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Atarah walked along the shore as her mother, father and grandmother linked arms, each holding a candle flicking against the night sky. Soft Israeli music played as Atarah slowed her steps to match her grandmother's. The moment was one to remember as Atarah approached her bridegroom.
The cantor sang as she stepped beneath the chuppah,
He Who understands the speech of the rose of thorns, the affection of lovers, the joy of the beloved, may He bless the bridegroom and the bride."
Atarah's parents and grandmother stood beside Rivkah as Atarah circled Josiah seven times, moving counterclockwise.
Rivkah's eyes sparkled as she understood the meaning behind Atarah's action. Eyes only on her husband, Atarah continued to circle him until she came to stand at his right hand after the seventh time. The cantor than sang:
O G-d, full of compassion, who dwells on high, grant true rest upon the wings of the Divine Presence, in the exalted spheres of the holy and pure, who shine as the resplendence of the firmament, to the soul of Aaron and Shaul who has gone to his supernatural world, for charity has been donated in remembrance of his soul; may his place of rest be in Gan Eden. Therefore, may the All-Merciful One shelter him with the cover of His wings forever, and bind his soul in the bond of life. The L-rd is his heritage; may he rest in his resting-place in peace; and let us say; Amen."
The Kohanim who were present came to the chuppah and offered a blessing upon the couple:
The L-rd spoke to Moses saying:
Speak to Aaron and his sons, saying: This is how you shall bless the children of Israel, saying to them:
"May the L-rd bless you and watch over you.
"May the L-rd cause His countenance to shine to you and grant you favour.
"May the L-rd raise His countenance toward you and grant you peace."
They shall bestow My Name upon the children of Israel so that I will bless them.
Shaul pronounced a blessing over a cup of wine he held.
Blessed are You, L-rd our G-d, King of the universe, who creates the fruit of the vine.
Blessed are You, L-rd our G-d, King of the universe, who has sanctified us with His commandments and commanded us concerning illicit marriages, forbidden to us the betrothed and permitted to us those who are married to us by the rite of chuppah and kiddushin. Blessed are You Lord, who sanctifies His people Israel through chuppah and kiddushin."
Josiah and Atarah took a sip from the same goblet, then Josiah turned to face Atarah.
"With this ring, you are consecrated to me according to the law of Moses and Israel," slipping a simple gold wedding band on her right-hand index finger.
Shual read the Kubah, the marriage contract between Josiah and Atarah then handed it to Josiah who gave it to Atarah.
Their friends and family who had been chosen to recite the blessings stood one by one under the chuppah each speaking the blessing in turn as they held a glass of wine.
Jared stood first, "Blessed are You, L-rd our G-d, King of the universe, who creates the fruit of the vine."
"Blessed are You, L-rd our G-d, King of the universe, who has created all things for His glory." Isaac, Atarah's brother, spoke next.
Mark joined in at Josiah's previous request, "Blessed are You, L-rd our G-d, King of the universe, Creator of man."
Atarah's uncle, Steven, rose next, "Blessed are You, L-rd our G-d, King of the universe, who created man in His image, in the image of His likeness He fashioned his form, and prepared for him from his own self an everlasting edifice. Blessed are You L-rd, Creator of man."
Gavin continued the blessing, "May the barren one, Jerusalem, rejoice and be happy at the ingathering of her children to her midst in joy. Blessed are You L-rd, who gladdens Zion with her children"
"Grant abundant joy to these loving friends, as You bestowed gladness upon Your created being in the Garden of Eden of old. Blessed are You L-rd, who gladdens the groom and bride." Josiah's cousin Judah continued.
David followed, "Blessed are You, L-rd our G-d, King of the universe, who created joy and happiness, groom and bride, gladness, jubilation, cheer and delight, love, friendship, harmony and fellowship. L-rd our G-d, let there speedily be heard in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem the sound of joy and the sound of happiness, the sound of a groom and the sound of a bride, the sound of exultation of grooms from under their chuppah, and youths from their joyous banquets. Blessed are You L-rd, who gladdens the groom with the bride."
David smiled having had a hand in their meeting.
Josiah removed her veil before they sipped from the wedding cup.
Shaul wrapped the glass goblet they had used when drinking the betrothal wine then handed it to Josiah who laid it on the floor, then smashed it with his foot. Even in the midst of joy, they remembered the destruction of the temple.
"Mazel tov!"
Well-wishers greeted them as Josiah led Atarah to the Yichud. It was a small, private room where Rivkah had set up some food for the newly married couple. They sat together, finally alone breaking their day-long fast.
"Ani ohev otah'," Josiah murmured, "I love you."
He kissed her fingers as he translated.
Atarah blushed, "I love you too, Josiah."
JOSIAH ENTWINED HIS fingers with his bride's, leading her to a waiting car.
Adelaide held back, much too shy to dance. In fact, none of Atarah's relatives joined the revelry.
Azrael stood with his cousins, rubbing his eyes.
"Congratulations," Adelaide offered as her sister approached.
Jaira, her brothers and parents didn't congratulate Atarah.
They refused to lie.
Atarah hugged her son exceptionally close, realizing he would be leaving.
"Be a good boy," she blinked back tears, not wanting to tell him just yet about their separation.
Atarah wasn't sure how he was going to take it.
"...my Savta," Azrael pulled away, smiling up at Rivkah as he held his hand out to the woman approaching.
A pang of jealousy shot through Sheila's chest. It was her own fault Azrael didn't feel close to her. How could he when they'd rejected him for the first three years of his life? Sheila was more determined than ever she'd not make the same mistake with the new grandchildren, leaving no room for regret.
Josiah suddenly swept Atarah up into his arms, his intention clear.
"Goodnight, thank you for taking care of Azrael for us," he called over his shoulder, his eyes on his bride as he strode to the car.
ATARAH'S HUSBAND STEPPED out of the car, walking around to the passenger's side. Opening the door, he held out his hand for his very pregnant bride, drawing her into his arms a moment before kissing her under the moonlight.
Josiah's kiss was passionate, yet contained a promise. Gentle and tender, yet hungry and wild as though in a single, never-ending kiss he declared, "I am all you have ever needed."
Ashamed of her once fickle heart - the doubts she had entertained in the past, Atarah clung to her husband, giving him her entire heart and loyalty while accepting all Josiah offered: his heart and devotion. It was enough, their universe spinning in orbit as their tongues waltzed.
Atarah was barely aware of the moment Josiah lifted her off the ground, drowning in his passion for her as he held her against his chest. He walked the short distance to the front door of a sprawling, two-story house, Atarah's arms wrapped around his neck before he raised his head to look down at his wife.
"Welcome Home, Atarah," he continued kissing her deeply as he crossed the threshold, carrying her directly up to the stairs to the bedroom.
It felt like it had been an eternity since he had last touched her.
"You are so lovely," he breathed, leaning over her, trailing kisses down her neck. "Do you know I love you?"
ATARAH SIGHED AS JOSIAH prepared for his morning prayers. He was gorgeous and satisfied her completely. Why had she struggled so much to accept his claim on her? She was clearly desired and loved - what more could any woman ask for?
As if reading her thoughts, Josiah emerged from the washroom, hair damp from his shower. Leaning over the bed, he brushed her lips with a tender kiss before turning to get dressed, setting her heart aflutter with a wink.
Wearing a pressed white shirt and black dress pants, he walked across the room to the window facing the Western Wall, raising his tallit over his head. Josiah was once again the man she had known over the past few months, solemn and deeply religious. His passion could easily have been just her imagination and yet, looking at the man before her and his dedication, her heart fluttered.
Lifting a chocolate brown dress over her hips, she fastened the buttons before entering the washroom to wash her hands and repeat the prayers Rivkah had taught her. Finishing, she wrapped a white tichel over her hair before joining her husband, standing at his side.
Josiah looked down at his bride, lifting his tallit to cover her head as well, creating a canopy over them as he prayed.
Atarah stood with her back resting against her husband, head bowed and eyes closed as they greeted the dawn with prayer, standing together like Daniel of old at the window facing Jerusalem.
JOSIAH CONCLUDED THE prayers, lowering the tallit about his shoulders before leading Arlana to the dining room, aware she needed to eat.
He pulled out a chair for Atarah then sat directly across from her. Bowing his head, he blessed their breakfast before looking up.
"Are you happy, Precious?"
Atarah reached out her hand for her husband, needing to touch him.
"You make me more than happy," her face flushed the shade of an English rose, confessing her heart, "I didn't realize how much I need you...."
Josiah tilted her chin, not responding, choosing instead to show Atarah how much she was loved as he looked deep within her eyes.
"Ah My Heart, I'm here now..."
Right now all she wanted was to basque in her husband's love. She tilted her chin, reaching up to draw his head down. They kissed slowly, no need to rush as they savoured the moment as newlyweds.
"You need to eat," he tenderly stroked her womb, reluctantly pulling away from her.
Atarah waited for Josiah to take a seat, finally paying attention to where they were about to eat. Bowls of fruit were laid out in beautiful, hand-painted dishes, floor to ceiling windows letting in the sunrise.
"This house is gorgeous..." Atarah breathed as he dished out fruit on a plate for her.
Josiah's eyes sparkled in the early sunlight streaming through the window.
"I'm glad it pleases you," he set her plate down, holding a piece of the fruit to her lips, then lowered his head, kissing her gently. "I had it built for you when I was away," he sat down next to her.
"This house is yours?" Atarah's eyes widened.
Josiah shook his head, "No, Sweetheart, it is ours."
He watched a myriad of emotions flit across her face, eyes moist with unshed tears.
Yes, she liked it.
"Thank you," she breathed.
"After breakfast, I'd like to show you something," Josiah didn't want to spoil the surprise.
They ate slowly, then he concluded their meal with another prayer.
Atarah rose, bringing the dishes to the sink, but Josiah had forgotten about the surprise, unfastening the back of her dress.
Lifting her in his arms, he skipped the stairs two at a time.
"I thought you had a surprise for me," Atarah laughed as he placed her on their bed, reaching up to unbutton his shirt.
"It can wait," he kissed her over and over again.
ATARAH DUG HER FINGERS into Josiah's flexing muscles as he moved over her, gripping her hips, as she cried out in sudden agony.
Josiah looked down at Atarah attempting to focus through the haze of passion and what he could only imagine euphoria must be like. He was trying to be gentle but must have forgotten in his longing for her.
Forcing himself to stop, he struggled to catch his breath, heart hammering as he hovered over her.
"Are you alright?" Josiah gasped, lowering his head to brush a kiss across her lips, her damp hair spilling across the pillow.
Sweet agony.
He still held Atarah in his arms as he sat up.
"It's time," she winced, catching her breath.
They weren't ready and it was the most inopportune time, both desperate for the release of pent up passion, but when she cried out after another wave of pain, he knew it was serious.
Leaping off the bed, he scooped her up in his arms striding down the hall to the room his mother had instructed him to prepare as a birthing room. He laid her down on the blankets, draping a sheet over her glistening limbs, affording her some modesty.
"I'm calling Mother, I'll be right back." Josiah called over his shoulder as he ran to their bedroom, grabbing his pants and phone.
"It's time," he informed Rivkah as soon as she answered the phone. "Yes, I have her in the room, but I don't know what else to do."
"Bring her some ice chips. I will be there in a few minutes," Rivkah was breathless. "She is early."
Josiah rubbed the back of his neck - guilty.
"I'VE GOT TO GO. SEE you soon."
"I'm going to get you some ice," Josiah stood in the doorway a moment, fastening his shirt, "Mother is on her way."
"I need to get to the hospital," Atarah's voice came out in ragged breaths.
"No, you are having our child here, didn't Mother tell you?"
"What?!" Atarah's eyes widened, turning as pale as a ghost. "I can't!"
"Atarah, we are Levites and have always been born at home. We cannot have hospital births as we are not permitted any contact with death."
She frowned, barely listening. This was not the time to teach her new rules.
"I can't Josiah..." Atarah stammered as another contraction hit, "We are having twins. This birth will kill me..."
Josiah's face paled a moment before Rivkah bustled into the room.
"Do you have the ice? Okay go now, we need to get down to business."