might not be her fault. Just maybe it was William who was dried up. Once the ink dried on her divorce papers, she would be free to remarry. Just maybe Terrell would give her the children she longed for.
"ADDY TOLD ME SHE LET you in on what is happening," Sheila cornered Jaira on her way upstairs to retrieve her cell phone.
"Ya, so what made you guys think of this all of a sudden?" Jaira frowned.
"We aren't getting younger you know, and it is your Dad's prayer that his children will live nearby again. Having you all so far apart is very hard for him."
Sheila glanced over her shoulder, noticing Adelaide walking towards them. She waited for a moment until they were all together before continuing.
"As you know, we've launched a ministry and we could really use your help. Jaira, we would like you to come with us. We even have room in our home for you so you wouldn't have to pay rent. Just you helping with the ministry and of course, the chores are payment enough. You're our daughter. I wouldn't tell William though. Give it time for you to get settled in and for heaven's sake, don't breathe a word of this to Arlana!"
Sheila slipped into calling Atarah by her old name.
"What is the deal with Arlana and Aziel going by different names anyway?"
"Oh, I have no idea. I'm guessing this was some kind of pre-wedding ceremony. Or a free way to change her name, although I would have thought she would have gone with Melissa. She always did like that name," Jaira surmised.
Adelaide frowned, "No, I don't think so. I think there was a lot more going on and I don't feel good about it."
"I'll go on Google and see if I can find any information. Too bad we weren't sitting closer to the front, I could barely hear a thing," Jaira pointed out, glancing up the stairs.
She really needed to speak with Terrell, but wasn't going to tell that to her mother.
Not yet anyway.
"ADELAIDE AND HER FAMILY are moving to Victoria Island after we return to Canada. I can't believe it! Never in my wildest dreams could I have seen that happening."
"What's your plan?"
Terrell sat on the mission steps, happy to hear from Jaira again, "My folks might let you stay at their place. I could ask."
"I don't know yet," Jaira answered truthfully. "I just found out myself. I don't want to go, but then my children are there. I'm really torn because I truly loved working at your family's mission. I finally felt fulfilled."
"Well, what if you don't have to stop? You could have the best of both worlds if you helped your dad's mission."
"I doubt he has a soup kitchen."
"You never know, but I'm dead serious Jaira. What if God is opening another door? Look, I'm going to make a few phone calls and see what I can do, but I might be able to help your folks move down and even stay for a few days to help your dad with the ministry. It's not like I don't know a thing or two about starting churches."
Terrell referred to his father and uncle who were both pastors and now his mother was a minister as well. He needed to call his boss and ask for a transfer, but he couldn't see that being a problem either. This might be a blessing in disguise.
"So what's happening over there? I'd love to be there with you. Fill me in!"
Jaira told him about the ceremony they'd been to the first day in and how Arlana and Aziel were going by new names since.
"Say what?! You do know what happened, don't you?"
"No, we were just saying it must be some kind of name changing ceremony or pre-wedding something-or-rather..."
"Ya, no... Arlana - Atarah, converted. She is fully a Jew now and so is the child. It sounds like she went Orthodox. Wow! I'm in shock! How are your family taking it? Oh right...you guys didn't know what was happening."
Jaira nearly dropped her phone.
"I'll talk with you later. I need to go to let my family know. Maybe they can stop this. I love you."
"Me too Baby, me too. I can't wait 'til you're back in my arms."
ADELAIDE DIDN'T COMPLETELY dislike Josiah. She was quiet and more of one to observe.
Jaira gushed the news to her sister, expecting her sister's reaction to be much different.
Instead, Adelaide just crossed her arms, "Where did you learn this from?"
"Terrell," Jaira answered truthfully.
"I am not sure if this information is correct. I don't like to entertain idle gossip, but even if this is true, what Atarah needs most is our prayer. In fact, so does Terrell and his family. Until they are baptized in Jesus' Name, they are not saved. I'm rather concerned about how close you are getting to the family - especially when you have a husband at home. That little stunt you pulled at the mission the other night, we still have to talk about when you get home. I know you are aware that the Spirit of God can leave you. Have you already forgotten how difficult it was for you to speak in tongues again? Is Terrell really worth losing your soul over?" Adelaide had turned the tables.
Jaira swallowed hard, "Well, at least he isn't a Jew."
Adelaide nodded, agreeing. There was more hope for Terrell getting saved than Josiah. Everyone knows how stubborn Jews are, her family firmly believing God had blinded their eyes when He rejected the covenant He made with them. Josiah was all but a lost cause.
"We will pray for Terrell, but I'm serious Jaira, you need to watch it or you will lose your soul. I think you need to head home when we get back. You've been away from William far too long and Satan has taken advantage of the situation. We tried to help you, but we never signed up to assist you in committing adultery."
Jaira lowered her head and from Adelaide's angle, it looked like she nodded. Satisfied her sister showed remorse, she glanced out the window.
"I'm going outside with Atarah and the children. Seriously consider what I've said. We can drop you off in Quebec on our way to the island. Your place is at your husband's side."