Writing a book you hope will be read by millions is a team project. I’d like to thank Dan Kennedy, from whom I have learned so much about business and life. Dan, it was you who taught me, “If you don’t offend someone by noon each day, you’re not doing much,” words of wisdom that have given me the courage to forge ahead in my fight against ignorance and misinformation.
I am deeply grateful to Nelson Nash for his pioneering work over several decades with the Infinite Banking Concept. Nelson, you are a national treasure, and without you, this book would not exist. You have changed many lives, including my own, forever and for the better.
I owe enormous thanks to Lynn Kent for her untiring and invaluable assistance with the preparation of this book. And to Aurael Christall for her expert editorial support.
It was my husband, Larry Hayward, who first encouraged me to write this book and who has supported me lovingly and unselfishly in every way possible. I love and adore you, Larry, and appreciate your tolerance of the rather challenging aspects of my creative process and my admittedly quirky work habits.
Thanks also to Roger Bell and Gordon Golini, who have provided valuable technical support. If they ever got tired of my seemingly endless questions, they did not let it show.
I wish to thank the Bank On Yourself Authorized Advisors for their invaluable feedback and support in preparing this book. Their courage and dedication to pushing back the tide of ignorance surrounding B.O.Y. is inspiring. A very special thank-you goes to Scott Adamson, for his creativity, friendship, and unending support. Scott, thank you for being there for me! Without Tim Austin, the Bank On Yourself Authorized Advisor training program wouldn’t exist. Thank you, Tim, for your integrity and expertise. You are truly one in a million!
I am profoundly grateful to my sister, Wendy Yellen, for her very valuable feedback on this book and for introducing me to Eidetics, a process that has helped me immensely in every way—physically, psychologically, emotionally, and spiritually. Thanks also to my Eidetic coaches, Leslie Dagnall and Dr. Akhter Ahsen.
This would be a very different book had it not been for the insightful contributions and talents of my collaborator, Bill Simon, who brought creativity and vitality to a subject that might otherwise have been a little dry. Bill, thanks for holding my feet to the fire, giving me brutally honest feedback, and helping turn this into a book that far exceeded my expectations.
A big thank-you goes to my brilliant book agent, Bill Gladstone, and his associate, Ming Russell, and to the team at Vanguard Publishing: Publisher Roger Cooper, for his vision in publishing a book that flies in the face of conventional wisdom; Associate Publisher Georgina Levitt; and the support of the Editorial and Marketing departments.
And last, but certainly not least, I wish to thank those who agreed to share the intimate details of their Bank On Yourself journeys in this book and the many folks who have implemented Bank On Yourself in their lives. Your willingness to keep an open mind and to look beyond the conventional thinking about money and finances is an inspiration to us all.