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Jaira wasn't one to sit idly by relying solely on prayer, and right now, every breath she took was laced with bitterness at Adelaide's heartless speech. It wasn't supposed to be about her and Terrell. The greater sin was Arlana's rejection of her faith. Adelaide might not want to hear it, but she knew someone who would: her father.
Jaira hadn't spent any one-on-one time with Mark since the funeral. She hesitated a moment, remembering what had happened after the wake, the dark secrets that had been shared. She felt herself shrug - they were all liars, just like Arlana. They all had agreed in their hatred of Jesus, or so that is what she had told Adelaide when she confided in her that they had met in secret after the wake.
She explained that she had been backslidden and didn't know any better. Adelaide, thankfully, had accepted that as a valid excuse for her involvement and fellowship with sinners, relatives or not.
Jaira had repented in tears as she told the story, stopping to emphasize certain parts for dramatic effect. If Adelaide wanted nothing to do with her relatives before, the result was that now she couldn't stomach the sight of them. How dare they tell such lies about her father?
Mark's youngest daughter smoothed her hair. She wanted to appear ultra-spiritual, as though she had a direct connection to God, and just maybe she did. After all, her grandfather had been a prophet. The prophetic might have been passed down through DNA.
"Dad, you have to talk to Arlana. She can't marry Josiah..." Jaira wrung her hands, "I am so worried about her soul."
Mark sat back, "I'll take care of it."
"How?" Jaira frowned but didn't question further. "How can I help? I'm afraid it is too late with the baby especially. She will never leave that Jew now!"
Jaira lowered her voice, "Remember how you didn't want a half black kid in our family, can you imagine what people will say now when they know your grandchild is half a Jew? And I heard...I heard that Aralana rejected Jesus. That is why everyone is calling her Atarah now. That thing we went to, that is when she denied Jesus. You do remember what the Bible says, don't you? Those who deny God before men, He will deny them in Heaven? This is serious Dad. Aralana has already lost her soul and you are going to have that thing for a grandkid."
Mark frowned. Jaira spoke the truth, but he wasn't going to share with her his thoughts. They were just putting up with this situation until they had their hands on Josiah's wealth. With his money, they could expand their ministry that much faster. It was a small price to pay. He hadn't acknowledged Aziel as his grandchild for years, why should this one be any different? That wasn't a problem at all as he had no intention of being a grandfather to a child who was under a curse from conception.
"Arlana will come with us and won't leave. Don't worry, she isn't as far gone as you think. With a little persuasion, she will be restored before God. Your Mom is already taking care of that."
Jaira frowned. "So Josiah is staying too?"
Mark steepled his fingers.
"Leave this to me, there is no need to worry. Thanks for reminding me, I have to make a phone call."
Mark swished her away with his hand, indicating that she needed to leave the room.
"I NEED TO MAKE A FEW arrangements with Mark before the guests begin arriving."
Josiah frowned, keeping his eyes on the road.
"Have you heard if anyone else will be coming to the wedding? Atarah's relatives? I know her mother had mentioned she had someone she wanted to perform the ceremony," he glanced over at Shaul for a brief moment, "I told Sheila we might be able to find a way for him to partake of parts of the service."
Shaul nodded, "I will go to the house directly after this and speak to her parents. Have you decided what you will do after the wedding?"
Wasn't the answer obvious?
Josiah cast his brother a sideways glance, his face flushing beneath his newly acquired tan. It hadn't taken much of the blazing Mediterranean sun to darken his fair complexion.
"I'll take Atarah to our new home and..."
He flushed, the conversation suddenly a little more than awkward.
Josiah had been meticulous in designing and building a home for his new bride, his wedding gift to her. He would not reveal the surprise until their wedding night.
Shaul interrupted, sparing his brother from further embarrassment, now aware the Josiah had completely misunderstood his question.
"What are your plans for after the naming ceremony? Will you be returning home? To Israel?"
"I still haven't decided. Yes, my heart wants to be here, but I have a ministry in Canada. We have our farms. There are things I need to take care of first."
"At least consider moving the family here. You have a home waiting here and the children should be raised here as well. Josiah, you must begin training soon...why won't you join me, my brother?"
Josiah gripped the wheel, "I have not made a final decision. It may be years before the temple is built and right now I am needed back in Canada."
Shaul nodded, respecting his brother's decision, even if mistaken.
ATARAH'S HEART SKIPPED a beat as Josiah's car pulled up to the side of the house. She was sitting watching the sunset after another sleepless night.
Shaul stepped out of the car, walking towards Atarah.
Azrael spotted him, instantly running across the yard.
"Uncle Shaul!" he cried out.
Lachlan had been playing a game of ball with the children and now he stopped, tossing the ball to Joshua to continue the game without him before walking toward the house.
Adelaide disappeared into the house as Atarah stood, greeting her brother-in-law.
"I'm glad you are here," Atarah smiled, "You're early...the wedding is not until Thursday."
"I'm here to meet with your parents," Shaul began as Lachlan reached them, "We need to finalize the wedding plans."
"I'll let Dad know you're here. Joshua, watch the kids for a bit okay?"
"Josiah wants to meet with you," he addressed Mark a few moments later, "He cannot see Atarah until the wedding day, so if you will come with me..."
Sheila raised an eyebrow.
"We'll meet him," she decided for the couple, following Shaul out to the car.
"This had better be good," Mark grumbled under his breath.
Their interest was in Josiah, not his brother.